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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. It'll grow back I'm sure................Ok pretty sure..........................Ah heck it's just about summer down there isn't it? Margaret
  2. He's closer to Spear. Annie lives on the other side of the country from him. Of course we don't know how far he likes to ride. Welcome to the site. The guys will help you spend lots of money on your bike. Plus if you are handy they can help you make lots of stuff too. Margaret
  3. Well I want more then a diaper. Maybe a nice sash. One that says happy new year! :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  4. Hope it all works out for ya Lewis. I'm not getting old, just not gonna have it. Jeff's already falling apart on me and he's younger. Guess I didn't marry one young enough. Monday we get to find out what we can have them do to his ankle since the last surgery didn't fix it. Margaret
  5. Nobody is gonna make us wear turd noses are they Tom? Maybe we should get one for Don. Margaret
  6. He's adorable and Ella is getting so big. Enjoy your time with them. It'll be great at Christmas. Margaret
  7. God what sort of costumes would that require? Margaret
  8. I'm sure we can arrange plenty of ice cream Tom. Just don't tell Don he might not stay away. :crackup: Margaret
  9. Tom we were gonna put you in charge of the entertainment. Ya know in case we don't have Don to entertain us. Margaret
  10. Heck Plenty of room for folks. But the most important question is does the boat's bathroom work? Margaret
  11. Well if for any reason you can't be there I'm sure we'd all be really good and take care of Eileen for ya. Margaret
  12. That's ok I can take it I'll just say I misunderstood it was an actual garage and not converted. I'm good at this sort of thing. Margaret
  13. Hope you guys had a great time and ya got some relaxation in. Can't tell ya if you'll get in any riding weather is a bit odd this month. Be careful loading up the boat and driving home. Margaret
  14. Haven't run across one of them but we do have the other types cotton mouth and such. I just use a shovel. Smack the head and chop it off, done. I'm pretty good at it too. Margaret
  15. Aren't you sweet getting a heater for your mother-in-law to stay in the garage. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  16. Bundle her up and take your time heading to the doc. Margaret
  17. Tom you could make it into ice cream. :crackup: Margaret
  18. BRRRRRRRRR it's 48 outside right now. Somebody close the freezer door up north. At least we'll have sun today and warm up a bit. What's it like up by you now Dan? Margaret
  19. Nothing to worry about with me. Heck I'm just a little thing. I never do anything wrong or mean. Don't listen to these guys. Especially Don if he mentions anything about a sudden bucket bath he got.:crackup: Margaret
  20. Time for a virtual family group hug. Be a little hard to get us all together on such short notice. Margaret
  21. Guess your wife doesn't read the site? :crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  22. We have this big ball of bright stuff in the sky. I think they call it sun. I'll see if we can send some up to ya Dan. But no promises. :crackup: Margaret
  23. Well now we know what to take when we get sick, just refer to this thread. At least feeling better will be fun. Glad you're doing better Annie. Now take care of yourself. Margaret
  24. I was gonna give you a smart alecky response but since you got three ribs broken I'll wait till you heal up. Sorry if I made you laugh. I'll be good for now. No laughing I'm serious. Margaret
  25. Eck's great just don't let him hold your cell phone. Margaret
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