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About Kozubek

  • Birthday 07/14/1970

Personal Information

  • Name
    Tom Kozubek


  • Location
    Newcastle, OK, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venture
  1. Turned out to be a float out of tolerance by an 1/8 inch or so. Amazing how that little difference can cause that effect. Thanks for the assistance.
  2. Soooooooo, I tried shutting the fuel off and running the carbs dry, hitting them with a screwdriver and turning the fuel back on. Still leaks fuel and runs like crap. Took the carbs back off and completely tore them apart, inspected everything, and tested the floats. All seems to be in good working order. Everything was clean on the inside with no sign of rust, varnish, or dirt. It is 2300 here in Oklahoma so I will save my neighbors the noise disturbance tonight. Is there any chance the fuel pump could be faulty and running all the time?
  3. Thanks for the advice, I will pull them back off this weekend and see what I can find.
  4. Hello experts, So a couple weeks ago I took my carbs off my 2008 Venture and cleaned them, put them back on and synced them everything working great. The wife and I went on a six hour ride and it rode fine. Went for a ride Sunday and all was good. Jumped on the bike this morning and drove to work and it was running rough. By the time I got home I noticed I went through a half a tank of gas and discovered the over flow from 1 and 2 was leaking fuel on the ground. Took the carbs off again to check the floats and all seemed to be moving freely. Put the carbs back on, started it up and it is still leaking fuel. Last time it did this i hit the bowls a couple time with a socket extension and the leak stopped. Any ideas?
  5. The decock is on the slide of M9. I have short fingers so the beretta fit my hand very well compared to glock or SIG. I like the reliability and consistency of the Glock which is why I chose it to carry. I started to shoot IDPA but the .40 is a little to powerful to try and shoot competition, harder to get the next round on target with speed compared to a 9 mil.
  6. I have a glock 22 and 23. I carry one or the other every day and have shot several hundred round through each. Never had one misfire, jam, or any other issue with either. It is all what you are use to and comfortable shooting. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire and you wont have a problem. Plenty of people complain about the M9 Beretta in the Army but most of them can't shoot to begin with. I had no issues carrying or shooting the M9 in my Army career. Now they are switching to the SIG and I will be comfortable with it as well.
  7. I just went through this myself. Came back to the states after three years in Germany and my brother failed to start my 2008 Venture once in those three years. Dang thing was in his hangar the whole time and he walked by it every day. The fuel turned to varnish and gummed up the carbs. Local shop wanted close to a grand to fix it so I thought I would try it myself. Keep in mind I have never worked on a motorcycle before. Thanks to the awesome step by step instructions this group provides I was able to pull the carbs, clean them, and put it all back together with very few spare parts left over 😁. She started up right away and just needed to be tuned. Just synced the carbs tonight and she is ready to ride again. There is a little leackage due to it sitting for so long but I am hoping the gaskets will expand after I ride it for a while otherwise that will be my next project. Can't thank all of you enough for all the great advice and detailed instructions. Hopefully the weather warms up soon so I can go for a ride.
  8. I am brand new here and have not had the pleasure to meet anyone as of yet. That being said, as an active military Soldier I get plenty of vacation and love riding distance. I rode from Columbus Ohio to Tulsa in one day and felt great when I got home. Most people do not have Iron butts like me and I can see distance being an issue. Unfortunetley you can never plan a big gathering with any reliability especially with the economy the way it is . Disposable income is not as abundant as it once was. The best way I have found to secure numbers is in pre sales to a certain point then inflate the cost as time gets closer. You can either say all sales are final or charge a $ 10 premium for ticket insurance. If an issue arises and you cannot attend you can get your ticket price back but the organization keeps the $10. Looks like the majority of members are east coast so you would get the most attendance by centralizing the IR to the center mass. As another person said variety keeps people coming. My two cents. I look forwarding to meeting some of you in the futute.
  9. ditto
  10. Turn SSID broadcast off and only allow access by mac address.
  11. Thanks for the info everyone.
  12. Our thoughts and prayers are with her.
  13. Does anyone know of an after market air cleaners for a 2008 RSV?
  14. If you put a six foot wood fence in front of the bee hive the bees will mostly stay out of your way. The fly it that height when coming and going. When I was in iraq we gave out business grants for locals to produce honey. I learned a lot about the process while I was there. Todays tip of the day
  15. Not sure why it tuned my picture like that.
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