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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. I hope you don't follow this advice. The minimum wage cleaning person or some other undeserving person will have to clean this up. Not the so called mechanic who screwed up your bike.
  2. Too much information.
  3. We gave that to our daughter and son in law and they like it. Of course he's a Marine and stays in great shape anyways but they still like the Wii. Good luck with the weight for the 10 year reunion. 10 year reunion? Holy crap you are a kid.
  4. I hope this site never sees a political section. There are plenty of forums out there with plenty of political sections. I have been on some other MC forums that were ruined or nearly ruined by political discussions. This is a forum where all are welcome and serious disagreements are rare. I've been involved in a heated debate here and was shut down. No big deal. It keeps the place enjoyable for all.
  5. I'd support this. I belong to another forum and this is what they'll do when an inappropriate post is made. As long as the majority of the thread is going good it could work. Just MHO.
  6. I sat in the Tribeca B9 today. Looked good and all the recommendations are good but it's too small for me. Driver side wasn't too bad, actually pretty good but the paassenger side was way too tight. My right shoulder rested on the door frame. I'm now looking at the 2007 Tundra.
  7. I'm heading out here shortly to look at a used Tribeca. Sounds like it might be a good fit for me.
  8. I am looking to purchase a used vehicle and have been looking for a pick up or SUV. I prefer larger vehicles due to my size but I'm getting frustrated due to the costs. I'd like something one to two years old. I haven't purchased a new vehicle since 1985. I've never been a fan of Subarus but I would like 4X4 or AWD like the Subaru. Does the Subaru make a vehicle big enough for tall/big people or are all of them likely to be too small? I've never been in one so I really know nothing about them.
  9. No matter what is said when it all comes down it is still just a game played by a bunch of over sized well paid men. Bad calls are a part of sports and there were a couple last night. Life goes on. I just hope the super bowl is a good game and not a blow out.
  10. I agree with you Condor but I am glad for the city of New Orleans. After Katrina they deserve something like this. I have family (in-laws) in Minnesota though that are seriously depressed right now. I really was hoping the Jets would win only because I don't want the Colts back in the SB. Time for some new champions.
  11. Beer30 was a scholar and gentleman.
  12. I'm not a fan of the Vikings or Saints but the Saints can thank the refs for the win. A couple bad calls there at the end. That said, the Vikings made some big mistakes with the fumbles and interceptions so they probably didn't deserve to win anyway. Should be a good Super Bowl.
  13. You missed it Wanderer. We got Ben (Gamecock) putting on some assless chaps in the middle of the restaurant. It was quite a sight. Actually we had a good time and Ben kep his rear end covered. Beer30 drove up from North Carolina. Everyone else was from VA. (I think) from as far away as Roanoke. My hour ride seemed puny compared to some of the others.
  14. Have you ever asked a question and once you got the answers you wished you'd have kept your big mouth closed? Well that's me now. Just kidding. Thanks for the answers. I'm getting the very LARGE stone blasted on Wed.
  15. Here is one pic. For some reason all the pictures didn't make it to Photo Bucket. I'll try again later. We had a pretty good turn out. The girl we had take the pic zoomed back a little too far but we're still there. It was good finally meeting so many from this site. A good bunch indeed. (Hope I do the pic right) http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d70/LEOK9Trainer/DSC_0079.jpg
  16. Anyone here ever have this procedure done? I'm having it done this Wed. to my left Kidney. There's been no pain but blood was in my urine after exercising. Scans show a very large (Dr's words) Kidney stone attached to the walls. I've heard one person say there was no problem and another one who had some problems.
  17. Okay, I'll be the first to say it. YOU SUCK.
  18. Thanks SilvrT I wound up talking to a comp geek today associated with an association I belong to. He linked to computer and helped me fix it. I believe we did what you just suggested. Had to reload Adobe as I lost it somehow and need it to read a PDF file.
  19. Question for you computer experts. When I go to a web site for an association I belong to and try to open a document the typical box opens. The options are "Save this file" and "Open using MS Word". Mine has always said Open with MS Word but now says open with "Windows Shell Common DII" or it could be D11. Any ideas what this may be? I do have MS Word on the laptop. EDIT: I saved the document I needed to My Documents and it went to a File Maker Pro file which is a program we use for this same association and a program I recently did some upgrades on. Any idea how to get this back to MS Word?
  20. No offense but I watched 2 1/2 minutes before stopping it. I'm not sure what the draw is.
  21. I let a friend talk me, last minute, into going to the International MC Show in DC this weekend when I earlier said I wouldn't. Overall it was ok. Packed like sardines though and very few real deals to be had. I did see a guy talking with a salesman over a 2010 Royal Star Venture. I stuck my nose in and said I had one and loved it big time. We wound up talking for a long time. He was looking at a RSV and the Gold Wing. He liked the fact that the RSV was different looking whereas the GW looks kind of too sterile. He certainly seemed swayed by what I had to say. I should have gone back to ask the Yamaha guy what my cut was. Something I didn't realize until the show was that Black was the only color option for the 2010 models.
  22. TALL
  23. Oh great. Another cop bashing thread. I get tired of them on other sites and don't expect them on here but they pop up once in awhile.
  24. I gather Ontario is not going through a heat wave right now?
  25. Saturdays weather looks warmer than today. Sunday, not so good.
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