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Everything posted by Great adVENTURE

  1. Ok if the clown is too difficult how about your bike in an empty shopping cart return corral?
  2. I have the pillow top stock seats. My wife loves the rear passenger seat but I found my self getting pushed forward leaving very little room for the man bits.
  3. I will usually wave when possible or at the least nod my head acknowlegeing the person waving at me. However I do get an uncomfortable feeling when certain riders pull the waive when they realize my bike resembles a particular style of motorcycle. I feel it's about two wheels, or three, not the brand you ride.
  4. By comparison to the head light and the lighting in he picture they seem bright. There are so many options like size and intensity to choose from. Makes the decision difficult without seeing them in person.
  5. Spotted a beautiful blue royal star venture when we were pulling out of laurita winery in new Egypt NJ. Just wanted to say hello and waive a hand your way.
  6. Sorry guys, just was reading back a bit and realized the clown was already done. If someone wants to pick something else I'm ok with that.
  7. How about a picture of your bike next to a roadside sign of a clown. Hope this isn't too difficult
  8. Image file was too large when I first posted it so it gave me an error message. Problem solved now and image is on previous post. is that how it works? First posted pic chooses next item?
  9. Well it took us about 220 miles over 3 days just cruising around and we stumbled across this! Suitable for a forth of July post and a scavenger hunt item. That was a challenge but we're ready for the next item.
  10. The answer to both questions is yes. I had the opportunity to see my bike driving towards me and from about 100 yards it seems to just blend in to the surroundings. My bike is black, my full face intercom helmets are black, my joe rocket leather riding jacket is a rustic dark brown, I do on the occasion use a hi-viz vest which the front fairing blocks. Just curious to see examples of what other riders may have done to there bikes. I was looking at the front led replacement blinkers that also act as white daytime running lights from custom dynamics and thought that would be a good option.
  11. Looking for some ideas to add some daytime running lights to my lower engine guard area. Would love to see what you guys have done or get your idea of the perfect light and the perfect mounting location.
  12. I just dug out my 32oz wide mouth nalgene and it will not fit. My apologies the bottle I'm using is a .75L camel back.
  13. The most recent bare foot willies cup holder I received a week or so ago has an inside diameter of 3 1/2 inches by 4 inches tall and the can coozie fits loosely. The bare foot willies cup holder I bought in 2000 is smaller and the coozie fits snugly. Hope this helps
  14. We did the finger lakes for the wine festival last year. We also have a smart car and the smart group were in was invited to take three laps around Watkins glen race track. It was a great time! Next time we're up we will definitely give you a shout.
  15. Went on a ride to 4 wineries, 121 miles round trip and 5 hours.
  16. I was looking for a purpose driven ride, this will be fun.
  17. Well I must say the morning didn't look to promising when I started out. But 25 minutes into the ride the clouds parted and let the sun shine thru. I was able to visit 4 of the 5 wineries on the jersey shore wine trail in my 121 mile, 5 hour ride. Stopped at 4JGs vineyard, working dog winery, cream ridge winery, and laurita winery. Still have 4 more trails set up consisting of another 30 wineries. Destination rides is what I'm all about so if any Jersey or Pennsylvania folk have some good ideas lets here um. Ride far and ride safe... got a few pics, next time I'll bring my tripod for a bike selfie
  18. Both those bike are absolutely amazing!
  19. The bare foot willies comes with a can coozie and is big enough for those supersize cups. It seems to bee good for paper coffee cups as long as there sealed and double lidded. Most of the time I'm using my stainless insulated coffee thermos cup or a Nalgene bottle with water. I just recently had broken the mounting clamp on the cup holder I bought in 2000 when switching it to my rsmv and they had a new one to me in days free of charge.
  20. Patience, let the wort work. Don't disturb it and keep the temperature stabile. And yes sanitize, sanitize, sanitize everything. Good luck and enjoy the process
  21. I mounted a bare foot willies cup holder on the right side handle for the driver and one on the right side grab handle for the passenger. Great product and a great warranty, I've been using them since 2000.
  22. I too am new and just bought a completely stock 2007 midnight venture with 9,300 miles on it. I had a little hesitation but couldn't turn down the deal and I'm glad I didn't . Love everything about the bike and there is no turning back now.
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