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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Thanks Jeff hope you got a big mail box. Margaret
  2. With him being the one that hit you I'd make sure they know they are gonna fix it. Here if you get hit the person who hit you their insurance has to fix your vehicle or bike, so says our insurance company. You could always give them the website for value, and info. Margaret
  3. George and Bobbie I think you may want to think about sound proofing for the bonus room. Seems the guys are going into competition at the next meet and eat with a larger group participating.:rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  4. Some of the folks asked about going to the zoo so we decided to add it. We can always do it again in the warmer weather. Maybe bring the kids and grandkids meet and eat. Margaret
  5. Congrat's on the new grandkid. Margaret
  6. Thanks David. Margaret
  7. I'm sure we could head up there for a meal to meet a member. Is that too pushy? I've been told I can be too pushy about these things. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  8. Glad you had a good time Lowell. Go ahead and splurge on one of them new fangled laptops that are wireless and get high speed. Glad you had a safe time Lowell and back in one piece. Where's the next trip to? Margaret
  9. Ooooopppppppssssssss Sorry Tim I already posted my pics. I know there was a couple of some odd behavior including someone in a green bag of some sort. Seems it has holes in it for your arms. Not really sure what was going on? Margaret
  10. Oh sure brag about being first on friday. We were first on sat. Margaret
  11. Well he had all those guys staying with you so there was plenty of beer to drink.:rotf: Bet the house is lonely with all of us gone. See you at the next event whenever it is. Margaret ps. I already posted my pics
  12. If I'd known there was a competition going on I would have rolled Jeff in with you guys. :rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: He could have competed too! The best was the tackle in the living room this morning. I'll be posting my pics soon. Margaret
  13. Thanks Mama for keeping this going. Just got home about an hour ago. See you all tonight. Margaret
  14. We got in a little while ago. My hands are cold but I'll try and type anyway. It was really windy the closer to home we got. We had a great time this weekend. Next time I need to remember my whip. Amazing how many guys complain about each other snoring. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Anyway we had a blast. Can't wait till next time. I gotta get my pics together and see how many I have. I'll load them up tonight or tomorrow morning. Margaret
  15. Well I made it my desserts are here crust vibrated off my pies, but they wil be eaten. Two sweet potato pies and two pumpkin apple spice breads. Plenty of food. Margaret
  16. At the top of the page is VRChat hit that and it takes you to where you have three choices of rooms, go into the first one. It's not that hard any other questions we can answer once you get in there. Oh by the way folks we do have music now in chat. I'm sure there's a few folks who remember the last toga chat party. Margaret
  17. Come in anyway we can take it easy on ya. Margaret
  18. Well it's time for another chat party. We decided to do another TOGA PARTY. So mark you calendars When:Sunday nite Where:IN Chat Time: starting at 9 pm eastern time So come on in to party with us in chat! Margaret
  19. It's gonna take a lot more then this to do away with our drought. I think the last they said was like two weeks worth of rain might do it. Margaret
  20. That HOT PINK really draws your attention. It's ok Gerald none of us will talk about her hot pink and teal lace, promise. We're a family we stick together. Margaret
  21. Happy Anniversary you two. Gerald we all know how lucky you are. Hope you had a great time. Margaret
  22. Ride safe and enjoy. And what Lonna said (check in). Margaret
  23. Actually we aren't that snobby here. We like you no matter what you ride. We got members on all sorts of bikes. So please don't feel as though you don't belong here, you signed up and that makes you family. Margaret
  24. So you have a nice supply of polishing rags. Margaret
  25. We've never run into any problems like that either. That's pretty wild, I'm sure you didn't look like wild bikers. Margaret
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