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Everything posted by Ozlander

  1. I agree, plus you would have to have a vacuum inside the engine to suck the brake fluid in to the engine.
  2. I don't remember taking any exhaust pipe off when I mod'ed my starter.
  3. Your first time was a bear??? Weird.
  4. My bike when using the IAP program had a fairly regular dropout around 4000 rpm and the definite dropout under hard acceleration at 3200 rpm. Changing to the TPS program eliminated both problems. I don't believe connectors were the problem.
  5. I screwed around with adding an orifice in-line with the existing orifice, adding a fuel filter in-line and never got the %TPS to settle down during idle. With it jumping all over the place, it's hard to settle on a mv to use as a 0% TPS. Just one of the things I need to work on. If I wasn't retired I'd a lot more time to sort it out. I feel we'll get the TCI 100% without putting a bike on a dyno. And with the CV carbs, a TPS is not the answer. And Ignitech needs to fix their MAP sensor problem.
  6. Here is an article that suggests that max torque is obtained at less than max advance. Me thinks that running at max torque would gave the best fuel mileage. http://www.autospeed.com/cms/article.html?&title=Getting-the-Ignition-Timing-Right&A=109132
  7. No point in backing off the top row as nobody rides around with 0% TPS. The 2nd row is 2% and I'm sure nobody is running highway speeds at 2% TPS. So, I'd play around with the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th row.
  8. And sync the carbs. Those will fix anything. :whistling:
  9. It's bad to do that, but they just make it sooo easy.
  10. Mobil 1 says it's motorcycle oil has additives for the transmission and is made for wet clutches.
  11. It started working, screwed around with it for a while, moving wires and stuff. Reprogramed it using the last program you sent me, that went good. But, I'm not getting any readings from the map sensor. Going to check the wring. Merlyn
  12. XP Whats a good time? Merlyn
  13. Tried the com auto thing for 5-10 minutes, both engine dead and running. All it did was to cycle thru all the com ports.
  14. I want to reprogram my TCI. Can't get the laptop to talk to the TCI. I'm using the usb to serial adapter that I use on the sewing machine. Using com 4 which is what the laptop says it's using. Any tips.
  15. I've always put 4 quarts in with a filter change. Never had a problem and it's always down to the half way mark when it'd time to change again.
  16. I was thinking it was about time for a black arab pope. Kind of get up to date with the way things are going.
  17. Once up one a time, we and another couple went to Colorado 4th of July week. 105* when we were in Pueblo. That night we went to Monarch Pass camp ground, up around 11,000 feet. Got up the next morning with 2 inches of snow on the bikes and tents.
  18. Ozlander


    Well it makes sense. When you take the safety course, you get a discount. So, who pays for the discount, the instructor of course. You didn't think the insurance company was going to pay for it, did you?
  19. In Kansas, Under 65 $18 for 6 years. Over 65 $12 for 4 years.
  20. U R right.
  21. I have removed the hose from the nozzles and blown air thru them backwards. Worked for me.
  22. Should be able to. Have to take to radio to the bike and find a way to power it up. Do it outdoors away from buildings, cars ect.
  23. Who would pay 3 grand extra for parts you don't want????:detective:
  24. Gas is $3.299 in Wichita. Down 50 cents in the last month. :cool10:
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