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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Twenty inches of snow last week here in VA but rain this weekend.
  2. When I did my 30-day trip in August I became very good at packing my bags. I could roll up my XXL shirts and stuff pretty darn small and was amazed at what fit in the bags. I may have been able to put a few more things in the saddlebags but the convenience of picking up the packed bags was nice.
  3. The brand is Hopnel. Here's a link and I believe they are the same bags. I didn't get the trunk bag though. http://www.motoleather.com/hosaandtrbag.html
  4. Ben, I don't have those particular bags but I did buy a set for my retirement ride last August. I was glad I had them and they worked well. I could pack quite a bit in them and it made it nice just grabbing the handles and carrying my gear into the hotels. I still use at least one every time I do even an overnighter on the bike.
  5. Thanks Don.
  6. Just wondering if once it's time to renew our $12.00 here do we get some kind of notification or do we just hopefully remember?
  7. Has anyone ever replaced the pull chain on a ceiling fan? It's the chain controlling the fan. It's broken off inside so there's nothing to attach another chain to. I know i've seen a small replacement part at Home Depot's but are they really standard and one size fits all?
  8. 20 inches at least in my yard.
  9. As the former K9 trainer for a large LE unit take my word when I say there is nothing that will take out the odor 100% right away. The skunk be gone stuff works better than tomato juice or any home remedy. If it's a direct shot then several washings will be necessary. All of our dogs are sprayed at some point in their career with some getting multiple sprayings. Skunk spray is one of the most foul smelling things you can imagine. Just keep washing them and eventually the odor will diminish and go away.
  10. The Following Monday Morning, The Woman Was Called In Front OfTheArraignment Judge, Sworn In, And AskedTo Explain Her Actions. When I got to this part I knew it was a fake. No one can be called in like this after a possible crime to explain themselves to a judge. Talk about legal issues.
  11. I prefer a newspaper in hand but this is a neat web site if you like reading newspapers online. Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger....you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. You can spend hours here. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course). AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.
  12. Oh come on now. Regardless of cultural differences everyone knows when something is over the line. I for one want to keep this site clean and free of porn or jokes/pics that cross the line. I enjoy the funny dirty stories and pics as much as the next guy but there are plenty of sites on the web for that. This is basically a site, in my humble opinion anyway, a place where family members can sit down and view without being offended.
  13. December 07, 1941. The day Pearl Harbor was attacked. May we never forget.
  14. Tell her she's more than welcome here and we'll treat her like family. Good luck over there and keep your head low.
  15. That area is fine with me. Just provide a name and address and time you can be there.
  16. Yeah. The mechanic talked about the slave issue and thinks this might be the culprit. (Whatever this is) Also talked about a worse case situation needing a rebuild kit for the master cylinder which he didn't believe based on our conversation on the phone.
  17. I talked to one of the mechanics today by phone and explained what was happening. He remembers my bike and has a couple ideas on what the problem is. This is a new dealership and he did something none other has. He basically admitted that maybe they misdiagnosed it the first time and that of course they will do the work with all money spent on the first repair going to the new fix. I realize it's the right thing to do anyway but how many of us have been to shops where they would do anything possible to find something different and charge you even more. For those in the area Coleman's comes to mind. Riderduke. I may not need to meet with you on Saturday now. I'm taking the bike in and hopefully will have it back by Friday. If you, Longing_4_South_Carolina and any others close by want to get together for a meet and greet on Saturday around 1PM or so I'm game. I'll even come down your way.
  18. I know I am stating the obvious to all here but it needs to be said again. I belong to several MC forums and none, and I mean none, are anywhere near the caliber of this one. The other sites have areas such as Politics/Religion, NSFW areas and others that more often than not turn into slugfests with members being banned and members ignoring one another. Hell, I even exploded recently at someone who basically said the police officers killed in Washington asked for it. Don has done a fine job with this forum and I hope it's around forever. Kudos to him as well as to the mods for keeping the place running sharp. The members here are quick to come to the aid of others and no question looking for advice ever goes unanswered. I am proud to be a member of this fine group of men and women.
  19. RR, My issue with it not working though has been the last 2 days where it was around freezing. Once everything was all warmed up it seemed to work fine. No mechanic here so just throwing things back at you guys.
  20. There is just no end to mans depravity. If someone is willing to kill a cop in cold blood then imagine what they could do to others without any thought.
  21. Riderduke, Thanks for the generous offer. I am available all day Saturday but tied up on Sunday. Please let me know. Thanks, Wayne
  22. Yes they did. At least I only assume they did it correctly.
  23. Several weeks ago I went out for a day long ride and the Venture clutch was acting up. When I started it and put it in gear with the clutch in the bike would try and roll. If I held the brake in it would kill the bike. I had much trouble getting into neutral as well. I took it into the shop thinking the clutch cable had gone bad. They called the next day saying the fluid was dirty and needed changing but the clutch was fine. Skip to the last 2 days. The wife gave me her blessings for me to take a 3 day ride starting yesterday and coming back on Monday. My goal was to tour WV and southern Va. On both cold mornings (Sat and Sun) the clutch was way too easy to depress when I forst started. When started it would try and take off as soon as I started it and put it in gear, even with the clutch depressed. I had to pump the clutch for a couple minutes today until it felt somewhat normal. I took off thinking all was well. I stopped 30 minutes later to look at something and noticed the bike was trying to roll with the bike in first gear and me clutching the clutch lever. I decided to turn around and come home. Within another hour the clutch was working great andnot a single problem with it. Anyone ever experience anything like this?
  24. I'm not sure the constitution specifically allows for MC riders to use a car tire on their bike but it certainly is your choice. Based on what I've read over the years I wouldn't do it but you never know about the future. If something definitive comes out showing its huge benefits over a MC tire then I'd do it. Of course this would have to be a study completed by a DISinterested person/group and not from other riders or tire manufacturers.
  25. I've hesitated getting this mod done to my seat because I don't feel the tailbone is the problem. I did 330 miles today from Va into WVA. The last 50 miles or so really were hurting but the pain seems more in the butt cheeks. I'm 6'5 and 275 so my rear is pretty good size. It seems the seat just isn't wide enough for someone my size.
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