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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Ken, You might try this site. Nice people and willing to answer questions for you. I'm looking to eventually move up there so I'm on the site once in a while. Not sure if you have to register or not but it's a nice site. http://www.city-data.com/forum/new-hampshire/
  2. You'll find that riding the coast for much of the east coast, at least up to VA, is not all that spectacular. There are certain places where you can ride and see the water but in many places the traffic congestion makes it a pain. Va Beach is one example. If it were me, and take this for what it's worth, I'd consider coming up thru Ga through the mountains and into the mountains of Va. You've got the BRP and some beautiful areas to ride. You could then cut over from the Skyline Drive in Front Royal, Va where it ends over to W. VA where the beautiful scenery continues.
  3. Bigfoot

    Stebel Horn

    Ditto. As a matter of fact this could have been my post. Do a search under members and find Carbon One. He makes the adaptors.
  4. Okay. Maybe I was being a little impatient. I got them this afternoon. I needed a windshield by the end of this month as I'm leaving around Aug 1 for my 30 day ride. The current windshield was removed the other day for new speakers and there were some major cracks around every hole from where it's mounted. I was afraid to try the trip with the WS in this condition. One of the cracks was even starting to move up to where it was visible. John of CVS sold me a slightly tinted WS with a very small blemish well out of eyeshot. 20 percent off and it will ship this Monday. All is well.
  5. One of their messages said due to heavy call volume. Yeah, sure.
  6. I've been trying for 3 straight days to call Clearview and keep getting their answwering machine. They did return an e-mail after 24 hours but basically it said to call them. Anyone else have this kind of problem contacting Clearview Shields? Makes me a little cautious on using them.
  7. Hopefully I haven't already posted this. I don't believe I have. I'm leaving around August 1 for my long ride through the New England states. I'd appreciate any suggestions for sight seeing in your state. Can be an historical location, favorite/unusual place to eat, lake, or whatever. If you have a street name or intersection then great. Otherwise the name will work.
  8. That seems to be the general statement everyone is making.
  9. I've read the previous posts regarding the Ride On tire protection system and have seen the good comments. Just wondering if anyone here has ever experienced any problems with the product?
  10. Not addressing the OP and the officers not getting tickets. Something else. Based on some things I've read on this forum and others, should officers be allowed to give breaks and issue warnings? I'm not just talking about dead tags or something similar. I'm referring to anything from speeding up to reckless.
  11. Hey 04. Did you get any responses? I'm driving there this August and was wondering the same thing.
  12. Or for anyone in the know. The wife and I will be in Bar Harbor on Sunday 8/16. Our goal is to get on the ferry in Bar Harbor and head to Nova Scotia the next day. Anyone know if I need to buy tickets ahead of time or just wait and buy them there? We will be on the RSV. Any other advice for that area regarding the ferry would also be welcomed.
  13. Just an FYI. It was the main fuse. The connection had rusted and shorted the fuse. Thanks all.
  14. What should have been a simple job checking the ignition fuse is quickly becoming a PITA. The fuse box is defintely not where the manual shows it to be. it shows the ignition fuse in the fuse box behind the right side cowling. I've removed both cowlings and it's not there. Hell, even the picture doesn't match up with what's actually there. I'm a poor mechanic so unfortunately the bike may have to go to a Yamaha dealer tomorrow. I'm going on my long ride at the end of the month and would like to be certain it's done right. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
  15. Absolutely nothing comes on. The key turns and nothing lights up or comes on. I started it 30 minutes earlier with absolutely zero hesitation so I'm thinking it can't be the battery. I never touched the kill switch except to check and see if it was in place. I pulled the kickstand up and even put it in neutral. I'm thinking ignition switch but that's purely an uneducated guess.
  16. I went out to ride today. Started the 04 up and pulled it out of the gararge to load up. She started just fine. Battery is less than one year old and is kept on a battery tender. Loaded GPS and everything up then went to start it but nothing happened. No juice, no nothing. The GPS works fine and is getting power to it. Not a mechanic here so all I did was take the seat off and check the battery connections and they are fine. And the kill switch is not the problem either. Any thoughts?
  17. I've never tried anything like this but I've read where these gadgets come with limited success. With the weight of the RSV I've never had a problem with a light changing for me.
  18. Does this mean you have to be present to win everything but the top prize? or am I just reading it wrong. I can't be there but please point me in the direction of where/how to purchase tickets.
  19. Snopes won't let you cut and paste anymore but below is the response from the original letter writer. He was a jerk for what he wrote but at least he did the right thing with his response after Rosensteel's response. http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/wakeup.asp
  20. For those who use one would you trust it on gravel? I'm talking level ground with a good packed gravel base.
  21. Never heard of it and my work PC won't let me open it.
  22. Name of Restaurant Beefeaters Street Address 27 Congress St City Bradford State or Province PA Website (Optional) www.thebeefeatersrestaurant.com Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) - Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Duh. Beef Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments We were traveling by cage to Canada and saw the sign for Beefeaters. Being Beef lovers we stopped for lunch. It wasn't open yet so I asked a passing mail carrier and he said it was the best place to eat in town. Very nice decor in what appeared to have been a bank at one time. I didn't ask so I could be wrong. The carver was was sitting there juicing up a large cut of roast beef. I had a roast beef sandwich that was out of this world. I got the horseradish and it burned real bad (good) as I ate it. All five of us left agreeing the food here was excellent.
  23. If it works you have to read the review. Suffice to say. I will be back there.
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