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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. She's so sweet and it was nice seeing her eye's open. Margaret
  2. Well we didn't get much rain here. They said we would but oh well, guess next time. Oh no bad weather either. Margaret
  3. That was a nice article. I was surprised they came to the site. Margaret
  4. Hope the news today will be good. I know you were visiting your aunt and uncle today with food, hope they are ok still. It's a hard thing to lose a child no matter how old you or they are. Just remember to take care of yourselves too, don't need you getting worn out during all that's about to take place. Hope things go well for your sister-in-law as well. You folks got a lot on your plate. Margaret
  5. Hey George what's your favorite color we'll see what we can do. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: And you want yellow Kit, just ask Beer if he can get the color you could be sporting a brand new pair of yellow chaps. Margaret
  6. My daughter just voted for Emilee. So our whole family voted now. Hope they give her something really good as a prize. Margaret
  7. I voted too! She's a cutie. What does she win? Margaret
  8. Now you're twins! Margaret
  9. Ok this is way too serious so I figured it's time to add a little levity. I say we all start wearing pink chaps. Beer30 made the ones Jeff has and we refer to them as safety chaps. They do draw alot of attention. Just send us what size you need and I'll make sure you get a pair for you and Jebbles. Ok that's that. Besides you already wear a kilt what's a pair of pink chaps. Ya know we love ya no matter what you do and you will have to stick around here no matter what you decide. Margaret
  10. Scott just give it a bit. The same idiots that can hit you while riding your bike will most likely be the same ones to hit you in a car, or walking across the street, or the sidewalk. Unfortunately when our time comes it comes no matter where we are and no matter how careful we've been. You just can't live your life in fear of what might be. Margaret
  11. Wow that's terrible news. Thanks for letting us know. Prayers sent and totally in our thoughts. Margaret
  12. The end with the wick. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  13. Glad to hear he's gonna be ok. That's scary. Margaret
  14. You might want to look into a rider safety course. Especially since you say you've been off bikes for a while. Might make you feel more confident for riding with your wife. Margaret
  15. I added the dates for the replacement for vogel to the calendar. It'll be Aug. 6 to the 10 of 2008. Margaret
  16. Glad you two are ok. Too many folks don't pay attention when they drive. Margaret
  17. Guess that yard vacuum wouldn't be too water tight. Probably shouldn't try attaching that one.:rotf: Margaret
  18. That's a great idea for Don. Margaret
  19. Wow and I thought someone wanted to amplify me. Jeff said that wouldn't be good though. :Laugh::Laugh: Margaret
  20. Mama comes on to crack her whip and wear her boots anywhere from 8 to 9 pm eastern time (for those on the other time zones). Yeah she gets pretty wild in there. I won't mention the fuzzy handcuffs or the thongs don't want to give you the wrong idea. Oh Charlie, we need the rain too. Seems some folks aren't sharing around here. I don't even try to wash my cars just rinse em off. Margaret
  21. That sounds like it would draw alot of attention too. Can't run you over if they see ya. Margaret
  22. Oh is redneck picking on you? You need to get the dogs to sit on him during the game. Let me say I love your signature. That's really funny. Margaret
  23. Where in Virginia does this kid live? We got a few members in VA and if it's near us we could always pay a visit. If you want that is. Just a thought if he doesn't come up with the money. Margaret
  24. Glad you won't have to worry about them anymore Dan. Would be great if you could get the property and then never have to worry again. Margaret
  25. I don't think we want to be responsible for that sort of mental image. The trauma caused by a sudden shock of seeing Brad in a pair of lacey thongs is too much. Besides this is a PG site. Margaret
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