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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. http://www.dedge.com/flash/christmas/ For all of you who have hit a deer, here's your revenge. You might even have fun hitting those little pesky elves. Margaret
  2. Ok Scottie we know you're just dying for a nice thong to wear under your kilt. What color is your kilt, don't want it to clash now. :rotf::rotf: You should get an idea what your wife is interested in fashion wise. There's lots of nice jackets out there. Did you want it for cold weather or just cool temps? Margaret
  3. The kids amazing at 3. How old are they before they start racing go-carts? Margaret
  4. I'd think retirement would be being Lowell. He goes all the time. Never know where he'll show up next. Where's he at now, does anyone know? Margaret
  5. I agree with you. I don't have any grandkids just a niece. I think the old toys made you use your imagination. Kids don't seem to have much of that anymore. My folks went into one of the toy stores recently and everything they picked up was from china. I did hear that Toys R Us is hiring an outside group to test all the stuff they sell. The other thing we have to worry about is something we can't find out where it comes from. Our prescription drugs. Some of them are made in China and aren't up to what they are suppose to be. Margaret
  6. Delaware is a pretty nice state, for all the reasons above. I drive through there every time I go visit my folks. Actually I've been trying to get them to move down to Delaware. Anyway hope it all goes well. The little towns are very nice. Seems like most of the shopping centers are on 13 which is the main drag, plus they have their turnpike 1 which makes things a bit faster. Use to take forever to get through Dover. Sorry for rambling, let us know if you do end up there. Margaret
  7. Well the extra cash will come in handy for any trips you take. With gas prices what they are and may end up being. Might be nice to have the extra cash. Margaret
  8. Hope he's ok in all respects. That's got to be hard knowing you can't really do anything to defend yourself. Maybe a nice dog would help. Doesn't have to be a big dog. Might be nice for him when he's alone too. Margaret
  9. It is a sad statement when our kids are fat and have all sorts of ailments due to the fact that they don't go out and play like we did. The only time we were inside was during really bad weather. Then we use to build forts with the living room and dining room furniture. Use the pillows get blankets, use mom's nice fruit bowl to hold them down. I remember all those tonka toys when we were kids too. My brothers still have some of theirs. That's what I liked about this website I found all american made and some really nice old stuff. They even had a slinky made of gold (bit expensive and ridiculous) Margaret
  10. that's so true. Just get them boxes and they'll have fun. Look what they've done to the old board games they added electronics to make them faster. Margaret
  11. I meant to put this in the first post but didn't have the info yet. Here's the web address for the list of all the recalls. http://www.cpsc.gov/ You guys can be really funny. Margaret
  12. I've always been a good tipper. Around here we only have a few decent places to eat, and at one point most of the waiter's and waitress' were kids my daughter new from school. If we knew the kids and they did a good job we gave a really good tip towards a tank of gas, most of the kids were in college. I don't tip that well now, but I taught the muffinman how to tip. Mind you we got great service when the kids new they'd get about a tank of gas out of it. Margaret
  13. Eck I thought you graduated up from a crib last year? What happened you slip back on us? :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  14. I know lots of us have young children in our lives, be they our children, nieces or nephews, grandchildren. So I've been looking around at alternative places to get toys. I found this really interesting site. The toys are all American made. Lots of old stuff too that I'm sure plenty will remember. Here's the link. http://www.fatbraintoys.com/index.cfm After watching the news today with the latest recall on toys that can kill kids or put them in a coma, I was really upset. Christmas is on it's way and what do you get for the children in your life. Luckily some of the old board games are still available as well out there. Hope this helps anyone looking for a safe toy for that child in your life (no matter how old they may be) Margaret
  15. You just remember to be nice to me Todd. I may be little but I can hurt your ankles. :rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Oh and it just looks like a really big tricycle that a little kid would ride. I'm not sure why you guys even like it. Margaret
  16. What no DQ? Was it too cold for ice cream? Glad you all had fun. Margaret
  17. Very nice. I've been told by some friends they can be addictive. After the first one you want another. Margaret
  18. Is it me or does it kinda remind ya of a tricycle. Margaret
  19. If that's your bushes I want to know what your trees look like. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: We actually call them pine trees here. Margaret
  20. Don go ahead and get rid of it. Nobody intended to cause a problem for you. Margaret
  21. Do you think you're allowed to leave us now? Didn't you read the fine print nobody is ever allowed to leave. If you try we get to hunt you down and make you come back. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Sorry about the problems with the bike. Don't go totally sour on the bike just yet, give it a chance. Margaret
  22. And we're so proud of you. Margaret
  23. Well we live in northeastern NC and there's plenty of pics of what's around here on the site. My last two meet and eats we went to the outerbanks, first one to the Wright Bros. memorial the second to the hatteras lighthouse. For pics head over to photobucket there's plenty there. Margaret
  24. I'm glad it's working out for you. I'm looking forward to seeing you and your lovely wife at more meets in the future. Margaret
  25. His dad has a website up. I think they are looking for assistance in fighting the appeals. http://www.matthewsnyder.org/ Also tells the young mans short life story. Margaret
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