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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. He can always pat himself on the back for giving a good bike a new home after it's owner went rogue on us.:crackup::crackup: I know but somebody had to say it. Margaret
  2. OH we got some snow falling now. Not that it's gonna stay around long. It's sticking to the grass but probably not much else. Gonna be up to 70 this weekend. Gotta love living down this way. Margaret
  3. We are waiting for the call for his next surgery. They are going to fuse the ankle this time. The other surgery didn't work quite the way they hoped. Cartilage only partially regrew and the bone plug disappeared. So this should take care of the pain he's in and he will have limited motion just not sure how much till he gets it done and has PT. Margaret
  4. Well good luck with the surgery. Just remember to take it easy on your recovery. We don't heal too fast anyway as we get older. Do what the doc and Charlene say. Margaret
  5. We're suppose to see some flakes float around tomorrow I think. Nothings gonna stick though. It is gonna get cold heck even New Orleans is gonna be cold tomorrow. Of course then we all start to warm back up after that. Need to move south Tom WAY south. Margaret
  6. Great to hear they are home and healthy. Margaret
  7. So I take it you had a good time since they won. Margaret
  8. Who doesn't love buying baby stuff. You and your wife did a good thing. Now it's time to go enjoy the baby. It is fun doing the shopping and it has the added benefit of making you feel good. Margaret
  9. :Happy Birthday: Enjoy your night out. Now you just have to teach him to bake you a pie and you'll be set. Margaret
  10. Glad all went well. Margaret
  11. Glad it'll be a short trip at least. You shouldn't have any trouble getting on here just depends on where you are at. I hope the time passes quickly for you and your family. Be careful. Margaret
  12. Glad you made it home in one piece. Hate getting stuck in traffic like that. Especially if you don't know your way around the area. Margaret
  13. Hope all works out and they not only fix it but figure out why it happened. Margaret
  14. Glad you got to have some time with them. At least you can skype with them makes it a little less painful not getting to see them. Margaret
  15. Looks really nice. Do you get the trailer too? If the price is right I'd go for it. Plus I hope you don't mean you would leave us if you get it. Lots here don't have ventures anymore as well. Margaret
  16. Congrat's on the new addition with another on the way. The more the merrier. Margaret
  17. Best advice I can give you is check out the doc that is going to do the root canal. We only had one dentist around here that did them and folks had problems after their root canals. I choose to have the tooth pulled, it was a molar and not that important in my opinion. This was a few years back, I'm hoping we've gotten another dentist to do the by now. Good luck no matter what. Margaret
  18. I'd say they probably aren't looking to keep the touring folks that rode the venture. Seems to be why so many are buying other brands now. Heck we have a '12 Wing. The boss man just got a harley. Margaret
  19. Glad you got a ride in even if it was short. Gotta get the cycle therapy when you can. Who knows maybe warmer next weekend. Can't tell with the way the weather goes now. Margaret
  20. Maybe we could get an escort for your wife. Do you think that might get you off the hook? I'm not too sure who she would get so you might want to warn her. Could be a hairy situation. :crackup::crackup: Could be a buttacular surprise!!!! Margaret
  21. Craig you guys can't leave Don's you miss too much. :no-no-no:The Jello shots were nothing once the party started going. Some folks needed escorts. Of course the escorts weren't in much better shape. Oh Don does that mean BigTom needs to put ice cream cones between his breasts? Margaret
  22. Can't have too many DQ signs now can ya Tom? Margaret
  23. It's ok Annie we'll only fill your cup up half way. Make it less likely to spill. :rotf::crackup: And you said I was stirring the pot Peggy. Margaret
  24. How did you miss out on the Jello shots. I was pushing them everywhere. I mean I was offering them everywhere. Yeah that it's offering not forcing people against their will. Nope not me. Oh Peggy that pic might get us in trouble at MD next year if that's how we have to hand out the jello shots. Margaret
  25. That's ok Randy I'm sure it will be much cooler after that front gets through your area. I've always referred to spring and fall as see-saw seasons. How's Linda doing? Margaret
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