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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Did Mexican food this time. Next time back to the Outer Banks for German food. Margaret
  2. Nice looking truck. Now when you go on long trips don't forget to call someone so we know where you are. We got worried a few times cause nobody knew where you were. I'm glad you had fun on your trip and we'll be waiting for those pics I know you took. Margaret
  3. We're not selling them we're collecting them! Margaret
  4. Well first my husband the muffin said welcome to the asphalt surfing society. That being said I'm glad your ok. Stuff happens. Margaret
  5. Glad you made it home in one piece Lowell and didn't get too wet. You're welcome up this way anytime. We had a great time and we were all glad you could make it. Margaret
  6. When Terry came into chat last night he said he was looking for something he and the wife could travel on without being uncomfortable. She can't travel long on his vulcan. We (those of us in chat at the time) told him go for it and get a venture he wouldn't be sorry. Margaret
  7. He also made sleeperhawks. Margaret
  8. I totally agree with you "M". It's been 23 years since my cousin was killed by a drunk driver. She was pregnant at the time so we lost both of them. She left behind a 4 yr old daughter. It was devastating to me, we had grown up together she was just 11 months younger then me. She had moved to Florida with her mom and step dad to get a new life and instead it ended. Unfortunately there are way too many that think it's ok to get behind the wheel of a car or any other motorized vehicle and drive. Unfortunately they take away our loved ones instead of just taking themselves out. Margaret
  9. Hey Bobbie did you introduce Lowell to our Owl? :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: After this weekend it probably wouldn't even seem odd. Margaret
  10. The funniest part was he came all the way up the little hill talking to us and didn't notice his bike was the wrong way. Yes the boys were very bored waiting for the whole event to start. Those Harley guys didn't know what to make of us. Margaret
  11. I see you added the pic of us wrapping up riderduke. That really looks like Tim is proposing to him.:rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  12. That's cute just needs a kilt. Margaret
  13. Gene you gotta post the purple fuzzy pic of riderduke.:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:Or didn't Becky get that one? Margaret
  14. No actually the beer was consumed after this activity. See this bunch doesn't need to have any libations to do nutty things. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Wait till you see the pics that Bobbie and Becky took at Becky and Gene's shop. Things got really crazy in their. Margaret
  15. OK here's a shot of what Lowell was up to before those pics. Plus there's plenty of other pics that haven't showed up yet. We'll have to wait till Bobbie and George get home and upload theirs. I'll give you a hint there's a purple fuzzy thing that makes an appearance, right Riderduke. Margaret
  16. Thanks for the update. We worry when family members don't check in. Margaret
  17. While he was on his trip out west, he was looking at staying at our place on Sept 8-9 but was going to head back home with one of the other riders because of an accident the other rider had. They were planning to go a little slow and easy. But, he should be home by now. I guess we're gonna have to call him to find out where he is. I was wondering because I remembered the post where he was going to head to your place then we heard nothing. Margaret
  18. Enjoying himself so much he forgets to let his family know he's ok. We're gonna have to punish him if he doesn't check in soon. Guess he could be told that he's not allowed to ride his bike after dark. Margaret
  19. Lewis isn't doing Vogel next year, he's taking a break. I'm doing a replacement in Asheville NC Aug. 6 - 10. Margaret
  20. How fast does she go? So do you need two other people to help shift that? :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  21. Hey Gene maybe you could get Lowell a razor and some shaving creme. Then we could have him cleaned up to go out with us sat. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Just kidding Lowell, ya know we love ya no matter how much fuzz you have on your face. Of course you might want to be careful how long you let it go. Squid might have a bidding contest on who gets to shave you. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  22. Has anyone heard from Todd (86er) lately? He hasn't posted in a while and nobody else has posted about seeing him. Just hoping he's ok. Margaret
  23. I'll make sure he checks his mail. He's at work right now. Margaret
  24. Have fun with the new toy. I've watched the hubby do the carbtune thing shouldn't be too difficult. Good luck. Margaret
  25. Thanks for the great news. Hope he heals up well and it all turns out great. Margaret
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