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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. The friendship comment kind of threw me for a loop. Because I choose to ride ATGATT and with others wearing ATGATT I'm not worthy of being friends with someone on here? I found this a pretty shallow comment.
  2. I don't want to watch someone go down and have to deal with the aftermath if they are not wearing ATGATT. Anyone with half a brain (no pun intended) has to admit that riding ATGATT vs non ATGATT increases a riders chances big time in the event a crash occurs. I just prefer to ride with those with the same ideas as me. Don't take it personal guys. It has nothing to do with friendship at all.
  3. Not being judgmental here. Just stating how I feel. I was a police officer for 30 years and I saw countless MC crash victims. I saw way too many with injuries that were horrendous from wearing a lack of gear such as MC pants and jackets. I saw numerous crashes where the riders walked away with nary a scratch as they were wearing ATGATT. Was amazed at some of them. VA is a helmet law state so most of the deaths and serious injuries did occur with riders wearing them. I did arrive first at one accident where a rider was tearing up a parking lot on a bike and not wearing a helmet. He ran off the lot, over a curb and landed hard in the road. The ME said he would have survived had he been wearing a helmet. My friendship with other riders is not dependent on them wearing gear but like someone else said; I'll only ride with others who wear the gear as well. Now ride safely.
  4. ATGATT all the time. It has nothing to do with the govt telling me I have to wear a helemt. It's because I like my brain in my head if I wreck. I'm also allergic to asphalt so mesh or textile gear and boots. For those protesting against the MAN and not wearing gear let us know how that goes if you go down. Wife and I were out riding yesterday and I was shocked at how many were out riding and wearing shorts. I can't imagine how bad it would be if they went down.
  5. Any cirque du soleil show. Guaranteed you will enjoy the hell out of the show.
  6. So basically you lied????
  7. It's a privately owned forum so the owner can do what he wants. Not really censorship in its truest form. I belong to a couple forums where politics is allowed. I rarely go into these forums as the garbage spewed in there can be downright nasty. Don't like this kind of moderation here then leave. If politics is ever allowed here the entire make up of this forum will change and it won't be for the better.
  8. I posted about this new dealer back in Dec. 08. I liked the place and its people. I drove by today and saw a Going our of Business sign up. I have a $50 gift card so I need to go by there before it's too late. This dealership was only 2-3 miles from my home which was nice. Colgan Powersports. Manassas Va.
  9. Bigfoot


    When you say drive I hope you don't mean as in behind the wheel of a car, on the public roads?
  10. If I could find an e-mail for the NFL commissioner I would fire off one heluva scathing e-mail. For the half time show but especially for the way the anthem was butchered. I believe I have the e-mail address for Goodell. Please feel free to write. Roger.Goodell2@nfl.net Never mind. E-mail is no good.
  11. But isn't it winter?????
  12. Certainly a frustrating system to deal with.
  13. I don't like using Craigslist due to their reputation but I also realize it can come in handy at times. I have never looked to buy anything from it though. A few months ago I placed a used car on there for sale along with some pics. Nothing unusual about it. Within a couple days Craigslist flagged and removed it. Their notice to me admits that sometimes posts are removed by mistake. Well, yesterday I put a Poulan chain saw on the free section saying the first to e-mail me can have it if they pick it up. I must have received 20 e-mails within 30 minutes. I was able to arrange someone to pick it up so no problem. I even went back and edited the original post saying the saw had been claimed. I didn't delete it just yet so those waiting to hear from me could see it was claimed. I then received the same flagged/remove notice from CL. Any idea what is happening?
  14. I was working day shift and listening to the AM in my cruiser. No FM for us at the time. I heard it being talked about and I rushed home which was only a mile away. I stayed glued to the TV for quite some time. It seemed like our police radio died for hours with nothing happening anywhere in the county. Maybe everyone, including crooks and such were all watching the same thing.
  15. I don't blame you Glenn as I'll likely do the same when the job situation settles with the wife. I've loved my 04 RSV but I'm starting to see more problems with it although most of it is minor. I've really come to like the Victory but HD hs come a long ways as well.
  16. Thanks for the posting OP. A friend of mine is an officer up there and was good friends with the deceased officer. And guys, please keep the negative comments out of this thread. Even if it's prefaced with a flattering comment. Not the time.
  17. I attended the International Bike Show this past weekend in DC. I walked away after looking at the 2011 RSV more than a little disappointed. I've loved my 04 but the bike needs some changes. The fact the bike still has a cassette player boggles the mind. I hope to upgrade within the next year and the Victory is looking better and better all the time. I sat on the biggest cruiser Victory has but can't recall the model. The bike really felt good and the balance is incredible. The bike felt so light standing up compared to the RSV.
  18. Bought the Gerbing gloves and jacket liner today at the MC Show in DC. I am so damn happy. I typically ride down to around 40 degrees with no problem but now can ride hopefully down into the 20's. I hope I don't regret not getting the pants liner but my legs are generally warm enough with my insulated pants. I hope to install them next weekend and finally get some more riding in this winter.
  19. I've used them numerous times and have always had good luck with them. Same with New Enough. Both have treated me well.
  20. I have never seen a pair of MC boots I can wear due to my foot size. 15 XW. I asked one company while they were at a MC show and they advised I likely will never see my size in MC boots.
  21. Bigfoot

    Decent driver

    0-60 in 1.9 seconds. Wow. He is definitely good. Did you notice that he did hit the wall near the start of the video. His right rear corner made contact.
  22. Bigfoot


    I just spent ten days in Yuma training at the Army Proving Grounds. I was shocked at the number of people there staying in basically parking lots in their mobile homes. The locals there said the population more than doubles in the winter months with snowbirds from up north. I'm not sure Yuma is a place I'd want to vacation although I;m sure there is more there then what I saw. When I was on the plane flying from LA to Yuma we flew over some roads in the mountains/hills that looked unbelievable. I'm not sure what the area is called but the twisties went on forever.
  23. Go to any junk yard and you'll find vehicles with the whistles on them with damage from hitting deer. Although now retired from police work I spent mt entire 30 years on the street and I can't begin to count the number of motorcycles, cars, and trucks were involved in accidents with deer that had the whistles on them. I'm in an area with a very high deer population with way too many cars on the street. If the whistle is supposed to make them run away (which is bull) then a whistle will make a deer in the woods run away? What guarantees they will run further into the woods and not across the road to get to the other woods or field? Nothing of course as they are worthless. Save your hard earned money.
  24. I used to carry a 15 inch in a case but it took up too much room. I even have a huge 17 inch Lenovo laptop that fits back there but without the case. I bought a few months ago a small netbook and it carries fine in the trunk even in the case. I believe the netbook is either 10 or 11 inches. Kind of small but once I got used to it then it was fine for travel purposes. I'm travelling to Arizona for work here next week and I think I'll just take the netbook.
  25. Over 30 years as a cop and more bad MC accidents with some serious injuries and many deaths has me convinced to wear ATGATT even if just going to the store. I just shake my head in wonderment when I see other riders wearing pitiful helmets, sneakers, jeans and other similar equipment. Yep. I know. Free country and all.
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