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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. I sent that book (Leanings) to someone on here about a year or so ago. I wonder if it's my copy? That would be cool if it was. By the way. It is a good book.
  2. "Not Suitable For Garmin GPS Units" Leaves me out.
  3. Gibvel, I can't recall as I'm not home to look at the package. When I go outside I'll see if I can find the brand but I don't believe it's visible.
  4. I am on my 30 day ride thru the New England states right now. The wife joined me by flying in and renting a car. She followed me to Bar Harbor for a few days then followed me to Camden where we're staying. She leaves today and I'll resume riding. A few months ago I added a new LED light strip on the back of the bike as well as some other goodies. This strip has three lights that stay on full time and about 5 others light up very bright when I apply the brakes. During bothe times the wife has followed me it has been very sunny. She said that she often cannot even see the stock brake light but the new strip is very visible, even in the sun. She thinks I need to fix that right away but she also knows the LED provides good protection/warning. Just an FYI in case anyone was thinking of adding any lights back there. DO IT.
  5. I'm always a little leery about using a site such as this. Anyway to tell if there is any spyware or anything malicious attached?
  6. I'm in North Conway, NH at a Holiday Inn Express. I was walking just now to the local Rite Aid when I found a Venture parked at the store. It has a Quebec tag on it and has a trailer attached. Anyone from this site?
  7. Yeah. Don't make me or Don tell youze guys again.
  8. That is so sad. Anything we can do?
  9. Thanks Saltydawg. Will have to explore that a little further.
  10. Bigfoot

    Florida info.

    Who needs Google with members like ours.
  11. Amen to that. The textile jacket I have is indeed hot but has some good vents. I am wearing it as it is also waterproof without the liner. It's a Fieldsheer Kathmandu. If I do go down no one can say I didn't have all the gear on. I even wear the textile pants.
  12. Sounded good until I saw this on one of the posts from a user. They will last about 2 1/2 - 3 hours per charge. If I take a long ride I carry a small ice chest and keep the spare pack of cool packs in it. They will recharge in ice water in about 20 min I'm riding at least 6-8 hours a day and don't have room to also carry a cooler with me. I guess for commuting in hot weather this would be a nice product.
  13. Don't bother wasting your money on a cooling vest. If you wear anything other than a mesh jacket they are a waste of money. I've tried two now and the one I just tried is being shipped back home. I'm on my 30 day ride and using a textile jacket. The vest is supposed to be a 2 day vest but within an hour I took it off. It was nothing but damp and clammy. No cooling effect whatsoever. I was dying today in the 90 degree weather with the textile but the textile is also waterproof so I'll stick with it. I'm assuming the vest will work with the mesh but not certain as I don't have it with me.
  14. Okay, showing my dummy side here. I'm leaving for my 30 day ride this Saturday and would like to post pictures and maybe a few lines once in a while for friends and family to follow me. Any suggestions on sites that are user friendly? Thanks
  15. You don't usually hear it unless it's a rider with a loud irritating exhaust. For some reason they think everyone will want to hear it.
  16. Bigfoot

    I WON!!!

    I was wondering the same thing. I know we feel like kicking ass out on the road but rarely does anything good come out of it.
  17. Wow. So sad for the family. I try and walk a few miles every other day and I walk alongside a 4 lane residential road on the sidewalk. I walk halfway down one side and turn to come back at a set point. Just up the street I see a very large branch laying on a crushed chain link fence. This was a huge brance and ruined a 10 foot section of fence. I just walked under there and missed it by only seconds/minutes. Don't know if it would have killed me or not but it certainly would have hurt big time. You just never know.
  18. Thanks WilCruise. Appreciate it.
  19. Although women should indeed use caution at shopping malls as well as everywhere else when in public by themselves the above did not happen. This story has been around a while with numerous variations of the story.
  20. Here is a pic of mine of Mt. Washington from the road in front of the entrance. We obviously didn't drive it this day. This was Jan 09.
  21. Thanks Craig. I'm leaving Va. Aug 1 and will do PA for the first couple days. If you're around I might take you up on your offer. Thanks, Wayne
  22. Thanks. I'm doing NY and CT so you never know.
  23. I am leaving Sat. Aug 1 for my ride thru the New England States. Just wondering if anyone would be willing to share a contact name/number if you live in these states in the event I need to call and ask for advice. I'm referring to if I break down or some other emergency. I have Allstate roadplan so the tow is not a problem. Just trying to prepare in the event I cannot access the internet and I need to ask for advice on shop locations ETC. Please feel free to PM me if you'd rather not post here. Name, number and state would be appreciated. Thanks all
  24. Got my new Clearview Shields installed today. Wasn't quite as easy as some said but overall not too bad. Just an FYI. I bought a blemished one due to the speed I needed it and I still can't find the blemish. Got it for 20% off. Also had the vent included. I took it out for a quick spin and even though it's shorter than the stock there seemed to be less wind buffeting around the head area and it seemed quieter overall. One thing that surprised me what how much damage there is around the fairing where the shield was mounted before. I took the word of someone else and saw it for the first time today. It looked like whoever installed the stock shield put the bolts in way too tight. Most of the fairing was broken/cracked. Hopefully the bolts will hold it in place.
  25. The wife and I did MT. Washington in a cage and loved it. If you're afraid of heights then be careful. Once up about halfway there are no guardrails and some huge drops. The wife was almost in my seat a few times. There were a number of bikes there with some 2 up so it can be done. Just make sure your brakes are in good working condition.
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