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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Bigfoot


    it's not the HD I like to talk about or laugh at but it's the riders. So many of them draw attention to themselves as if they are looking to be laughed at. The other day I saw a very large (meaning huge belly) guy riding his HD. He was stopped at a light. He was wearing sneakers, shorts, no shirt and had a cig in between his lips. WTF? Now I would laugh at this same guy if he was on a Royal Star but he was on a HD. Too often I see stuff like this with guys on Harleys. Of course I see goofy stuff like this on sport bikes as well. Flip flops for shoe attire and such. I lke many of the HD bikes out there but quite a few of the riders are just plain weird.
  2. Bigfoot

    Good video

    But it is unfortunately so typical of Harley riders. Not knocking the bike but the typical lack of riding gear with Harley riders. The beanie helmet in itself is bad enough but then the typcal tank tops and jeans. I saw a Harley rider the other day riding with shorts, sneakers, no shirt and holding a cigarette in his mouth. They definitely don't help their own image at times.
  3. May the officers RIP. If guilty, the death penalty is not good enough for White.
  4. I missed the first gen part. Is this only for first gens?
  5. I guess I missed this. What is this about? What's the benefit of this exhaust? Sound etc? Thanks
  6. I just finally got my Utopia backest on my RSV. I'm not sure I can keep it on there but I'll ride it a few times before I decide. I'm 6'5 and this really changes things. I'm pushed forward some and my knees are too close to the end of the bars now. My feet are even pushed forward too far. If I don't get used to it I'll list it on here if anyone wants to buy it. I'll sell it well below what we paid for it.
  7. Being in Virginia we have a lot of friends who have kids at this school. We spent a good portion of the day tracking down these friends and so far so good. We did find that one kid we know had a roommate that was shot but we have no details. Hopefully the shooter is already in his special place in hell.
  8. But this would require that we know that the hell you are saying. Ohms, reostat. Sounds French.
  9. If you ever get the chance and you are in the DC area seeing the changing of the guard at Arlington should be on top of your list. It's impressive to say the least. Although it's not in DC, contrary to popular belief it is right across the river. As is the Pentagon. I sometimes forget how nice I have it with the amount of history in my own back yard until someone posts something like above. Thanks.
  10. I've been everywhere thru this unit and I've seen nothing where I can change/increase the volume. I'll have to look again.
  11. My wife and I have J&M headsets in our helmets and we have no problems hearing the music from the stock radio. I also have attached a GPS with XM included. I run the audio wire from the GPS into the cassette player when I want to use the GPS. The volume is never turned up beyond 10-15 when I'm listening to the FM but when I listen to XM I have to turn it all the way to to the max 30. This is barely loud enough for us to hear but nothing I do will turn it up any louder. Anyone have a suggestion for this?
  12. I've got an 04 RSV and anyone who drives one knows the horn sounds like the cheapest thing Yamaha could find. Has anyone replaced theirs and were there any issues in changing it? How powerful of a horn can you install before there are some wiring issues?
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