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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Hope all goes well Jeff. The docs can do pretty well just hope your grandson isn't in too big a hurry to meet the grandparents. Margaret
  2. Well I was thinking that if the weather was ok for the annual this year some of us may just camp out. Kinda why I took the pics of the bathroom. The man that owns it said if the weather is a bit windy he'd set up some trailers (he has a trucking business too) to block the wind for us. Oh Mr. owl this Deadwood is in Martin county NC. Margaret
  3. Should have said you'd be in the area there's a few of us that live over here. We're in Hertford. Margaret
  4. Went camping this weekend with Dokon and Missy. We were trying out a new place right across the street from Deadwood. First off this is a really new place and nobody was there but us. Bathrooms are great they also have a laundry room. Cost? How's $15 to tent camp per night? I'm not sure how much it is for RV's I think it's around 35 or 45 a night. The man that owns it is really nice he came by when we got there and again when we were leaving to chat. They do have a pool but it is extra to use it I think like $6. Not unreasonable since the camping rates are so cheap. Plus they do have a small camp store. So you will see pics of us all camping, across the street eating at Deadwood, playing putt putt then ADC and his wife and son Josh stopped and we all had ice cream. Plus I posted pics of the campground mostly the bathroom. Talk about quiet. Once Deadwood shuts down for the night that's it. Will give us some more options when we have meets there for those who are willing to camp. There are no cabins. Margaret
  5. Good Friday Morning As The World Turns readers! So lets jump right in.... In Oberlin Eileen's donuts are done and she and Freebird are tasting them. Well they are good, but they don't seem to have the same effect as the ones from the donut shop. Eileen agrees with Freebird. I have no idea what that secret ingredient could be. Meanwhile Mini is outrunning the person who is following her. She makes a few strategic turns and comes out behind her persuer who is now the persued. Muffinman and Riderduke are trying to find Mini by tracking where she could have gone after leaving the lab. [We'll leave bongobob's story to our part time writer. unless he decides to leave Bob hanging.] Disclaimer the writers promise not leave any hanging chads or Bob's. At the lab the secretary brings in the donut. Ah is that the donut? Yes sir she just dropped it off. Great now we can figure out what the ingredient is and maybe start using it in our own baked goods. Did you say anything to the lady that dropped it off? No sir just that we'd let her know what we find out. Good no need letting anyone else know about our plans. Now off to the lab did you lock the front up? Yes sir. Good you'll assist me in the back. What is in the donuts? Who are these people at the lab? What do they plan to do with the information they get? Who is it that's now being followed by Mini? Will Riderduke and Muffinman find her? What will Freebird and Eileen do with all the donuts she made? Will Marco continue to help his contact or just join the Ventureriders? Will Bongo get home or have we left him in the hands of a crazed writer? (hehehehehe) Tune in Monday to see where all this ends up or not on AS THE WHEEL TURNS Have a great and safe weekend.
  6. Good Wed morning on As The Wheel Turns Mini is on her way to the lab (which must be new to the area). As she nears the building she notices she's being followed, but by who. She parks the truck jumps out and heads into the building before the person following her can get parked. Meanwhile Muffinman notices that Mini is missing. He ask's Riderduke if he knows where she went. He doesn't know he didn't see her leave. Of course they were too busy laughing at the time. Muffin gets his phone out to see if she sent any messages to him. He has a text from her saying she headed to a lab with a donut. That's strange. Back at the lab she hands over the donut and is told thanks they'll get right on that. She wants to know when they will be getting on that since the donut hole shop is all over the country. We'll call you she's told by the receptionist. Now she heads out and see's the person that was following her has parked not far from her truck. She can't see in the windows are tinted pretty dark. She jumps in her truck sends a quick text to Muffin saying she's being followed and heads out of the parking lot. The person following comes on up behind her. Mini of course can drive this truck just like her Mustang so no problem getting away from this freak. As Bongobob yells Hey Ben the person he thinks is saddlebum looks at him and walks away. Does this mean it isn't him or he hasn't heard Bob yell or recognize him? Tune in tomorrow to find out what will happen and how poor Bongo gets home if ever..... On As The Wheel Turns......
  7. Congrat's guess now that the guys have seen what your shop looks like you'll be getting plenty of visits. That is as soon as they get it programed into their GPS'. Hope you guys have many happy years in the new place. Margaret
  8. Welcome to Monday morning's episode of "As The Wheel Turns" When we left our poor Bongobobny he was on an ill fated plane trip. As the pilots try to land the plane they aren't going to quite make the tarmac. They are at the airport just gonna hit the grass first. Meanwhile Mini and her group are sitting at the donut shop where everyone including Muffinman and Riderduke are laughing. Mini hadn't eaten any of the donuts. She decides they need to know what's going on so she takes a donut and hides it in her bag. She slips outside to make a call to the local lab. Back on the plane Bongobobny is hoping to survive this landing so he can somehow get home. He's thinking I should have never gone undercover I'd still be home if I hadn't. Now the sudden landing comes. As they bounce around the plane nobody is laughing anymore. The plane bounces up to the tarmac and stops. Everyone looks around and realizes they are still alive. Suddenly everyone cheers and then are heading for the emergency exit. Thankfully everyone moves pretty fast and get off the plane. Bongo gets off too and is so happy to be back on the ground. Ambulances and firetrucks show up along with some buses for the passengers and crew. Bongobob realizes he's gonna need to find a phone so he can call Becky to let her know where he is and that he's safe. Mini gets off the phone and heads to her truck. Thankfully Muffinman is on his bike so he won't be stranded. She has to be quick to get that donut to the lab so they know what it is that's making everyone so happy. Tune in tomorrow to see if Bongobobny gets home before the end of this month on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  9. Congrat's and I enjoyed the pics. Margaret
  10. Our little princess is 8 month old now. Enjoy! Margaret
  11. Name of Restaurant Pomodoros Street Address 1070 Tunnel Rd. City Asheville State or Province NC Website (Optional) http://www.pomodoroscafe.com/ Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Fantastic Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Greek & Italian Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments There are actually two locations the one listed here is near the KOA that we stay at. I really enjoyed the food. As far as alcohol they have an extensive list of wine and plenty of mixed drinks. Actually lots of martini's to choose from. This is in a small shopping center and parking is great. The atmosphere is wonderful they do have some outside seating. I'm definitely going back. Prices aren't bad, with appetizer, dessert and two meals we paid around $60. If you like greek or italian food this is the place to go. The other location is on the south end of town. ( 2nd location: 75 Long Shoals Rd)
  12. Welcome to "As The World Turns" this tuesday morning Sept. 11. When we left our story seems everyone is giddy from donut's and bongobob is finally on a plane. What is the destiny of this plane, we are about to find out. As the plane takes off and heads into the big blue skies seems there is a bit of nervousness on the plane. Meanwhile back on the ground everyone is happy. Almost everyone is stopping in at a donut hole and getting happy after the donuts. The CDC is coming to check this out. Nobody minds happy people but this seems like an epidemic. It would be the happiest of epidemics. Meanwhile in the cockpit of the airplane the pilots have eaten some donuts they picked up on the way in. They are getting a bit happy. As a matter of fact they are getting very happy. They are having a hard time trying to fly while laughing. On the rest of the plane most of the passengers are getting a bit happy. Seems the airline brought in some donuts since they got a good deal on them from the donut hole donut shop. Bongobob is getting a bit nervous since everyone is happy and the plane in going up and down like a roller coaster. In the tower they are trying to figure out why that plane is moving up and down. They call the pilots and the poor guys can hardley talk for laughing. What will happen to our plane? What will happen to poor Bongobob and will he ever get back home? What's up with these donuts? Will we find out what they put in them to make everyone so happy? Tune in tomorrow and maybe we'll get to it on AS THE WORLD TURNS
  13. That was funny. I always believe laughter is the only way to go when you suffer a loss. I'm sure your Aunt really enjoyed that last laugh. Margaret
  14. http://www.brigmans.com/obits/obituary.php?id=204953 Here's the link to the obituary for Mark. You can add your condolenses on this link and add pictures Margaret
  15. Since you seem to have a few years left I'd take some trips to the different areas you might like and go from there. Money aside you might like to pick a place that suits you the best. We could all give you plenty of reasons to move near any of us, but it's your final choice. As far as hurricanes we get em down south, but nowhere is immune from any sort of possible natural disaster. Margaret
  16. Wow they did a great job on ya if you're already running. Glad to hear it's going well, just don't over do. Margaret
  17. Glad all worked out for you. Heck soon enough this will all be like a bad dream. Margaret
  18. This is the way everyone who met Mark will remember him, smiling. Margaret
  19. This is an awful shock. We were just with him at Asheville last month. Jeff talked to Mary she's waiting on info from the coroner. Margaret
  20. Good Friiiiiday morning on "As The Wheel Turns" The continuing saga of a long drawn out story that makes no sense, but it's fun. Muffin and Riderduke are enjoying the donuts and they are getting happier and happier. Mini doesn't get it, but then she didn't eat any. As a matter of fact folks are getting very happy eating the donuts at this shop. Wonder what it could be? Is it something in the donuts? Mini asks the owner what's up with so many folks in the shop after they eat his donuts. The owner says he has no idea it's never happened before. Hmmmm this is odd. Joe the owner says he did change where he gets some of his ingredients. I got a call from this distributor who gave me a great deal. Guys name is Carl, he did ask a weird question though. Really what did he ask? If there were any venture riders around here. What did you tell him? I asked what venture riders were? Meanwhile back at Freebirds he Eileen and Lt. Mess are very happy. They are so happy they are all giggly. While sitting on the porch someone comes up the driveway he looks familiar. It's deputy peif and he's a bit frazzled. He starts off all upset and Lt. Mess gives him a donut. After a while he's eaten a few and is in much better spirits. The only problem seems to be that you can't seem to stop eating them. Meanwhile Bongobobny gets in the car with Sgt. Saturday and is on his way to the airport. Calamari is despondent he had plans for bongo and now he'll have to go to that donut hole shop by himself. What will happen next time dear readers? Will Bongo ever get home? Will Lt. Columba and Becky be safe? What's in these donuts? Why would someone want to do that to Venture riders? Who is this man Carl and what does he want with the Venture riders? Will Mama, Annie, Quickstep, & Moped eat the donuts? Will they bring them home so they can share with Marco? Who is Marco and why is he taking advantage of Mama and Moped? What is is they want to know about the Venture riders? This and many more questions you haven't thought of will not be answered next time on As The Wheel Turns Ps. ok maybe one of the questions could be answered sometime.
  21. Welcome dear readers to yet another installment of the ongoing and never ending stories on "As The Wheel Turns". With stories to learn by. When we left our story the boxes were finally revealed to only hold coupons. Why would anyone put coupons in boxes and have a scary statement on them? No one knows but they will find out. Back at the donut hole shop Mini ask's the owner do you know why someone would do that to your boxes? No I have no idea, I did get a mysterious email from someone that said he was going to do in my business by any means. Wow that's kinda scary. You should probably get in touch with the police so they can find this person before they do something worse then screwing up your boxes. Now that the boxes are known to contain nothing explosive Freebird and Eileen relax with Lt. Mess and have some coffee and donuts. These really are good Eileen says, wonder how they would taste with wine? Meanwhile in a warehouse somewhere in our land is a man thinking up a plan. This plan will be to do away with these donut hole shops once and for all. Then he'll be able to corner the market once he gets rid of those other upstarts like duncan donuts and Krispy kreme. Back in OH not far from Mama's a new donut hole shop is opening up. Will our Mama and her friends and family go and try the donuts. Maybe after her bull whip lessons, which I'm sure will make her hungry. So tune in tomorrow and the days after that for the continuing saga that never ends "As The Wheel Turns"
  22. Nice pics. One question what is it that's in the 2nd picture. Margaret
  23. Congrat's to you both and hope the next 30 are just as wonderful. Margaret
  24. My daughter put the grandbaby in for another contest. I don't have a facebook page so I can't vote. It's for Gerber and it's another college fund prize. Here's the link since I know a few of you do have facebook. You can see the picture regardless of whether you have facebook, just can't vote. https://apps.facebook.com/gerberps/detail.do?entry_id=187520 Margaret
  25. Happy Labor Day Monday on "As The Wheel Turns" Lets jump right into our story. When we left muffin, mini, & Riderduke were eating at the new donut shop. Mini saw some boxes that kinda looked familiar on the counter. She heads over for a look. It says something about explosives? Hey whats in these boxes and why are they saying something about explosive? Oh thats a promotional box, says do not touch or shake. It shouldn't quite say that but they got the wording wrong. I have a bunch of them the guys that made them for me screwed up so they are sending me some more. I just hope they are right. I don't need to scare my customers. So what's in the boxes? Oh just some coupons for donuts, coffee, smoothies & a few other products we make. Along with a donut and if you follow the directions the box becomes an easy cary all for coffee and donuts. I had them make it out of some heavy cardboard that was laminated for reusability. Now I have to explain that to everyone every time because they screwed up the writing on them. Meanwhile back in Oberlin Lt. Mess shows up and he has the bomb squad with him. While they send in a robot to grab one of the boxes and detonate it safely Lt. Mess is sitting with Eileen and Freebird. I brought these great donuts and a container of coffee. Suddenly they hear a boom sound and wait for the results. Hey Lt. seems there is nothing in these boxes but paper. Paper? Yep I'm gonna have the robot open one of the boxes so we can see what it is. Turns out the papers are coupons for a donut shop called donut hole. Tune in tomorrow to find out: what's happening at Mama's house and other interesting things on "AS THE WHEEL TURNS"
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