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Everything posted by mini-muffin
No no no I live in the south for a reason. I grew up in NY I don't miss winters snowy weather. Plus that fact that that's all gonna melt this weekend isn't a pleasant thought either. Thanks anyway for thinking of us. Not really just being polite. Margaret
Today we were in the 60's nice and sunny. Tomorrow we will be in the 20's and getting snow. Oh and it's not just gonna be a little snow, we'll get upwards of 9" with the possibilities of a foot. A FOOT of snow down here. They actually have snow plows in the area now, not sure how many. Of course one is more then we usually have. They've been brining the roads all day.Last week we had about 3" no big deal.OH and we'll be back up to the 60's by the weekend. Talk about some crazy weather.My yard will be a swamp again. Jeff won't be able to go out with his crutches without sinking. He won't be able to use the knee scooter at all it'll sink. When is spring coming? Anyone know? I think we need to find whoever it was that pissed off mother nature and everyone take a whack. Oh Riderduke Jeff is talking about heading up to your house since you all won't be getting any of this. Imagine that we'll have more snow this winter then you got. Ok I'm done. Margaret
Yep there is more then one type going around and not all the shots protect against all of them. So sit back and relax for a bit and stay warm eat plenty and drink plenty you'll feel better eventually. Heck depending on what you drink you might not care. Margaret
Is it the one with me and the bucket? Margaret
So what are you sayin? That somehow I'm a little trouble maker or something? :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
Already talked about that in the doctors office. Was just figuring what colors to go with 'cause I would go multicolored. But ya have to know Jeff it wouldn't bother him at all. Not like he could do much about it since he'd have to be able to reach his toes. On a downer we're gonna get more snow here, could be on the high end 10". That's not good here we don't have any snow removal equipment unless they send it in from the western part of the state. Of course Jeff would be stuck inside till it goes away. He's gonna get cabin fever I'll have to make sure the porch is cleared really well. I did good last week. Of course we had a lot less. Margaret
Gets a sock and rolls it on. While it's too cold I try not letting him out. Notice I said try. When we got the snow he had to go out so we could get to the doctors office. At least I can't lose him with that bright cast, I think it glows in the dark too. Margaret
Went to the doctor wed. was fun with all the ice on this side of the state. When we got past Raleigh it was clear, seems we actually got more snow here. Also had to defrost the truck cause it was frozen shut. So he got the splint removed and they took out the stitches and we got a pretty new cast. For those that know Jeff the following pic is no surprise. My sister thought it was great, her and my mom both have had breast cancer within the past couple of years. It's really bright for now til it gets dirty I guess. He has to wear this one for 4 weeks then we're going back and he's suppose to be in a boot and might be able to put it on the ground. Margaret
Wow nice job. Not many can do that sort of push and get those end results. At least you can laugh about it now. Heal fast from one klutz to another. Margaret
I have no problem with it being legal. If it's legal then the drug dealers won't make the profit off it. Saves on arrests as well. Way too many other things to take care of. I never really believed it's a gateway drug. Anything can be considered that if you are the type of person that becomes addicted to stuff. Majority of folks don't go on to other drugs those that do would have regardless of what they started with. Just my opinion. Margaret
I read that online this weekend also. Guess they are only good every other operating system. Margaret
I'm sure I have no idea what you mean Ruffy. Margaret
I'm sure he'll recover quickly thankfully he's young they heal fast. So how many nurses did he pick up? We know he's a ladies man. Does he have a pic of his car with him at the hospital? You know just to show off his ride. Margaret
Pain is still coming and going, though not as bad as when he first got home. I took him with me yesterday when I did some errands and then took him to DQ for a blizzard. Headed down to the waterfront in Edenton (where the DQ is) and ate our blizzards. First time he's been out since we got home on friday. He was getting a little stir crazy. Can't have him any crazier then he is. Next week is the first doctors appointment. Hopefully we'll get some good news on how things look. They'll put on the cast then and he's going to have that for 4 weeks. I'm planning on stopping and picking up some of my new favorite drink Meade. Need a good supply since I can't get it around here. Margaret
Looking good girl!!! Margaret
Guess I can't say either since we have the bunkhouse. We pull it with our Wing and no problems and Muffin can really pack. You need to look at the options you want as well as which one you want. You don't want to buy one and realize you needed the other instead. Margaret
Hey he's portly due to his own fault. Now as for the doc he's great. We go out to Greensboro orthopedic. Oh and I cook good. Ask Riderduke I've cooked and he's eaten it and went back for seconds. Oh Yoop how long ya gonna wait? Depending on what's wrong might want to get that checked at least. Muffin's ankle was hurt at work, so it's not age related. Margaret
Do you all think I'm that mean? Oh and some of you aren't allowed to answer that and you know who you are. He's coming along. If I could only keep him drugged up longer. Margaret
Congrat's on the girl. The boys will be a handful but the granddaughter is a whole other story. Just like daddy's little girl but better. You don't have to discipline the grandkids. Enjoy!!!! Ours turns two next week. Margaret
Not neutered just fixed hopefully. Got home yesterday from the hospital he had surgery on thursday. They fused the ankle this time he had some cartilage that formed but not enough the rest didn't form all the way or just didn't survive. So we get to see how this works. I'm hoping it does since I'm not looking forward to going back their again. So two weeks with a splint thing then he gets a cast. That lasts for 4 weeks then comes the boot hopefully. This is going to last 6 month to a year. Hoping for the 6 months. I'm gonna have so much fun. Margaret
Hope the baked goods turned out ok. Never can tell with those apprentice assistance. Hope you had a great day! Margaret
Must be frozen got a blow torch to loosen it up? Oh forgot it's probably plastic (isn't everything these days) and would melt. Dang then we'd be in real trouble. If Annie could send some of her swelter and we send some or our frigid we all might have some decent temps. Margaret
It's a weird winter. We hit 27 (I know a heat wave for some of you) We were down around 16 this morning. But saturday they have us hitting 70. We were in the 60's yesterday. Talk about roller coaster temps. Margaret
Do those power lines go through that tree? Kinda looks like it in the first pic. Looks pretty, but I wouldn't want to have to live there. Amazing when we were kids that stuff didn't bother us at all and we could play in it for hours. You just stay in the house Tom till the plows are allowed on the road. Then maybe you can snowblow the walkways. Margaret
Are you sure we don't stretch you in some sort of odd machine that causes the belly to overlap the belt buckle? Just wondering, since we're getting the blame for it. Maybe we're doing both. shrink the clothes (so we can wear them) and enlarge the men we live with. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret