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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Yep poor Jonas got a fashion show when he was at Big Toms. I think it may have done some damage. :crackup: Margaret
  2. :Happy Birthday: I'm not gonna make any remarks about how old you are. You have a great day and remember you're loved. Margaret No pink fuzzy handcuffs they didn't fit you.
  3. Well at least you get to spend more time with Ella. She must be getting big. Plus you get to play in the snow with her. Stay safe and warm. Don't leave too soon. Margaret
  4. She's adorable was my first thought, then the second thought was why does Carl need butt cream? Then I thought better of asking that. Actually afraid you'd tell us. Margaret
  5. Let us know when she has the surgery. Hopefully it'll all go well for her with a quick recovery. Congrat's on the engagement, he must be a great young man since she's a wonderful person. Margaret
  6. Wow this is getting a bit kinky. I'm sleeping with taters and muffin is sleeping with Tom. Not to mention the logistics of this.:crackup: Oh and Riderduke, don't let him fool ya he liked it. Margaret
  7. You need to be more convincing then that Tom. Maybe if Taters told him that he'd buy it. Margaret
  8. Hey he doesn't sleep with Big Tom. Margaret
  9. I didn't think this was an inivite only event. Thought it was an everybody show up as is event. Oh maybe we should all wear something interesting this year. Maybe costumes, I hear he likes Marisa Tomei. Maybe Big Tom could dress up like her, he has the panties. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  10. :Happy Birthday: Hope it's a great day for ya. I'm sure that Leslie and the girls will do something nice for you, like cake and maybe even some ice cream. It's not like you all have far to go for some. Margaret
  11. Ok if you won't paint it pink how about a nice charcoal color with Pink pinstripes? Or any other color with Pink pinstripes. Margaret
  12. Wow I let you know I bought you a little something and this is how you react? Gee Don I'm not sure what you would be worried about. I did say it was a little something. I mean I have to be able to carry it. :rotf::rotf:How big could it be? Unless I have some help? I mean just imagine if Beer brings the Taj Mahal with him. Margaret
  13. Dear Don I got you a little present that I will bring with me to MD this year. Hmmm wonder if it would fit in the bucket...................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................Nope. Oh well. Margaret
  14. So do you get an oil can to keep that all lubed up? Glad it's looking better for ya. Muffin is gonna get some sort of PT this month we have to wait for them to set it up. Margaret
  15. I don't know about that they only worked on his ankle. :crackup: Margaret
  16. It'll be sooooooo good to see you both again. Do you have any lay over time in Dubai? Jeff flew in and out of there when he was in Afghanistan he really liked that airport. Counting down. Margaret
  17. :Happy Birthday: And he's going to have so much fun. We'll be going the Doctor. With any luck they'll say he can go back to work. At the very least maybe take that darn boot off. I guess I can make sure he gets ice cream on our little trip too. Margaret
  18. I don't think so, bet she just gives you a big bowl of ice cream to quiet you down. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  19. Well technically it's only the chunky ones. Does that make ya feel better about it? Margaret
  20. Well if we're gonna vote on it I'll second that. Chunky Monkey sounds just about right for Tom. I love ya too Tom. Margaret
  21. There was a mud slide in Maggie Valley in January this year. Here's a link http://www.visitnc.com/ You can get all sorts of visitors info. The next link is to find out road conditions through the DOT. Since it's gonna be a little while before you make the trip anything can happen up in the mountains before then. http://tims.ncdot.gov/tims/default.aspx Margaret
  22. Randy would be someone to talk to he's Venturous (sp) on the site. He lives in TN but he's always riding into NC. You might hear from him or one of our many members from that part. Margaret
  23. Glad you came out ok. Guess the way Jeff walks his carrot must have prickly things on one side. These docs have senses of humor I guess. I know you're gonna do fine and if the doc is happy then I guess it should look great when the bandages come off. Margaret
  24. Just remember to do what you are suppose to. I know how you guys are "I feel fine" then you do something to set yourself back. Gotta get better so you can ride when it warms up. Heal fast Margaret
  25. Not sure what the state laws are there, but most states have laws protecting tenants. You're landlord can't leave that window out till it warms up. Check the laws on line, there is probably an out for you since the landlord has refused to fix something you didn't break. Good luck. Margaret
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