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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. We'll have our bunkhouse with us at Asheville. The bunkhouse has also been bought by Bushtec now. The prices have gone up a bit since they acquired it. But you can check out ours at Asheville, unless you're gonna buy one before that. Margaret
  2. Good Friday Morning on "As The Wheel Turns" This morning finds us on the road with the NC crew, who had to stop for the night with the WV group. They are on their way to Freebirds to hopefully find out what's up with this shipment. Froggie has talked to Freebird and found out the truck hasn't made it yet. Seems it's slow going with that delivery. Meanwhile Stefano AKA bongobob is tied up with Guido and Luigi. Seems the mysterious DQ owner has them all in his back room. Guido is yelling HEY YOU!! What you want with us? No reply comes. Out in front of the DQ our mysterious man has the truck that Guido was driving and is giving it to his driver. Your orders are to take this truck to the warehouse in MI. Our first clues this mystery man is from MI and has a DQ. Back at Freebirds the word has come in that the truck has been taken by a rival gang. Lt. Mess knows this gang they are as bad as Guido's International Pizza Delivery gang. {Seems the leader knows something about the Ventureriders since he was a member at one time. Hmmmmmm can anyone guess who this guy is? I think some might have caught on.} Freebird asks Lt. Mess what this all means and he's told the cops will all be leaving his house. Wow really!! Eileen hears this and finishes off the last of the boxed wine. Down in FL Ruffy gets a call from someone he hasn't heard from in a while. This man tells him he will be getting his bike back soon and not to worry. Also no calling the cops or you won't see your bike again. Ruffy wonders to himself if having the cops listen in on the call counts. He's not going to say anything though since he wants his bike back. What will happen next week dear readers? Will we figure out what is going on? Will BigTom find our Bongobob? Will he be in time? Will Ruffy get his bike back? Will anyone figure out that our mystery man is a bit fishy? Will Freebird enjoy his short lived empty home? Will the VR members from NC & WV get to Freebirds? Will Eileen find a need for more wine? Will anyone care about any of this? Tune in next week for more "AS THE WHEEL TURNS" When we may hear Guido say "Luigi not that"
  3. Hey how'd ya get that cracked windshield. Been following one of them bikes known for throwing away parts? Margaret
  4. Welcome to thursday's editon of "As The Wheel Turns" The story of some really interesting bikers who love ice cream. When we left our story the Muffins were gathering their group together. Riderduke came down with the bugfish's & venturingSole, ADC was with the Muffins. Mini asked Muffinman if he thought it was ok to travel with the gun, he says no problem nobody will even pay attention. OK she says as she straps it to the luggage rack. First stop will be breakfast, then they'll be good to go for a while. Back at the hospital they are getting ready to ship out the pick up guy. He's going to the same hospital as Yama Mama. Wonder if that will help her remember? Maybe they'll figure out who this poor man is. Up in WV Skid is put on the task force for this truck that should be coming through to OH with a delivery for Freebirds house. Wonder what's in that truck? Meanwhile Yammer and Froggie are going to meet up with the group coming from NC. They'll all head to Freebirds house, unless they meet up with that truck first. What none of them know is that truck is out of comission since Bongobob disabled the thing. Guido is calling AAA again for the truck, hoping this is as easy a fix as the gas was. Stefano aka bongo suggests ice cream while they wait. Mysteriously a DQ seems to have appeared out of nowhere. At least nobody really remembers seeing it before. Buildings don't just appear out of thin air (unless it's this story). Meanwhile inside the DQ is a strange man who has nefarious plans for Guido and his gang. Seems he's been waiting for his chance to get him for a while. Will our Bongo be in dire straits? Meanwhile back in NC they are finished with breakfast and headed in the direction of WV. Muffin has called sledgehammer to see if he'd like to go along as well. He is a retired State trooper from NC and the more the merrier. He decides to come and he has the sleeperhawks with him. Wow this is getting to be a pretty large group. Our pick up guy has made it to the hospital in OH and they are getting him ready for a room. First the doctors want to check him out to see how bad his amnesia actually is. Back in NY BigTom notices his buddy Bongo is missing. He calls Becky to find out whats up and she tells him she can't say over the phone. So being a good friend he heads over to the house. Then Becky fills him in on the fact that our brave Bongo has decided to go undercover, OH no Tom is worried about his friend and decides he needs to find him and help. So he calls tater and tells her he won't be home for supper he has a mission. Tater figures it's got to do with ice cream and doesn't worry. What will happen tomorrow dear readers? Will Bongo be in trouble? Will Guido be sleeping with the fishes? Will BigTom get to Bongo in time? Will Mama have to share her room with the pick up guy? Will Moped like that? Will the NC group meet up with the WV group? Will they all get to Freebirds house and find any donuts left? Will Eileen be drinking a box of wine in the hot tub? Will she be using that bull whip on Freebird? Will the AAA fix the truck? Will this mysterious DQ man get a name? Will he be anyone we know? Tune in tomorrow for more questions and no answers on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  5. to you to you Dear Ramona to you Hope you had a great day and someone needs to find out what Dan wants he's brown nosing a bit today. Magaret & Jeff
  6. Good Wednesday Morning dear readers of "As The World Turns" As we return to our story we find ourselves in NC. The pick up driver is awake but can't seem to remember who he is or where he is. OH No he has amnesia. What are we going to do now? His doctor tells the Muffins that we have a specialist in OH that we can send him to. His name is Dr. Kasey and he has one patient already so what's two. Oh Mini asks is his other patient Yama Mama by any chance? Why yes I think so. Mini tells Muffinman we need some answers maybe we should head to OH as well. Muffin says why do we want to do that? Because that's where the big shipment is going and it's being delivered to Freebirds. Oh ok guess we can do that, lets see if we can get any back up for this trip. I'll call ADC, Riderduke, the Sleeperhawks and Beer30 to start. OK Mini says I'll get our stuff together for the trip. Should I bring the thompson with us? Back in Florida poor Ruffy is still waiting for any news and he's getting very impatient. He's getting no news out of his local police and Lt.Mess isn't answering him at all. Back in NC the Muffins and ADC are loaded up and heading out to Oberlin OH. Riderduke is going to meet them along the way up. Since his bike was saved by everyone else losing their bikes first. So The Ventureriders are going after the Pizzini gang. They aren't leaving this all in the hands of the cops anymore. So what will happen tomorrow dear readers? Will the Pizzini's be caught by the VR members? Will they find out Stefano is really Bongobob undercover? Will they find another group is also watching the Pizzini's and it isn't the cops! Will anyone find the Ventures? What's in those boxes that will be delivered to Freebirds? So tune in tomorrow dear readers and find out something new. Till then on "AS THE WHEEL TURNS"
  7. We watch the boys all the time love that show. The American version kinda sucked they didn't have the same chemistry that the Brits do and I do love British humour. Margaret
  8. Good Thursday Morning "As The Wheel Turns" Fans! As we return to our story Bongo seems to be in the Pizzini organization since Guido thinks he's his brother Stefano. It's a good thing it's been a while since he's seen him and that he's never seen Bongobob. Let's hope our guy can keep his cover from being blown. Of course they are getting down to some eating at the moment. Seems they are all very hungry. Down in NC Mini and Muffinman are just getting to the hospital to see what's up with the pick up guy. As they walk in they ask the nurse if they can see him. She says sure, but.............But what? He doesn't seem to be much help, since he doesn't seem to know anything. Just then one of the cops comes up and says either he doesn't remember anything or he never knew anything. We just can't tell yet the docs are doing tests. Dang this is gonna stink if he can't help. Mini say's I'll go outside and call Freebirds and let them know what's up here, maybe something is happening out there. Back in Oberlin Don is still thinking about the flour and how to get rid of Lt. Mess when the phone rings. It's Mini with news or lack of it from NC. He thanks Mini tells her nothing new there yet, but the truck is supposed to be on it's way that it's been spotted on the road. Oh and another of those blues brothers has been spotted catching up to it. Curiously this one looks like John Belushi. Wow that's odd Mini tells him, well try and relax some before the truck gets there. Freebird hangs up and thinks who can relax with all these cops around eating me out of house and home. Back at the restaurant the Pizzini's and our brave undercover Bongo are getting their order of pizza (what else would they be eating) Guido ordered it with extra sauce. He also tells Stefano that it's the best pizza outside of NY he's ever eaten. So folks what will happen next....... Will Mama get her memory back for the weekend since it's suppose to be nice riding weather? Will Mama remember why she likes her doctor so much? Will Moped get any info on where his beloved RSV is? Will Bongo be able to eat the pizza with his glasses on so the Pizzini's don't know he's not their brother? Will the pick up guy tell anyone anything? Will we ever find out what Mini saw in that box? Will Freebird and Eileen have enough donuts this time? These and other questions you never knew you needed answers to next time on "As The Wheel Turns" Tune in next time when Freebird says "Eileen did you drink all the wine already?" Margaret
  9. "As The Wheel Turns" As we return to our valiant cast of loveable misfits Yama mama is resting comfortably in the hospital with a doctor that looks remarkably like George Clooney, which explains her instant love for the man. Anyone that knows her knows how much she loves George. Which is strange that would stick with her memory when nothing else has. Bongo is excitedly heading off to see if he can pull off this undercover operation. Which makes him look a little like John Belushi (strange isn't it, or not this is As The Wheel Turns where anything is possible) Ruffy has been contacted by the FBI and told to hang in there since they are waiting the arrival of the shipment in OH at Freebirds house. Meanwhile back in OH Eileen has decided the Ventureriders are cheaper to feed then these cops. Time for drastic measures she's going to start making her own donuts to save money. That or these guys are gonna have to cough up some money towards this habit of theirs. Down at the pond at Freebirds Eillott Mess is sitting watching and waiting to see if this pond monster shows up. What he hasn't heard is that there are two of these monsters at least. While sitting peacefully at the pond his phone rings and gives him a start. Seems the truck has been spotted in WV heading towards Oberlin. That's great news, also spotted is a guy that looks like John Belushi heading in the same direction. Eillott wonders who this other person could be and if he works for the Pizzini's. Back in NC Muffinman gets word that the pick up guy is waking up. Mini has gotten into the box and looks inside and can't believe what she sees. She shows Muffinman and he's shocked, What would they need with one of those? Mini has no idea, but wonders if this is not just one piece and the other boxes hold the rest. Could be Muffinman says. Oh Mini have you heard anymore on Mama's condition? She still doesn't remember Moped or anything about the bikes or her. She does seem to be very taken with her doctor though. Moped says he looks like George Clooney, and you know how she likes him. Then they head off towards the hospital hoping this leads to some answers on the missing Ventures. Meanwhile back in WV Guido and Luigi are driving the truck to Oberlin when a terrible storm comes up on them. Guido says look a truck stop up ahead lets stop there while this storm passes. Luigi asks can we eat while we are there Guido. Sure I don't think this storm will pass too quickly. Also aware of the pending storm is our brave Bongo and he decides maybe stopping somewhere for the night is in order. He'll avoid the storm get some food and rest. He see's a place with a restaurant and stops. It's a nice looking mom and pop kinda place. The name on the hotel and the pizza place is Pizano's. Hmmmm wonder if they could have any connection to the Pizzini's? Nay that's just silly. So tune in tomorrow folks when we see if the pizza at Pizano's is better then the free Pizzini pizza. Will Yama Mama wake up or propose to her doctor? Will Eilleen take off and leave all the cops to find their own donuts? Will the pick up guy wake up? Will you find out what Mini saw in the box? Will Luigi get anything good to eat? Where will he and Guido sleep? Who know's Maybe the shadow knows? But I don't think he's part of this story. So tune in again to see where this story leads next on: "AS THE WHEEL TURNS"
  10. Welcome to Friday on "As The Wheel Turns". As we return to our little tale we find Mama has now got amnesia. Evidently one of those boxes hit her in the head. Moped is now up on the fact that his bike is missing thanks to the phoney newpaper. Bongo is searching for just the right sunglasses to complete his ensemble to go undercover as a blues brother. Annie has been ill, but she has sent word of some mysterious goings on in Oz. This is looking like an international Venture stealing business. But what are they going to do with all those bikes? Down in NC Mini is opening the last of the boxes when it starts smoking. Uh oh this isn't good, now what do I do? She quickly takes it outside just in case it decides to go boom or just burn up. While outside she sees an FBI guy come up and she tells him quickly what she's done. Agent Storm tells Mini not to worry he's a trained bomb squad person as well. He takes the box to the burn barrel and lets it smoke a bit while he calls in someone with the equipment to get into the box. So Mini pulls out a box of donuts and offers them to Agent Storm with some coffee. Meanwhile at the local hospital in Elizabeth City the delivery driver is in the emergency room. The doctors said he's in pretty bad shape and won't be able to answer any questions for a while. Muffinman calls Mini to let her know and she tells him about the box. Muffinman say's I'll be home soon. Meanwhile in Oberlin they are still awating the arrival of the boxes from the Pizinni's. Freebird has just come back with more donuts and coffee. Seems the OH cops and FBI guys drink alot and eat alot. Plus he bought Eileen another box of wine. We may need to worry about all this wine being drunk in OH. That or we need to buy stock. Of course the truck is somewhere between NY and OH broke down in need of gas. Seems Luigi forgot to fill it up. Guido decides not to send Luigi to get some since he isn't the smartest one in the group. So he calls AAA for some service. After a few hours a AAA car shows up with some gas for the delivery truck. It's enough for Guido to get it to a gas station. After filling up Guido and Luigi are on there way. Meanwhile in OH Moped has Mama on the couch and he's called a doctor to come help with her amnesia. While he waits he finishes reading the phoney newspaper. He is a bit worried about Mama's not remembering who she is or who he is. He also knows she can't tell him what's going on till she remembers. What will happen dear readers? Will Bongo find the perfect sunglasses? Will Mama get her memory back? Will Moped do the crossword in the phoney paper? Will Agent Storm get into that box? Will there be anything in it after the smoking? Will the delivery driver wake up and tell them anything? Will Luigi and Guido get that delivery to Oberlin? Will the stake out catch these guys? Will we find our bikes? Who knows, because I sure don't. Till next week folks. Ride Safe Margaret
  11. Good Wenesday Morning on "As The Wheel Turns"....... When we left our little band of crazies Guido's truck was finished being loaded and was ready to head to Oberlin. In Oberlin the FBI and other assorted cops were waiting for the delivery while eating donuts and drinking coffee. BongoBob was all worried this was his fault but had an idea. Mini was ready to throw caution to the wind and open the box that was left at her house when the cops chased the pick up guy. Muffinman had joined the chase, Riderduke's bike was safe as far as we could tell. Ruffy's bike was missing and Eck was upset because he was suppose to inherit that bike. Now on with the show. Bongo had decided to order another free pizza to see if he could get another box delivered to see what was in it. He seemed to be having a hard time getting through. What he didn't know was that Guido was busy getting the big load off and running to Oberlin so nobody was able to answer the national pizza delivery line. Muffinman and the NC state troopers are closing in on the pick up guy. Thankfully this guy doesn't know all the back roads so he seems to be going in circles. Of course what he also doesn't know is almost every road can take you to a road you've been on. The cops seem to have this guy cornered when he makes a sharp turn and ends up in a ditch. Now they have this Dan Aykoryd look a like. Meanwhile back in NY Bongo is still trying to get another free pizza when the phone is picked up. Bongo says this is Bongo from the ventureriders can I have another free pizza with extra sauce? Guido say's no we aren't giving anymore free pizza's out especially to you folks. Bongo tries to convince him that he'll take more then one box to hold if he can get the pizza, but Guido isn't budging on this one. He can't afford anymore cops hanging around. He tells Bongo he has to go and hangs up. Leaving Bongo all upset that his plan has backfired on him. In Florida Ruffy is waiting for news from his cops about his venture. Eck calls Ruffy to ask about his bike. He's worried it might get damaged and not be worth getting at a later date. In NC Mini is getting her box and opening the first one and getting into the second box when the phone rings. Darn! It's Muffinman he say's the pick up guys gone in a ditch and the cops are pulling him out of his vehicle now. He'll have to go to the hospital because Back at Mama's house she's still digging in her closet to get her leather boots that go all the way up and find her bull whip. She has to do anything to keep Moped from finding out about his bike and how it happened. Suddenly Mini calls to tell Mama about the pick up guy on the way to the hospital and hopefully they can get some info out of him when he wakes up. She also tells Mama good luck with the leather boots and whip. So what will happen tomorrow folks? Will Mama find her boots and whip? Will Bongo call Guido under an assumed name and address for a free pizza? Will Eck stay upset about Ruffy's bike? Will Ruffy hear anything from the cops about his bike? Will the pick up guy come to and tell them anything? Will Mini ever get to the box in the box in the box? Will the truck be off to Oberlin? Will the cops need more donuts before it gets there? These and other strange questions to be answered in another dimension.......OH wait this isn't a sci/fi soap. So till tomorrow in another galaxy far far far away............. Yeah right till then folks here's looking at you kid Margaret
  12. Hey Steve do we need to put a spot finder on you? I remember this one meet and eat where ya didn't show up and.................. Margaret
  13. Wow Granny's top must be a heavy duty one to keep it up. As for that dude? Wow? Margaret
  14. Better let us know before you go so we can send you off proper. That means food and ice cream. Glad you'll be near more family though. Margaret
  15. As the day dawn’s on yet another episode of our favorite soap “As The Wheel Turns” We last saw Sgt. Saturday was questioning Guido Pizzini trying to find our beloved Ventures. While he’s questioning the main suspect the rest of the cops and the FBI are staking out Freebirds home in Oberlin OH since he’s been promised a big delivery from the Pizzini’s. Also someone has an idea about contacting the pond monsters to see if they can be persuaded to help. Of course they are running into some problems with that, nobody knows what language they speak. It has been thought it may be some dialect of Canadian sea monster, but they aren’t sure. Plus nobody seems to see them except for MD. At least that seems to be when pictures are taken. Back in NC the cops are chasing one of the pick up guys. Muffinman has joined the search on his wing. Mini is still at the house and she still has the box. She has also discovered that Riderduke’s bike was safe last they heard. Of course now that he knows he’s keeping it protected. With the local cops in on what’s been happening elsewhere they are also keeping an eye on his place. Mini is on the phone again with Mama. She’s curious about that phoney newspaper that she gets delivered. Since she’s way way way off the main roads how do they get them to her? Really with nobody seeing them either. While this is all going on back in Oberlin Freebird is chatting with the local FBI guys that are waiting for the delivery and he offers them some wine. Seems we have lots of boxes of wine here. Of course the FBI can’t indulge while on duty, but if he has any donuts they’d love some with coffee. At this time Eileen comes in with some boxes of fresh donuts and another box of wine. Freebird ignores the box of wine and makes coffee. Meanwhile the last of the big delivery is set to go to Oberlin. Now to get the truck on the road without drawing any attention to it from Sgt. Saturday. Mini has decided to heck with it all and she’s gonna open that darn box and find out what’s in it. What will happen tomorrow folks? Will Mini open that stupid box? Will Mama get another newspaper delivery? Will Sgt. Saturday get anywhere with the Pizzini’s? Are you impatiently waiting for the discovery of where the Ventures are? Or are you enjoying the twists and turns of the convoluted story? Is this something you look forward to every morning with anticipation or dread? Anyway for these and many more questions to be answered tune in tomorrow. Let’s hope Eileen doesn’t drink all that wine by herself. And did she get enough donuts for the FBI guys? Till then here’s signing off from “AS THE WHEEL TURNS” Where the moral of the story is don't accept free Pizza's from a Pizzini brother.        
  16. Glad you are both ok and you weren't on the bike as you said. Car can be fixed or replaced, hope that all works out for you. Margaret
  17. Do what I have to in the morning and stay in after that. It's just about 80 and it's only 6:30 am. Don't know what the humidity is and I don't care I'm not going out there. Margaret
  18. Ah Dan has not told all since there was no stove in the box. Oh tell the Warden sorry we had a terrible time finding a box the right size. Margaret
  19. Another day another story on "As The Wheel Turns" the continuing saga that seems to never end............... When we left the Muffins they just found out the blonde had dissapeared. The Sherriff's deputy shows up to take the report. Mini explains that they got this free pizza from Pizzini the world wide pizza delivery guy and had to hang on to a box. The deputy wants to know why an '83 Venture was taken when a brand new Wing was sitting right there. Mini can't answer that question I guess they are trying to get all the Venture's because that's all that's being stolen. She explains that this is taking place in other areas of the country. While Mini explains this to the poor deputy Muffin calls Riderduke to let him know about the stolen bikes. Riderduke tells him they didn't get into the box because the guy came to pick it up too fast. Muffin tells him to check his bike, when he does it's missing. Riderduke has to call the cops and let them know, he tells Muffin he'll call him later. After explaining all this stuff the pick up guy shows up. He doesn't stop and keeps going since he see's the cop. Mini tells the cop that car is suspicious I think it might be the pick up guy. The cop calls in the license plate and has all the local and state boys on the look out for this car. Luckily there aren't too many places he can go. Pretty easy to figure out where he'll go only two roads come off the main one that you can take to get out. Mini tells the deputy she still has the box. He tells her to bring it out and they'll have their experts check it out. Kinda funny she didn't know her local Sherriff's office had an expert on boxes. Mini tell's Muffin she wonders if bongo knows since he was the first one he may have already been hit. Plus there's bigtom and others. So Muffin calls bongo and finds out his trike has been taken as well. Muffin asks about bigtom and is told his bike was taken as well. Evidently they have gotten in touch with their local cops about this. Oh the travesty. What is this all about? Will we ever know? Will any of the bikes be found? How many have been taken? Are they just big fans of the Venture? Which isn't a surprise. So tune in tomorrow for some more questions and probably no answers on "As The Wheel Turns" Margaret
  20. Looks like they'll be making money on the parts from what the article says. Having seen video on the way they drive in India they'll make plenty on parts. Plus it's a 100 to 125 CC motor. Margaret
  21. Another Sunny beautiful day on "As The Wheel Turns" Where pizza isn't as free as it seemed. Mini gets off the phone with Mama and Muffin tells her the blonde is missing. Dang how did they get her? Muffin says well I had moved out the wing from under the canopy and it made it easy for them then. Something very strange about this why would they take an 83 when your wing was there? They must only want Venture's. So Muffin gets on the phone to all the folks he can think of that might be in need of protecting their bikes. Mini meanwhile heads back in the house to check on the box she had left when Mama called. So she gets to the box when the phone rings again. This time it's the pick up guy wanting directions to get the box. So Mini goes ahead and gives him the directions, then tells Muffinman. She has to put the box back together so nobody can tell. When she finishes she heads outside to wait with Muffinman with some back up. If this guy works for the Pizzini's then he might know about the bikes. If not they might just have to keep this person to find out where the bikes are. Mini calls Mama on her cell and tells her what they are going to do with the pick up person. She tells Mama her and Moped may want to do something similar when the pick up guy comes to their home. So as we leave the Muffins they are waiting outside their home with a few guns to keep the pick up guy from leaving. Will the pick up guy show up? Will Mama and Moped hold their pick up guy? Is the pick up guy the same for everyone? What's in the boxes? There are more questions and no answers. Why are the Venture's being stolen? Are they just taking the Ventureriders bike? How will they get to any M&E's? What about ice cream trips? These and many many more questions need to be answered so stay tuned to "As The Wheel Turns" Our continuing saga of just about everything and the kitchen sink. Margaret
  22. Yeah I agree a I think it was rigged. Of course I might be just a little prejudiced on the subject. I do want to thank everyone for their votes. Margaret
  23. Voting is over. I don't know if she gets anything for where she finished which was 189. Margaret
  24. Dan you gotta be careful that's what the young ones are for manual labor. Isn't that why ya had them? Glad you're ok Guess the kids can finish the garage for ya. Margaret
  25. Oops I'll add tomorrow's hehehehe
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