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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Ok I'll bite what's so interesting about them numbers? Since you didn't put any pics. Margaret
  2. Glad you get to head off on the cruise. My folks just got power back, my sister had it on wed. waiting for my brother to get his back on. Those pics of the Jersey shore are upsetting. My family is on Staten Island, as well as Brooklyn, & Queens. Margaret
  3. I've only been able to get in touch with my sister and still the only one I can text and get a response from. But she made it over to my folks and they are ok as well as my brother and his wife. So a little less to worry about.
  4. Good Morning on AS THE WHEEL TURNS When we left Mini and her little group they were chatting in a DQ parking lot with Beer30 not realizing that they were being watched. Since you all are so close to our place why don't we head over there says Beer. Ok So they all get on the bikes and follow Beer to his house. They don't see the van start up on the other side of the parking lot. Mini tells Muffin she's looking forward to seeing Beer24/7 he tells her he is too. They all pull into Beer's driveway and pull around back. After they all pull back there the van drives by and isn't sure where they went. They all get off there bikes and give hugs to Becky when she comes out. She's been putting stuff in the new RV they have. Wow we can get a look inside now. So that's what they all do. Meanwhile the person or persons in the van are driving around trying to figure out where they all went. We got to turn around we can't go on the base. Yep did't realize we were that close to it. Need to call the boss about this and tell him we lost them. He's not gonna like that, can't be helped he's gotta be told. What will happen dear readers Will we find out whose in that van? Unlikely Will we find out this mysterious plan? Not yet most likely Will we find out anything useful? Most likely not, have you so far? So tune in again for more nonesense on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  5. At the moment the bridges and tunnels in NYC are closed. Might want to make sure you can get home Bob. Lots of the roads are closed after flooding and of course the trees that always fall in these storms. Good luck and be safe. I saw that WI was gonna see some of this lovely lady as well. Kinda scary how much of the country is going to be effected by this thing. Margaret
  6. Sorry to hear that Don, nothing worse then not being there when the power goes out after a storm like this. With so many without power hard to say how long it will for most folks. I know my family are without power in NY. I've texted with my sister haven't heard from my brothers or folks yet. This storm is one heck of a storm. Margaret
  7. Hope not I don't think they left since the weather was so bad. Margaret
  8. This storm is all the way out to Michigan and up to Canada pretty nasty stuff. We're fine here the outerbanks got hit the hardest. Virginia had lots of flooding. Haven't been able to get in touch with my family in NY last I heard they had no power. There's a tanker on a street on the south shore of Staten Island. Pretty interesing. Margaret
  9. Glad to hear everyone so far are doing good. Hope to hear from the rest of the folks being hit by the snow as well as this rain and wind. Hope our Canadian friends are going to be ok it's suppose to be hitting you as well. Seems nobody is gonna get missed by this storm. Margaret
  10. i did refrain from saying it was kinda anal of you. :rotf:Did remind me of something Eck would do though. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  11. Gee vacuuming the motor wow that's dedication. :whistling:Or something like that. Margaret
  12. How are all of you doing? I know the (for those with a sensitive reaction to curse words don't look) snow is pretty nasty up there. Let us know that you are ok. Margaret
  13. Your family members may have lost power and don't have the ability to get in touch. Try giving them a call tomorrow, they may be a bit preoccupied tonight. One sad note down here the HMS Bounty (replica 3 mast ship) went down 14 crew rescued by coast guard one member just found didn't make it. The captain is still out there. Margaret
  14. Well winds are picking back up some here. The sound side flooding shall commence for the OBX. Poor folks up in Kitty Hawk and KDH they had water up to waist high from the ocean flooding. You folk up north are just getting started it's not gonna be a pleasant night. Lower Manhattan is suppose to get up to 11 ft in storm surge as well as SI, LI, and northern NJ. Gonna be a mess. My family is on SI mom's just worried about power going out and the sump pumps going off. Margaret
  15. Yep the only ones that got hit hard here are on the outer banks. We'll have to wait and see if the temp bridge from last year is still up. I can tell you I'd be surprised if it still is, didn't feel real safe riding across that. Margaret
  16. So far not bad here. I'm almost afraid to say that and then have it get bad, but so far so good. Just rain and some wind. Gonna be really bad up north though. Margaret
  17. Are you sure the blinker fluid didn't leak out? I can't believe he didn't fill it after he used it. Margaret
  18. Nice looking toy ya got there Tom. Hope you got a ride in already since I don't think you'll be doing any riding here shortly. Aren't they suppose to have that nasty four letter word up by you soon? Ya know the one that starts with the letter "S" Margaret
  19. You all have a big snow event coming in WV they are saying up to 2 feet of snow for you folk. Stay safe and warm. PA and Ohio are suppose to get some snow from all of this too. Margaret
  20. Been windy here since yesterday. Problem is it's not just Sandy coming from the east, but her friend coming from the west as that nasty cold front. Looks like center will hit Delaware at the moment. Time will tell. Oh don't let her being a tropical storm fool ya when she meets up with that cold front her pressure will probably drop. Gonna make for a nasty storm. Margaret
  21. They are looking at it hitting further south then originally thought. Looks like the Jersey shore is gonna get hit. Hard to say if that'll be it or not. Good luck on getting out on your cruise hope all goes well for you. Storm warnings are up on the outerbanks. Just have to wait and see what happens next. Margaret
  22. Good Friday Morning readers of AS THE WHEEL TURNS the continuing and never ending (ever) story of whatever strikes the writers fancy. Now back to our story When we left our group last Mini was talking to whoever was in the car with dark tinted windows. Also it seems she knows this person. In the DQ Muffinman has noticed Mini is missing he yells to Riderduke: where did she go? Not sure TC did you see where she went? I think she went to the restroom, I can check. So that's what she does and she doesn't get far when she just notices outside is Mini by that car. She throws open the door to the kitchen and yells she's outside by that car. Uh oh we better check this out, and why would she do this. Outside Mini is talking to the person in the car. Why did you scare us like that? You could have rolled down your window so we could see you or at least get out of the car. Well I was going to but I was on the phone with the wife. Why didn't you bring her with you? She was busy at the house, we're getting ready for a trip. Oh you going somewhere in the RV? Yep can't wait it should be fun. We need a trip or two under our belts before we take it to Maintenance day. (have you figured out who this is yet?) Muffin, Riderduke and riderTC come out with Muffinman yelling at Mini. Who yells back and tells them it's just Beer30. OH! Meanwhile someone is watching them all from a van on the far side of the parking lot. Nobody pays any attention to it because it looks like many other work vans. Whose inside though, and why are they watching our little group? Inside the van the person is talking on the phone........ Yep I see them all now this should be easy....... No I don't think they'll expect what's coming on maintenance day...... Who is this person? What do they have planned for MD? Are they connected to the plan that JE Humper is involved in? Does it have anything to do with what is about to happen with Bongo? Tune in next week for more on AS THE WHEEL TURNS
  23. Glad it all seems to have worked out. Them deer can be scary critters. They could make a horror movie about them things just lurking in the trees waiting for unsuspecting folks to drive by. Oh ok anyway can't wait to see you and Rose at MD next year. Margaret
  24. The tourism site for NC has a motorcycle page now. Here's the link: http://www.visitnc.com/journeys/articles/motorcycling-motocross When you plan the trip let folks know we have plenty of NC members out in that direction. I'm guessing the coast is not on your itinerary for next year. Maybe next time. Plenty of stuff to see that way. Ride down NC12 with the ocean on one side and the sound on the other. Margaret
  25. Wow dude you messed up and these guys are not gonna let you forget it. Hope you're wife is more forgiving then these guys. :whistling:Of course ya did screw up and you should have taken the day off, but I have no control over what they do at the meeting about your man card.:crackup: Margaret
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