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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. They are just like potato chips you can't have just one. Margaret
  2. These babies don't like sitting. If you aren't riding her she's gonna get mad. Even if you make them carbs like new now if you leave and come back months later you're gonna have to do it again. Just a thought do you have anyone near by that could run her and I mean actually ride her while you are gone. Margaret
  3. The hubby said the passages are clogged to the jets. Run seafoam through it let it sit. Do that two or three times. When you can get it out on the road run wide open throttle. Margaret
  4. Well Happy Birthday to you too Rick. Margaret
  5. Wonder what that would look like. Might not want to know. Margaret
  6. Well Happy Birthday again for this year. Ya know we love ya Dan. hey someone had to throw in some mushy stuff. Margaret & Jeff
  7. Glad you posted I was wondering how you were doing. These are the times when you're glad you got a generator. Margaret
  8. But how does one convey a diddley squat? Since you can't wrap it and it seems very difficult to pass along. Margaret
  9. Well looks like it's still in LA at the moment. Where ever you end up heading enjoy just hope you can get out before the storm visits you. Ride safe. Margaret
  10. Good thursday morning dear readers on "As The Wheel Turns" When we left our friends were eating donuts in a strange donut shop. While they were eating the owner comes up to them and asks how they like their donuts. Mini just stares at him and then apoligizes she tells him he looks familiar. He tells her he's from Florida and has a friend named Ruffy down there. He's my inspiration for the donut shops. Really what did he inspire you to do. Name them donut hole, he's also gone in on this venture with me. Meanwhile on the scooter: Bongobob is trying to be relaxed on his trip to the airport but the scooter is slower then the ventures or so it seems. Plus he's not very comfortable on this thing, and he's got to hold on to Calamari's waist. He really can't wait to get to the airport. Meanwhile Guido and Luigi and heading home to NY. Hey Guido what was in those boxes we dropped off. Guido tells Luigi he's not really sure it was a contracted job. Back at the donut shop Mini notices some boxes by the counter that look kinda familiar. Hey what's in the boxes at the counter? At Freebird's Eileen asks "What's in all those boxes Freebird?" Not sure Eileen but they have some writing on them looks like donut hole? Tune in tomorrow folks for more adventures on "As The Wheel Turns"
  11. I never said it had anything to do with a rats *ss just saying since ya brought it up. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  12. Ok Someone had to bring up diddley squat so here ya go ddly Squat was born in a noisy inn on the outskirts of Philadelphia, at 3:00 PM on Thursday January 20th 1732. His mother was a waitress for this popular tavern of the day and was busy serving ale and beer nuts to the customers. She was Eliza Squat who married the no good Don't Have Squat who left her for another woman. Eliza named her son Diddly because of the jerky motions he would make while lying in his crib and it reminded her of the diddle a bow would make when playing her fiddle. Diddly's childhood was largely consumed with aimless wanderings and living the life of a street urchin where he learned to play the banjo and began writing songs at the young age of fifteen years. His mother, now a waitress for a tavern in New York City encouraged Diddly to play his songs in the tavern and it was there in that tavern that Diddly Squat found his form and he sang passionately about tyranny and oppression and the colonists listened, and drank their ales, nodding in sober agreement to the protestant nature of Diddly's music. After a few months of playing his banjo at the tavern, Diddly took his act and hit the road touring all thirteen colonies in a rented buggy and a mule. Slowly but surely Diddly Squat was getting noticed. Other musicians were playing his songs in the taverns and pubs that sprawled across the colonies. By 1750 Diddly was a huge sensation selling out opera houses to standing room only crowds singing about the American dream before America even had a dream. It was said at the time that Diddly Squat epitomized what it meant to be an American even though everyone agreed they had no idea what that meant. Diddly's fame was so famous even the King of England wanted to check out his act. Tickets were so costly that many families found themselves with out a house or any food because they foolishly spent the rent money on tickets to go see Diddly Squat. In the state of Virginia a young George Washington, who has been grounded because he chopped down his fathers cherry tree, discovers his friend Benjamin Franklin has two tickets to go see Diddly play his banjo at the opera house in Richmond. Young George went directly to his father and pleaded his case. His father's only reply was; "Who's Diddly Squat?" Incredulous, as teens can be about their fathers, George stammered; "You don't know Diddly Squat?" Years later, during the Revolutionary war General George Washington would often tell the troops stories of his childhood to boost their morale. One of the more popular stories amongst the troops was his story of his fathers refusal to let him go see Diddly Squat in Richmond Virginia. During the heat of battle when bullets were either whizzing by or bone shatteringly piercing flesh and cannon balls would either fly through the air exploding onto hapless soldiers or rolling thunderously across the field of battle doing its damage in a different way, the troops would often look at each other and smile knowingly, somebody inevitably saying what everybody was thinking. "What? You don't know Diddly Squat?" Before long, the question became a battle cry as the passionate rebels who fought for freedom would cry; "You don't know Diddly Squat!" During one battle or some or other battle in one of those places they fought the revolution, the British had Washington and his army surrounded and it looked bleak for the colonists who now had a dream of dreaming the American dream. The same dream that Diddly Squat sang about so many years before. General Somebody or other from the British army sent a communique to General Washington offering him terms of surrender. In response Washington sent back a note that had one simple response: "You don't know Diddly Squat!" This response so confounded General Somebody or Other and his military advisor's that their advantaged was compromised when the Americans charged the British while General Somebody or Other and his military advisor's were still deep in contemplation as to the meaning of Washington's reply to the demands of surrender. When General Somebody or Other was received by Washington after Somebody or Others surrender, the first question General Somebody asked was; "Who is Diddly Squat?" The sad historic irony of this fiction is that while George Washington remains a prominent historical figure, the name Diddly Squat, while not forgotten, not remembered for the man who went by that name. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_history_of_diddly_squat#ixzz24y3ZPqXA Obviously not a real story but way too funny not to share. Margaret
  13. Margaret
  14. Gonna be pretty in these parts this weekend. Sunny and warm, just gotta decide if you are gonna leave and head this way. Not sure where or when Isaac will head up north. Margaret
  15. I'm sure we could talk warrior into setting up a little Asheville deal for you both since you'd be in the area. Then you could start your tour of this end. It's just a thought. I'm looking forward to seeing you both again. Margaret
  16. Head out today before that storm decides to move inland. Seems that Isaac is stalled a bit. Margaret
  17. Wow if this is what happens during hurricane season I don't want to know what the northern folk will come up with during winter. Just think how scary that could be. I know you don't give a rat's *ss. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  18. Welcome to Tuesdays episode of "As The Wheel Turns" The Muffins had gotten home then headed up to see Riderduke and meet him at a new donut shop. When they get there Mini thinks there's something odd about this donut shop she just can't put her finger on it. Meanwhile Guido and his group are pulling into Freebirds driveway. Freebird comes out and shows them where they can put all the boxes, he also thinks one of those blues brothers looks very familiar. During the chit chat Freebird mentions that Lt. Mess has found all the missing ventures and returned them to their owners. Guido say's that is pretty nice for the owners of the bikes. After they are done unloading the boxes Stefano decides to fake being sick, maybe he can convince Guido to let him stay here and then Freebird can help him get home. So he gives it a try. Guido decides that if Stefano is too ill maybe he should stay near here or maybe if Freebird will be so kind at his house. Freebird agrees mostly because he's almost figured out who this person is. So Guido and Luigi head off in the truck and Stefano aka bongobobny stays there. Once the truck is gone Bongo takes off his blues brothers disguise and asks Freebird for the use of his phone to call his wife so he can get home. Freebird asks him to come on in and have something to eat and tell him and Eileen all of his adventures. Calamari asks Deputy pief if he needs a lift, strangely the deputy decides to wait for some help he doesn't have a helmet anyway. As Calamari is heading towards Freebirds Guido and Luigi are heading back towards NY. Meanwhile at the donut shop Mini is asking Muffin and Riderduke if they think this place is odd. They don't see anything really odd it has donuts and coffee that's all Riderduke cares about. Muffin is happy they have donuts and Pepsi. Mini still thinks there is something odd about this place. Lt. Mess heads to a donut shop as well he is a cop after all. Meanwhile the person who owns the donut shops is on the phone with a friend of his.......... Calamari where are you at? Give me a call when you get a chance. This is "Donut Hole" So come join us tomorrow and find out anything and probably nothing. Will Mama, Moped and Marco survive the shoot out and who is it that's shooting at them? Find out on tomorrow's episode of As The Wheel Turns PS the writers of the program wish to tell our friends in the path of Isaac to be careful and stay safe.
  19. You can head this way we aren't getting the storm at all. It's going up north. I say head out early thursday and head towards this area. Good luck on what ever you decide. Hope you get to go.If you do let us know when you are at the outer banks we live on the mainland side in northeastern NC. Margaret
  20. Glad you had a good trip and a safe one. Always nice to give our folks something to talk about. Hope she remembers it for a while as well. Regardless you always will. Margaret
  21. It would be a Goldwing Trike I got a pic of it. It's in his favorite color too. Actually I think it's different as far as blues go. He did look good on it too. Dan don't get upset at least the wing is like the 1st gens. Margaret
  22. Well they moved the hit zone further west, looks like New Orleans is the center now. Heck by the time it hits it just may be the Houston area. Just don't want to be on that north east side. Margaret
  23. Stay safe. Doesn't matter what cat it is and this one is going to be cat 2 so far. Irene was only a cat 1 when she tore open three breaches in the outer banks and caused a huge mess out there. Margaret
  24. Which airport you flying into? Found this link for rentals at JFK which gives info on all the companies. Not sure if it helps but here it is. http://www.discovercarrental.co.za/car-hire/new_york_jfk_international_airport Margaret
  25. Wow advertising that he's super hot might not be good for George. Some of them guys get frisky enough when they see him. Glad you had a great day and many more years to come Margaret & Jeff
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