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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Nay I've met both of you and you didn't scare me. :rotf: Margaret
  2. Not falling off in his big bags, you so silly Gene. :rotf: Margaret
  3. Well not all the kids are small. Even you big kids might want to keep an eye on him. See if there's any glints of chrome coming off his sleigh. Margaret
  4. Have a Merry Christmas and if you've been good maybe something shiny will be waiting under the tree. Margaret
  5. Oh the puppy is so cute. I know it's not a puppy but all dogs are puppies to me. Have a great Christmas as well as a happy New Year. Margaret
  6. Hope you've been a good boy this year Dan? I know Lina's been a good girl. Have a Great Christmas! Oh Cindy you got the Esther treatment too? I got pictures of it at Vogel. Margaret
  7. Lewis how did you know. The only trouble is how do we get all that leather off his bike and put it on a first gen so he doesn't notice?:rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  8. Lewis you can look at the downs two ways. Yes they aren't nice to think about, but the alternative was not finding out your daughter had gallstones or that Charlene had this problem. Both aren't great news but there's a solution to both and now you know. I hope all goes well with your daughter. I also hope this treatment helps Charlene and she can be back on the back of your bike soon. Have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year with all Life has to offer. Love Ya's Margaret
  9. Some may know about this others may not, but NORAD tracks Santa on his travels here's the link so the little ones can be sure to be in bed before he gets there. http://www.noradsanta.org/en/home.htm Enjoy! Some of our family has already been visited by Santa. Margaret
  10. That's great Cindy. He doesn't know and she shared with you and you shared with us. So you and almost 4000 of your friends found out before the son-in-law. :rotf: That's funny. Congrats girl! Margaret
  11. Hey Dale if we don't give you guys hints like that you just don't get it. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  12. Well we're in the low 70's here and waiting for rain. Of course we need the rain here anyway. Margaret
  13. That was nice. Different then the others I've seen where they just blink to the music this one changes color. Thanks I enjoyed that Margaret
  14. I'll deal with you later Jeff. Maybe he was just not a friendly person. They are all over. That's ok like it was said his loss. Don't feel too bad at least we all like you. Margaret
  15. Might be best if you don't get in the middle. Since they all seem to be fixated on you as their's. Let them sort it out a bit on their own. Keep an eye on them but don't pick up the new one and put it on your lap. That's just gonna put you in the middle and then you get hurt. Hope you heal up soon, might be a bit before they all sort it out. Hang in there though. Margaret
  16. I've got one kitty he's a wild cat. He loves the dogs and chases them every time I take out the dogs. He thinks they should love on him and he rubs up on their necks. He's really cute but I can't get him in the house yet. I am still trying though. I'm not sure if he knows that he's a cat for sure cause he acts just like my dogs at times. I'm down to just two dogs lost two this year. one in Jan. not sure what happened to him, then a couple of months ago a snake got the other. Margaret
  17. You've met Cindy right? :rotf::rotf: You're just trying to get him in more trouble aren't you? Margaret
  18. Was Don with you all by any chance? Just curious since he told on us with the ranger in the shorts at Vogel. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: (sorry Don) Margaret
  19. It's gonna look premeditated now since you posted about. She can get on the site and read that. Margaret
  20. Try this link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384 This is for the first gen manual. Margaret
  21. Ok first question is everybody fixed? The boys and girl. If so let them just get use to each other. They'll work it out, just keep an eye on her for the time being to make sure they don't hurt her. Good luck you did a good thing giving her a home. Margaret
  22. Jeff is pretty good now, but he's bought some odd stuff over the years. On his way back from going to Disney with my daughter (for a band trip) he decided I always wanted one of those cinnamon broomstick things you hang on the wall. Not sure where he got that idea. He's also gotten a few other things and swore I liked them when I saw them in the store. Of course I don't ever remember these things in the store or saying I liked them. God bless men they really can be clueless. Margaret
  23. My daughter said try mucinex. Works great she's used it before. Hope you get all better soon Don. Ya know we worry about you. Oh and stay away from the pond on anything if your taking meds. Margaret
  24. Ok since we're playing christmas games here's another one. Have fun. Don't hit the elves. http://www.dedge.com/flash/christmas/index.html Margaret
  25. ok here's the map link: http://www.epgsoft.com/VisitedStatesMap/index.html To get pics in your gallery go to user CP then go to the side bar where it has edit vBpicgallery. Sometimes you're better off resizing your pics before posting, makes it faster too. That's how you get the pics in there. To get the map same place (userCP) this time you go to edit signature. Let me know how you do. If you need a pic resizer here's one that Don posted earlier http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/d...powertoys.mspx Margaret
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