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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. From what I could tell this was a way of connecting the old series to the new they are about to start. I love Neil and was thrilled to hear how he met Carl Sagan as a high school student. I'll eagerly await the next show and see how they move forward now that they have started with an homage to the original. Margaret
  2. Dang Dan ya didn't have to YELL at us. But hope ya feel better. How much snow ya got up there now? Margaret
  3. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: :bighug::bighug: Have a great day!!!! Guess taking a ride is out of the question. Of course Ice Cream is always good. Margaret & Jeff
  4. You got it. That's such a shock hope Mike is holding up ok. Margaret
  5. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Now you didn't think I'd forget one of my guys birthdays did you? Have a great day maybe you can get in a ride. Roads should be clear. Margaret
  6. We've experienced our share of Prius' doing that. Do they think they are at home in their recliners? Maybe the batteries drain their brains. Jeff's seen a Prius pulling a trailer actually doing the speed limit of course in the left lane. Margaret
  7. :Happy Birthday: Congrat's on joining those of us in the over 50 group. I'll take you for ICE CREAM today. Hot fudge sundae or whatever you want. :ice_awesome-vi46644 Yes I see you noticed the anniversary and birthday are next to each other. Margaret
  8. It's beyond me too. Mom always says it seems much longer to her. But I guess I could have done worse. Yeah I'm going with that one. Margaret
  9. I'm not captioning I think I need to get a bucket with someone's name on it. Margaret
  10. Whatever it is you don't have to share it. We all just hope that whatever it is it'll be ok in the end. Ya know we all love you and Eileen. Hang tough boss. Margaret
  11. At least it's looking better. Hope it all works out for you and you can handle the pain ok. Hang tough Margaret
  12. NC's flag is pretty interesting it has two dates on it. The first May 20,177 for the Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence and the second is April 12 1776 for the Halifax Resolves. Kinda interesting having the history built in. I think New Mexico is a pretty plain. Margaret
  13. Gonna have to wait and see how things are here and when it will be. We aren't going to MD this year due to some family stuff. Margaret
  14. Hang tough thought's will continue. Margaret & Jeff
  15. So you think that there should be more then one of me? I think somehow Don would dissagree. Heck I think Jeff would also. Just sayin..... Margaret
  16. Well Sir Walter Wally here in NC agweed (sorry couldn't resist that one) that it'll be 6 more weeks. Not sure if that's gonna be more snow I hope not. You folks out west can have it and do us all a favor and keep the stuff no more sharing. Margaret
  17. Hey now not all of us watch the super bowl. We're the ones on border patrol. Margaret
  18. I knew it the Canadians just wanted us to think they were really nice easy going folks. They are really devising a diabolic plan to take over. Yeah I know just trying to humor him though. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  19. Ok so Punxsutawney Phil, Gen.Beauregard Lee have both seen their shadows. Our groundhog hasn't done his thing yet. Evidently he doesn't check it out till around noon. Oh and his name is Sir Walter Wally (cute huh). Guess he parties too much the night before. So according to those who have gotten up it's gonna be 6 more weeks of winter. Dang!! Margaret
  20. Looks like it finally has stopped. I'm guessing that it looks like we may have about 6" we did get some sleet too unfortunately. I cleaned off the porch already and swept the door (it's a bit blowy) but looks like I can get this place cleaned up some. Jeff already headed onto the porch (I knew he would) to check it out. Glad we didn't get the foot they threatened us with. Should be pretty cleared up by friday. They are saying to stay off the roads, but we all know folks will head out as soon as the sun starts shinning. Just hoping they actually use the dang plows around here Gov declared a state of emergency hopefully that means they sent us some plows from the western part of the state. Ok the official is almost 7" in Hertford we got a bit more then that. Watching the video from VA I don't know who teaches there DOT how to plow but they need a better method. Those roads look terrible. When we went to Greensboro last week after the snow here (we left at like 6:30am 64 looked almost like it hadn't snowed. Oh well. Here's to spring coming some day. Ground hog day is coming sunday. Margaret
  21. Happy Birthday here's to a sunny day and maybe even warmish. Margaret
  22. Stay off the ice Dan. Don't want you getting hurt now. Margaret
  23. Hence I don't live in Southeast Idaho. We did get a bit of good news (it's all relative though) Looks like the foot of snow may end up a bit north of us (though they still aren't sure) Only looking at 10". Just started snowing here not gonna stop till tomorrow. Schools are closed tomorrow. Won't take too long to melt since we'll warm back up thsi weekend. Heck they are saying possible rain early next week. Everyone around here is just treating it like a cold version of a hurricane. Got gas for the generator. Margare
  24. I'll send Jeff up I need a vacation. He's not grumpy (much):crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  25. Ok Annie sends us half her heat and we all send the snow to CA so they can end their drought. Unfortunately not gonna happen. Hey we can whine here we don't have much in the way of snow removal equipment like up north. But the stuff will be melting by the weekend when we go back up to the 60's. Just hoping the snow amount slacks off and we get less then they are saying. Haven't had near this much since the big snow around Christmas back in 2011. We drove home from NY in that one. That was a pain. Margaret
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