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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Ok Thom what were the holes for? You didn't tell us. Margaret
  2. Ok Jopie Freebirds maintenance day is June 7th. You really need to make that one too. It's only a short ride to Ohio after all. Margaret
  3. Cool does that mean we can call you Jopie in chat now? Margaret
  4. You'll be in disguise Thom that may fool em. Then you can just pretend for a little while. :rotf::rotf: Why would your wife do this to you knowing how you feel about children? :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  5. I guess we need to send you a nurse Don. Can't have you getting sick now. I even know of a nurse that would be happy to make a house call. She could even bring her whip. Oppps was that too big a hint. Margaret
  6. He may want to carry some sort of disinfectant with him too. That's just way too scary. Margaret
  7. Glad he's making progress. I hope his rehab goes well. Margaret
  8. One of our members Dakotasport is parting out a second gen he has some parts listed here and he's got some listed on ebay. I just had to spread the word. One to help out a fellow member and two to let all those 1st gen owners know they are starting to part out the 2nd gens. Now mind you I'm not much. Margaret
  9. Jeff's talking about a custom fiberglass body. Margaret
  10. Ok Scott how much snow did you get? Margaret
  11. Darn too late I think the emails have already been sent out. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  12. Ok the boss got the chat up and running and these guys in here are not talking much. So somebody come in and chat please. Margaret
  13. He mentioned Pheonix so I'm making the assumption that's where he's at. He posted this info in chat and nobody was in there with him. I figured if I didn't post it here nobody would ever know. So I thought I'd help out. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=3911 This is his profile it doesn't say where in AZ he is. Margaret
  14. He bought a brand new 08 this morning evidently. Margaret
  15. We have a new member that lives in AZ at the moment. He's here till January from Taiwan and is interested in getting some riding in out that way. So if any of our folks out there can meet up with him it would be great. His name is Tony Lin I didn't see if he had a phone number listed but I'm sure if he's interested in riding he'll be back on the site so you could just pm him. He also wants to know about joining a yamaha motorcycle club even though he'll only be here for a short time. I don't know how that works so if someone could help him with that as well that would be great. Margaret
  16. Lewis what did you take a pic of the clock for so you didn't forget what time it was? He's a cutie. When does Dominick get to meet his new brother? I know you and Charlene are very happy. Glad it all went well. Margaret
  17. Ok so now we all have to remember to remind Don to pay the bill in Feb. Before the end of the month. Don't want anyone having any major mental breakdowns now. Margaret
  18. Great Lewis hope all goes smoothly. I know you and Charleen are looking forward to this. Keep us updated. And definitely pictures as soon as you can. Margaret
  19. Sorry Gene's already been in there! So what's your excuse now? :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  20. What you don't carry a camera around at all times Jeff. What sort of member are you? You know pics are required what were you thinking not bringing a camera with you. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  21. You would have known chat was down if you had looked in ladies lair where I made a post about chat being down. Now as for me and mama having anything to do with it I think not. I couldn't get in either. So there! Anyway I was gonna let Don know but he was off line already. Hopefully it will be back up tomorrow. I don't think I could go that long without chat. Margaret
  22. Wow that Bruno shows up everywhere. Margaret
  23. Glad to hear your on the mend. By the way did she say yes? You said you asked but not what she said in return. Oh and if she said yes you have to tell us when the wedding will be too. Maybe we can get you a motorcycle escort to the church. Glad you still want to ride. Margaret
  24. Is there a suppose to be a picture on there somewhere? Margaret
  25. What ever happened with the votes for your granddaughter? Margaret
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