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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Are you coming solo or bringing Lesley? If you're dining alone and want company I'm sure some of us could show up. Margaret
  2. Yeah sure you didn't. Margaret
  3. mini-muffin


    From the weather reports I've seen TX is frozen over. IT was foggy and a bit drizzly today here. Margaret
  4. I agree with you. If the item wasn't being shipped till well after the original ship date and then it goes on sale. I probably wouldn't do business with them again, but that's just me. Margaret
  5. I guess that's why we all hang out together.:) I thought the same thing. Margaret
  6. So is this the dark side of the dark side? Since darksiders are running car tires and you're asking about winter tires........ I just had to ask. Margaret
  7. Nice wheels kinda looks like a babe magnet there. Gonna have to keep an eye on him now. He's already been a babe magnet at MD when you bring him. Enjoy the car and be safe. Margaret
  8. We took the grandbaby to her first movie before thanksgiving. Thought I'd post the pic my daughter took of her when we got to our seats. She'll be 2 in Jan. She also likes popcorn in case you couldn't tell. We took her to see Frozen she danced and sang and thoroughly enjoyed herself. She did fall asleep at the end, not bad since the movie was about 2 hrs or more. Margaret
  9. How cute. That one pic she's smiling. Congrat's Don. Now to start planning that trip. Margaret
  10. Thanks that was hilarious. Don't know how they kept straight faces at the end. Margaret
  11. I found this on Wikipedia hope it helps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes_of_Sinope Margaret
  12. On the new addition. It's a great day to be born today is my daughter's 30th birthday. Margaret
  13. Hope things start to improve for you soon. At least the treatments are almost over. Margaret
  14. I'll miss mine terribly soon. This thanksgiving will be most likely the last we all spend with him. He was diagnosed with Prostate cancer last year and it had already spread to the bone. Last month the CT scan revealed it was in the organs now as well. This Thanksgiving we'll all be there including my daughter her husband and my father's first great grandchild. I feel terrible for my granddaughter not getting to know him he's a wonderful man and very giving and he loves us all. We are very lucky he's had two heart attacks and by-pass surgery years ago (around the same age his father died) His first bout of Cancer was in the kidney and that was removed around the same age his mom died. This time he won't overcome it. Hug your loved ones close and never put off spending time with them we never know how long any of us have. Margaret
  15. Just remember them Florida boys freak out about them cold temps at 50 degrees. Most won't ride at them temps. We on the other hand as long as it ain't snowing we ride. Of course our snow typically lasts a day sometimes a whole week (if we get alot). Margaret
  16. Congrat's on the new addition she's beautiful. Margaret
  17. Well I guess you feel guilty now don't you Kic. See what you went and did by not being around. Margaret
  18. First of all that was a really long time ago. Like over 4 yrs now. Plus that's a lame excuse for going rogue. Plus I don't think that person is taking the blame for that. Hmmmmm oh and how could you blame that little person. Little people have feelings ya know. Yeah that's right!!!! Oh and it wasn't just one person it's just that was the one that got the blame. Oh and got caught on all them camera's and video's. Margaret
  19. I go to an ophthalmologist but my last set of glasses the lenses would have cost me over $500 not including the frames, so I got them at Wally world. I get no line with transitions. Frames and lenses for my prescription were just over $300. As far as the glasses I have no problem with them. I can't speak for the docs they have since I didn't go to one of them. Margaret
  20. I haven't been asked or given a discount yet, but the hubby has. They seem to give him it automatically at one of the local grocery stores. He's younger then I am but his hair is all white/grey. He isn't 50 yet. Margaret
  21. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the docs are right and he has some sight restored. No matter what the end result is he'll make the best of it I'm sure. Margaret
  22. I think it's just an early start to PMS setting in. Wait till it really starts snowing up north. We in the south just indulge our northern brethren who have to put up with this nasty season of winter. They'll be fine they just need to go get some ice cream. Ice cream cures all. Margaret
  23. Uh oh some folks are gonna make the real jolly guy mad. No toys this year boys. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  24. So Steve needed to slow down then? Sorry I just had to. Margaret
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