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Beach Bum

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Everything posted by Beach Bum

  1. 2007 RSV with 45K miles. Looked pretty clean. Sold for $2800. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2007-Yamaha-Royal-Star-/231742318051?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=pHZ4d5o%252Fxp9eefdlWeWu2yRn82w%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  2. Quick question.... What year R1 calipers should I buy to install and upgrade my 2006 RSV? Will 2000-2001 work? Is the master cylinder absolutely necessary or can that be done at a later time?
  3. I did the carbs on my 85 V65 Sabre and it was a bit of a pain in the ass. Whenever I hear of someone considering an attempt at this job the first thing I recommend is to buy a set of aluminum fuel pipes off of eBay (they connect the carbs with fuel). The OEM are plastic and mostly break when they've been in service for a number of years.
  4. I would've given you $20 US to see you ride last Friday in your speedo. I'm a warm blooded creature, don't do cool/cold weather well.
  5. I was with Dish last year when they had their big fight with FOX news and dropped them from the lineup. Well after about two weeks of no Factor I called DISH and cancelled my service (I was out of contract so it cost me nothing). I signed up with AT&T for their U-Verse and it was awful. I didn't like the channel package, the on-screen guide, the controls and I had been with DISH for so long that I had their channels memorized. Part of the deal with U-Verse was no contract because I was already with them for my internet and a $250 Visa gift card for signing up. Now the good part.... Three weeks later Dish settled their dispute with FOX and the send me a letter with an offer inside. For the inconvenience of switching providers they would give me... An upgraded package for $49 a month. No contract. Free installation. Free HBO, Showtime etc. Free HD for life. And a $750 gift card. :mo money::mo money: I cancelled my AT&T U-Verse and went back to Dish. Got all the swag including the $750 Visa gift card. Two weeks later my AT&T $250 Visa Gift card came in the mail. Not bad, made a cool $1000 for switching providers for 3 weeks. And now I get NFL channel for free in HD.
  6. I honestly don't know how y'all do it. I flew up to Buffalo on Thursday and it was a balmy 43 degrees. Spent the weekend in Toronto where we froze our asses off Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Monday it warmed up but getting off the plane in Jacksonville to a balmy 79 degrees at 10:00 pm last night was a relief beyond description. I'll take the critters and the hurricanes and the really hot heat any day over that crap. :225::225::225::225::225:
  7. I need a new cab tuner. I dropped my old Motion Pro. You should have seen me trying to get rid of a kabillion little balls of mercury all over the floor of my garage.
  8. I always use the Buyers Restrictions when listing on eBay. Let's you filter out anyone who's had failure to pay, bad feedback, cases opened against them, and also folks who have less than a certain number of transactions. You can also state in your ad that "if you have less than __" feedback score to contact you prior to bidding. There are automatic safeguards and ones you can put in place yourself. That said, I had one failure to pay (on a bike) and also sold a bike to a guy in Japan with no issues. I use the safeguards because if the only buyers I'm attracting are the scumbags, I need to reevaluate my listing.
  9. Went over and "visited" my bike this aft and lo and behold, aside from a couple of dime sized scrapes on the crash bars, she came through the drop unscathed. I think that the brake pedal might be nudged in a bit (can't remember where it was) but other than that, I can't even see a twist in the crash bar mounts. I suppose that I'm somewhat relieved to have the drop behind me, and without witnesses, as I now know what to expect. Still don't think I could push it onto my trailer without help but it's becoming less imposing as time passes. Yay me.
  10. What is this winter you speak of and where might I buy some?
  11. Love the 2 stroke YZ250. Down here weight is bad with all the sand. Learning to wheelie in a sand pit is cool because when you eventually (and you will) end up on your ass watching the bike flying off on it's own, at least it'll land in something soft. Not as many bent bars to replace. Bark busters for sure.
  12. I'm thinkin I need to sell the bike. It's tainted now.
  13. Oh it bent. Right into the foot rest. I flipped out the highway peg and gave it a good push with my foot and it straightened right out. I still haven't had a chance to check it out any further and it was dark when it happened. All I was trying to do was move the bike to a friends garage while I spent a few days cleaning mine out. I'm pretty sure there'll be scratches on the bars and a bent brace or two. At least the fairing fared well.
  14. Soapstone is easy to gouge out and smooth. The Eskimos used a lot of soapstone in their tools and implements. If you scratch it it should turn white.
  15. Dang it, dropped the stupid bike last night. Barely moving coming out of the driveway and the bars got too low on the right side and down she went. Thank God for crash bars front and back, it kind of just sat up on them. The good news is that I was able to right the bike on my own without killing myself or dropping it on the other side. It never was a perfect specimen but damn I hate it when that happens.
  16. I am blessed.
  17. Update... Checked the charging voltage this morning and it's a cool 13.78v at idle. Looks like the battery just decided to sh!t the bed at a most inopportune moment. Then I found out that my ride is next Saturday. So I went for a ride anyways.
  18. It's all good. I've got it on a trickle charger overnight and will put a meter on it in the morning. We've had so much rain lately that the bike has sat in a hot garage a bunch. If it's charging, I'm riding.
  19. Nice bike!!! I sold my 04 Max to get the RSV and still miss that V-Boost. I know exactly what you're thinking..... It would be insane.
  20. So I headed off to a buddy's retirement party tonight. Stopped for gas and everything was okay. 4 miles down the road I'm in a long line in the left turn lane on a busy 4 lane road when the bike just up and quits. First symptom was the blinker going all wonky. Started blinking really fast then erratic then the bike just stalled. Then click. Clickkkkkkkkkk. Damn. Somehow traffic cleared enough for me to push the bike across 4 lanes and into the entrance to a gas station. Steep driveway really reminded me just how heavy the bike is as I could only get a few feet up and out of the street. I am really glad I decided to put a 10mm ratchet in the trunk as I was able to get the seat off and check the obvious. Battery terminals were tight. Damn. Because the battery came with the bike and I had no idea how old it was I decided to walk across to the Walmart catty corner from where I was stranded and see if they had a battery in stock. Miracle of miracles there were some on the shelf and they were sealed so I didn't even have to fill it up on the side of the road. Managed to install the battery without losing any of those stupid square nuts (hardware was missing from the box, my bad for not checking) and she cranked right up. I guess tomorrow I have to check the charging system to make sure it isn't more than a battery. I was supposed to go on a poker run for a local disabled vet tomorrow but now I'm sketchy. I also realized that there's no way in hell I could load this bike into the back of my truck without a BUNCH of help. All in all it could've been a lot worse. I made it home and into the garage in one piece and didn't have to go back with a trailer. I hate spending $80 for Walmart battery but it beats the alternative. Hoping this is the last of trouble for a while.
  21. That's a nice bike but I've been watching the market on these and it seems folks are hard pressed to get anything near book value for them. I paid MUCH less than his asking price for my 06 with 33k miles in very good condition needing nothing. BTW that bike is also listed on eBay here... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Royal-Star-/271991292329?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3f53f1c1a9&item=271991292329 Maybe you can get it for less depending on what his reserve is.
  22. Because 'MERICA!!!
  23. It's not me, I'm fine with wind and buffeting etc. My wife sits considerably higher in the back than I do and she's not digging the wind knocking her around.
  24. I've done that on other shields that were already used, but I'd be a bit annoyed having to do that to a brand new $200+ part.
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