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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Not sure what happened but they say I'll Have Another is being pulled from running the Belmont stakes. Something seems to be wrong with the horse. They are having a press conference at 1 this afternoon. So now we have to wait till next year for a possible triple crown winner. Margaret
  2. Yeah but there are a whole lot of new folks that don't know a thing about me. Not to mention the fun time Don and I have at MD. I do promise no buckets next year. And no my fingers aren't crossed.........................................Do toes count? Just kidding Margaret
  3. Very Cool ride. Hope she has many happy and safe miles on it. Margaret
  4. Hey it was totally believable before you fixed it. Margaret
  5. Only the smart ones get that sort of job. Margaret
  6. He'll be too busy with his fantasies.... Oh Marisa....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry boss. Margaret
  7. "I'm not up to anything" Margaret
  8. He lives for these little teases. Oh speaking of teasing I do have a whip, Peggy has been missing her's in chat for a while now. Wonder if she wants the whip or the cat-n-nine tails? Guess I can ask. Margaret
  9. Now Don when have I ever been up to anything? Margaret
  10. Don I know how much you missed me at MD this year and I'm pleased you were relaxed:banana:. Of course there is always next year and this does give me plenty of time to plan something just for your enjoyment. You do know my folks live in NY so I could always go visit and then just pop up to the international to see ya. Of course that's just a maybe, but ya never know. So now I'll go back to my little corner and start thinking of all the fun we can have next year at MD. Just have to think of something to top the last thing I did. Oh that's right I only was part of other folks plans, never have done something on my own....................................YET. Ya know I love ya Boss, now to show ya just how much.:crackup: :ICkiss: Margaret
  11. Nobody is late today is the day. I've already sung Happy Birthday to me. Of course I used a different voice so nobody knows it was me. I'll have to go get me some ice cream all by myself. But all in all any day you wake up is a good one. Thanks. I missed being at MD and everyone there, but I had a graduation to go to. Margaret
  12. Hope this goes well for you Randy, and no more pain. Margaret
  13. Why not replace the jets? That would be the cheaper way to go. Margaret
  14. Hair question was easier. Not sure what to tell you on that one. I don't know if folks stare at us, we have had lots of folks come up to talk to us when we are on the bike. Maybe you need to ride with another couple at some point, then she might not feel so self conscious. Margaret
  15. Not much you can do. You have hair & wear a helmet you get helmet hair. Unfortunately it's just one of those things you have to deal with. Of course she could shave her head then no more helmet hair. That was a joke. I've tried all sorts of things and nothing has made a big difference. Most of us just brush it best we can and go with it. Margaret
  16. Seems to be a common thread with lots of you men having supposedly gone into the womens room by mistake. Or are you all just curious? Come on now fess up. Guess anyone going out with Tom for any VR events should follow him with a camera from now on.:crackup::crackup: Margaret
  17. Any Yamaha dealer can look it up by the vin. If you bought it from a dealer should have been transfered, if not well then it'll be under the original owners name. Either way it's still good. Margaret
  18. Since Dylan is short like you Don maybe an 1100 Vstar. Might be a bit more roomy for him. Glad you told him to do the MSF. You shouldn't have too much to worry about he does have a good head on his shoulders. Most of us that have met him have been impressed with him. Good luck to both of you. Bet you thought it was gonna get easier now that he's 19. Margaret
  19. Well if nobody tells us anything soon, guess we can make up our own story as to what's happening. IF Beav and she married I think she was the one to ask since he wasn't making any moves. At least that he told us about. Next! Margaret
  20. Ya don't think they ran off and got married do ya? Margaret
  21. Looks like it's gonna be a soggy for a while. We aren't gonna see it up here till wed. Up side I guess any drought conditions will be taken care of. Margaret
  22. That was funny. Sorry to laugh at your pain, but it really was funny. I thought you were gonna threaten to help Dan put up his garage. Margaret
  23. Congrat's on filling a need. I don't know of any in this area, it's a small town area and they are very proud of the few memorials we have. As far as I know the only memorials we have are up at the courthouse. Nice to know there are some people willing to go out of there way like you have. Margaret
  24. I think they just ran out of cassette decks finally. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  25. I can handle just dealing with tropical storms all season as opposed to the alternative. Hang in there should be a breeze. ok bad pun. Sorry. We get whatever is left maybe. They aren't sure if it's gonna go back out or ride up on land. Margaret
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