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vmax thumper

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About vmax thumper

  • Birthday 12/29/1966

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  • Location
    ONALAKSA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
  1. Thanks I will Check both out! any other ideas would be great!
  2. Front Crash Guards, and the cowling that goes around them. Also right air box and tube that connects to the tee in the air inlet system.
  3. I will put those later today. Any recommendations on a good salvage yard with Gen 2 parts in the nation? I have a number of emails out to vendor and no replies.
  4. :mytruck1:Just bought a 2004 Venture Midnight. Need some work but runs and drives. Looking for some parts.
  5. Just wondering if anyone had any comments on the web site? {good bad or whatever}. I know you will be honest Thanks Todd
  6. Oops, My Bad, Going to fast again. Todd
  7. Hi everyone, haven't been on for a while, been busy working on a new project that myself and 2 others guys have come up with. It's called RollingSpoke.com. It is dedicated to friends and family {the same} who ride and also Want to help others Thru hard times {sickness, injury} just drop an email to us and we will post it for free. This is a personal project that hit close to home for allot of us when one of our family is down. I hope this doesn't offend any one that I posted it here but I just wanted to get the word out to the people who do the most for anyone involved with the VentureRider.org web site. Please let me know what you think and what we can do to improve it. WWW.ROLLINGPOKE.COM Thanks Todd Hanson Vmax Thumper
  8. Periods of snow. High near 13. Wind chill values as low as -5. East wind between 3 and 7 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Total daytime snow accumulation of 3 to 5 inches possible. Getting know my snowblower quite personally this year!
  9. ANY ONE KNOW IF THESE WILL FIT MY 87 VENTURE ROYAL? seen these on ebay this morning 83-85 Yamaha XVZ1200 Venture Lighted Brake Rotor Covers.
  10. Thanks Dan for the Ebay lead! Does anyone know if 83-85 floor boards are the same or will fit a 1987? Thanks for the heads up on the floor board position I am 6' with a 36" inseam so this might not be a good idea.
  11. Thanks for the tip. I will do that.
  12. I was going thru some of the gallery and saw that some of the 1st Gens have floor boards instead of pegs for the driver, was this an option that could be specail ordered with ROYAL pkg? Does any one have any or where can I look for some, also is there a rocker shifter {heel toe} that goes with this?
  13. THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP !!! Im not sure what I did but it works now:whistling:! I thought` I checked all the mute buttons but maybe not, I blame it on a sticky switch??????. Hope everyone has a great week! I wont be around the pc for about 10 days. Everyone ride safe! Thank again!
  14. tried that no luck, I was going thru the service manual on line and they say that possibly the amp block is bad? any one else had this happen?
  15. HELP,!!! I just got my radio back from my Dads house {he was repairing the mount plate cracked where the lower bar goes accross} and plugged it into the dash and it lights up goes to correct stations but very little sound comes out of the speakers! have to have it up full blast to hear anything out of the speakers. Leaving for SD,BLack hills ride this friday at 1pm. any Ideas on tunes?
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