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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Good Morning this lovely tuesday on AS THE WHEEL TURNS the continuing saga of some sort of story that probably makes no sense. Actually it's the continuing trio of saga's at this point. So without further ado here we go. When we left our little group they were hiding in a DQ from somebody in a car with very dark tinted windows. The cops had surrounded it and had their weapons drawn. What happens next is odd (though with this story that is about right) One of the cops heads towards the back door of the car, looks like the window comes down a little. Then after a few minutes the cop backs up all the cops put up their weapons and head back to their cars and drive away.Everyone in DQ is a bit surprised and can't figure out why. Mini decides this is stupid and heads outside to see who the heck is in that car. As she gets to the door the window opens just a little and a hand points to the other side of the car. So she heads over to the other side. She tries to keep her distance, but this person can't be a terrible criminal if the cops just left without saying anything to the folks in DQ or arresting anyone in the car. Muffinman suddenly realizes he doesn't see Mini, he was busy getting more ice cream when she headed out. As the window comes down Mini says It's You! What are you doing here? Who is in the car? How does Mini know them? Does anyone else know them? Will this person be friendly or not? Why did they follow our friends? These and other questions will or will not be answered so stay tuned on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  2. You hang in there Tom, eventually you won't want to kill anyone just eat more ice cream. Of course after this you'll need a diet cause you put on a few pounds. I feel your pain, but I just past my 2 yr anniversary so you can do it. Margaret
  3. Here you go Kevin. I don't think we'll be making this one. MARK HOPEY MEMORIAL CAR & BIKE SHOW -BLACK MOUNTAIN November 10, 2012 Where: Ingles 550 North Carolina 9 Black Mountain, NC When: Saturday, November 10 - 7:30am-3:30pm Mark Hopey died suddenly in his sleep on September 7th leaving his wife and his two children. Mark was active in his church at Biltmore Christ Temple and was looking forward to a mission trip to Trinidad in the fall. Mark was always smiling and never met a stranger. He drove a truck for Ingles Distribution in Swannanoa for 14 years and received the 1,000,000 mile award for safe driving. The benefit is in his memory and to help the family with expenses. Check-in registration begins at 7:30 am, show starts at 8:30am and will go until 3:30pm. FREE TO THE PUBLIC. Show cars and show bikes have a $15 pre-registration fee until November 8th. $20 registration fee day of the show. Silent auction, 50/50 drawing and dunk booth. For more information call Josh at 828-925-1034, Terry at 828-925-8789 or Tony at 828-803-7519. To pre-register, mail a check to The Mark Hopey Memorial Fund, 5527 Bat Cave Road, Old Fort, NC 28762. Please include name and phone number and the year, make and model of vehicle. All Proceeds will go to the Hopey family. http://www.facebook.com/markhopey.memorial
  4. Good Thursday morning on AS THE WHEEL TURNS We left our little group hiding in a DQ from some mysterious person in a car. Of course it could be more then one person who knows we can't see in with the windows tinted so dark. Anyway they are hiding in the kitchen of the DQ hoping the cops get their before who knows what happens. Outside someone inside the car is talking on the phone. Yeah they are here I saw the bikes. Whoever this person is talking to must be pretty strange the answer to what they asked is: Well it's a DQ what do you think they are doing? Either eating the ice cream or having some orange julius drinks. Back in the kitchen Mini says this seems pretty odd, we're hiding in the kitchen and that person hasn't even gotten out of the car. Just then a bunch of cop cars show up and surround the parking lot of the DQ. Guns drawn they tell whoever is in the car to get out. Now everyone in DQ is in the kitchen hiding. What will happen next? Will we find out who is in the car? Will we find out what they want? Will we even care what's going on? Who knows so stay tuned for more of this nonesense on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  5. Saw this story and I just knew we had some that would be really interested in it. Barley genome breakthrough may lead to better beer LONDON (Reuters) - An international consortium of scientists has published a high resolution draft of the barley genome in a move that could not only improve yields and disease resistance but may also hold the key to better beer. "This research will streamline efforts to improve barley production through breeding for improved varieties," said Professor Robbie Waugh, of Scotland's James Hutton Institute, who led the research. "This could be varieties better able to withstand pests and disease, deal with adverse environmental conditions, or even provide grain better suited for beer and brewing." Barley which has been malted is a key ingredient in brewing beer along with hops and yeast. The research, published in the journal Nature, could also be a boon for the whisky industry while barley is also a major component of animal feed for meat and dairy industries. Barley is the world's fourth most important cereal crop, trailing only maize, rice and wheat, and its genome is almost twice the size of that of humans. "It will accelerate research in barley, and its close relative, wheat," Waugh said. "Armed with this information breeders and scientists will be much better placed to deal with the challenge of effectively addressing the food security agenda under the constraints of a rapidly changing environment." (Reporting by Nigel Hunt; editing by Keiron Henderson) Margaret
  6. :Happy Birthday: Glad you took off today, enjoy you're joy ride for today. Take some time to smell the.......... ok maybe not I think they are all gone except the mums they have scent enjoy the flowers. Margaret & Jeff
  7. I liked the expression on the folks that noticed something had happened they just don't know what it was. Cute video, hope they get lots of hits Margaret
  8. Dang give a guy the best 6 yrs of your life and it's not good enough. Typical guy. :rotf::crackup: Margaret
  9. :Happy Birthday: Hope you had a great day and I'm guessing you must be doing something cause you aren't on. Eat lots of cake and ice cream and avoid those donut hole shops. Margaret & Jeff
  10. You have to load the trailer weight properly as well and not fill the tires all the way. Margaret
  11. Not really sure why you all are changing the configuration of the trailer. You don't need to cut or add to it. We've been traveling with a harbor freight since 2005. You need tongue weight you need the heavy stuff over the axle. If you load it right and keep the tire pressure low you'll be fine. We've towed a lot of stuff behind the bikes on that trailer. Just recently towed a Bergman behind the wing from silver springs MA to NC and then back up to Fredericksburg this weekend. We have a bunkhouse that we also tow when camping. The pic of the Bergman backwards was coming back from Silver springs the other is when we took it back up to Fredericksburg. Margaret
  12. Well Good Monday Morning here at AS THE WHEEL TURNS The Muffins, TC, & Riderduke are riding after having eaten and decide to go for DQ. Hoping they can get ice cream that doesn't have anything extra added. Suddenly they notice a car coming up behind them. They have reached the DQ so they turn into the parking lot. As they get off their bikes the car slows going by the DQ and it looks like they are being checked out. Mini says that's a little odd and makes me a bit nervous. Riderduke says me too especially since all we've been through with the Pizzanos and the donut hole blowing up. Inside they order ice cream and sit down to enjoy. (they are venture riders after all no trip is offical without ice cream) While they are inside Mini notices that car has come by again. I think it's time to call someone for a little assistance. So she pulls out the card that the cops gave them and Muffin calls the number. He explains where they are and what is going on. He's told their is a cop nearby they'll have come over to check this out. As he hangs up the phone the car comes into the parking lot. TC says this can't be a good thing. Mini says maybe we should all hide. Muffin asks where would we hide in a DQ. The ladies room of course Mini says. While they are deciding what to do the manager comes over and says I couldn't help overhear maybe you could hide back here in the kitchen. So off they go to the kitchen. Meanwhile the car has now pulled into a parking spot. The windows are really dark so nobody can see inside. As our little group hides in the kitchen a cop car is getting close to the DQ. So what will happen dear readers: Will we find out who is stalking our group? Will the person get out of the car and come in before the cop gets there? Will they get to eat more ice cream while they wait? Who knows and the shadow has no clue. So tune in again and find out nothing on our next episode of AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  13. Dang I'll have to remember the sign is bent line in case I feel the need to sound incredible stupid to a LEO. Unfortunately if you live in small towns like around here ya don't have many choices of shopping. Need a head that goes 360 in a walmart parking lot. Oh and that is where Earl got hit, or should I saw run over. Margaret
  14. Wow with an endorsement like that how could anyone not believe I'm sweet. Margaret
  15. :Happy Birthday: 40? Are you sure? Well Have a good day anyway. Ya know we love ya no matter how old you are. Margaret & Jeff
  16. :crackup::crackup::crackup::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: I am the small and meek. Margaret
  17. Dang you'd think I'm some sort of criminal type. Really what could little ole me do to big ole you? I mean yes I dumped water (ice water) over your head, but I promised never to do that again and I haven't. Then I did toss a jacket at you the next year but no water. Oh and then there was the t-shirt deal but I didn't have anything to do with that one. That was you trusting BigTom. So do you really think I'm going to do anything to you next year? :whistling:Or will I just make you think something is gonna happen to keep you on your toes? Margaret
  18. He only takes them out for special occasions. Margaret
  19. Good Wednesday Morning on AS THE WHEEL TURNS Back at the restaurant with Mini and her group she realizes why the name sounds familiar it's the last name Pizzanos, only difference is the first name is Stephano. Oh well the foods great. Mini, Muffin, Riderduke & TC are enjoying themselves. Suddenly the cops that came in get some sort of call and rush out. Mini say's "wonder what that's all about". The cops head back to the donut hole because as the cops had left suddenly the place explodes. The fire it pretty big and nobody can figure out why. As Mini and the group finish up eating a waitress turns on the tv and they all find out what the cops ran out for. The news is showing the donut hole up in flames. Wow Mini says check that out. They can't believe that's the place they were at earlier. Wonder what happend to cause that fire TC says. Guess we would hear as soon as the fire marshall figures it out Riderduke says. Muffin say's it's time for a ride now that we've eaten. So they pay the bill and head out on the bikes. Stephano looks out and see's them leaving and calls someone and says' yeah they justa left. Who did the real Stephano call? Why does anyone care that muffins group left? Will the cops find out why the donut hole blew up? Will they discover what's in the donuts? Will Bongobob aka Stephano get out of Canada and help capture the bad guys yet again? Will Mama and her group enjoy their meal and end up in trouble again with the Pizzano's? Only time will tell so tune in not tune out on the next episode of AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  20. Sounds good to us Boss. Margaret
  21. I'm hitting 2 yrs this month since I quit. Did it once before for about 11 yrs went back when things got stressfull that lasted another 10yrs. This time I hope not to go back. Plus I've had some really stressfull situations since I quit this time and still doing good. I didn't use anything that Chantrix scares me more then smoking. Good luck to all those quitting it's not easy and it's really hard, but you can do it. I'd say get ice cream when the urge hits but then you'd have a whole new problem and I'd hate to see you need to quit ice cream too. Margaret
  22. Ok so I went and dug this pic up. Now I'm thinking it's something all the VR guys need to get. I know one person who never thought he'd see this pic again. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  23. I'm thinking someone needs a new pair of chaps in the same color as his hair. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  24. 4,3,2 I like number games. Margaret
  25. Ouch is right. Guess he's ok if he's that worried about his bike. Hope he heals up ok. Margaret & Jeff
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