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About Locomotive

  • Birthday 10/20/1969

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  • Location
    Shawnee, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Boating, Fishing, Tinker. Boobs
  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Yamaha Venture XVZ 1300
  1. Anyone have a rear rotor for my 86 that they want to sell? Mine is kaput!
  2. Well I have bled the brakes many times and i do not have any air in the system. Still have the grab and slip issue. Only thing i can think of is maybe it is the composition of the new pads. Different brand that what i had origionally but the material looks the same. Never had this issue with the old set of brakes so i doubt i have a warped rotor. 2 pistons were sticking but i was able to break them free and popped all of them out for a cleaning. The seals were still good and leak no fluid at all.
  3. bone stock pads and still bleeding off air
  4. I replaced my rear pads and discovered 2 pistons were stuck. Removed the caliper and removed each piston. Had a little gunk to remove from each piston and now it works great. After i replaced the pads i have noticed that they seem to grab and slip a little. Very noticable especially when using the rear to slow down at high speed. Never had this happen with the old brakes. Dont know if the rotor is bent or the brake pads need to set. Any ideas?
  5. I have noticed slippage from what i think is the clutch when i shift from 1st to 2nd under hard acceleration (full throttle). If i back off the throttle it is ok, seems like it grabs then it is good to go. This also will happen going from 2nd to 3rd but only under the same conditions. I usually ride conservatively but sometimes I like to hit it once in awhile for a little stress relief. My bike has 30,000 miles on it and it is an 86 model. Time for a new clutch? If that is needed then I take it that it will need new springs and a pressure plate also. How tough will it be to get to the slave cyl that seems to be buried in the block, since i will rebuild this also?
  6. I finally had time to do a few things to my bike and one of them was to tighten up the head bearings. Now the wobble is gone but the bike seems to wander a bit on the road. Im thinking that i tightened the nut a little too mutch. What is the best way to know just how tight the steering bearings have to be ? I had my bike on the centerstand when i adjusted mine but i gave the nut a little extra snugness and that might be where the problem lies. Any ideas ?
  7. I changed the oil on my bike yesterday. It took exactly one gallon of oil. I noticed that the oil darkened quite a bit after I let the bike run for a few minutes. There must be alot of oil that cannot be drained in the tranny/crankcase during a routine oil change. I believe that the bottom bolt on the tranny also will drain the oil from the tranny but mine is hard to get to. Any suggestions on how to get rid of that last bit of oil or do I just ride and get used to having a bit of old oil mixed in with the new?
  8. Im only up to 29,000 on my 86
  9. Im not happy with my stock headlight. Thinking about a xenon or a hid conversion kit costs around 125.00. Any other bulbs i should try before i spend the money on one of these kits?
  10. Bought a new battery for the scoot today but it seems like the starter is dragging. Last fall my battery bit the dust so I thought the slow crank was because of the battery. Starts slow and the battery is giving all it has. New battery is charged fully. Maybe time to tear down the starter and clean it up inside? Any ideas?
  11. If ya want more power get a first gen:cool10::cool10: If ya want more speed get a first gen:cool10::cool10: . If you spend a few bucks you can do some mods to the engine but then you open a whole can of worms and reliability will be a potential issue. Hey for 1200 bucks it is worth a try but you will need to port the heads so they will flow better and deliver more air to the combustion chamber. Be careful and have fun
  12. The battery on my 86 venture stranded me the other day. After i got a jump start i rode home and shut the bike off. I decided to see if the battery had enough juice to start the bike and of course it did. I was able to start the bike many times with a hot engine. After the bike sat for a week i went to start it and it cranked a bit then that was all. I guess i have a weak battery as i do not know how old it is. I have noticed that the volt gauge says around 14 or 16 volts when im riding but i notice a dimming of the lights when i hit the brakes. I guess that the stator puts out more amps at say 3500 rpm's versus 1500 or 2000 rpm's. I will replace the battery next spring but could a weak stator be part of the problem also?
  13. Save yourself a few bucks and buy mobil one 10/40 or 15/50 if you want syn. Rotella T syn in 5/40 is a good bet also and you can get it at any truck stop or Wal Mart.
  14. If you have questions about friction modifiers go to www.bobistheoilguy for answers.
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