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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. What's amazing is that they get any business at all with that sort of attitude. Margaret
  2. Lonna I can tell ya that Jeff was worried about Brad not taking care of himself 'cause he would be worried about you. I'm glad you sent him to get checked out. Hope all goes well with the ortho doc. Let us all know. Just really glad you guys are ok. Also glad you got home ok. Was a bit worried about you riding back and being in pain. Oh nice job on the one handed typing. Love you guys! Margaret
  3. Glad you were paying attention.You're right could have been worse, but luckily it wasn't for you anyway. Margaret
  4. Thought I'd post a couple of pics for you guys. I thought it might help to see one done. We have added a piece to the front for the ice chest. It's also for balance or something. Don't quote me though not really sure I didn't do it. Hope this helps a bit. I'm sure you can get some of the other guys to post pics of their trailers. Lots of the guys did the hf with some sort of top. Margaret
  5. We have the harbor frieght trailer and have a car top carrier on it. The hf trailer is like $159 or so. A lot less then the piggy back ones. You can paint the car top carrier as said Lowes sell plastic paint. The whole set up works great. We've had our trailer now almost four years. It's gone everywhere with us. Margaret
  6. Wow I could really poke fun at a 2nd gen leaking and it only being a few years old:stirthepot:, but I'd never do that. Hope ya get it fixed. Dang these 2nd gens may not be around as long as the 1st gens after all. Now remember I'm not poking fun at ya's. :rotf: Margaret
  7. Maybe somebody should call him. Hope nothing is wrong. It's not like Lowell not to show up. Margaret
  8. Yep welcome to the new winter weather. :rotf: Margaret
  9. Ok you win it's really cold up there. Can't wait to see the pics of everything frozen. Margaret
  10. Evidently he didn't think anyone but Texans would show up for this. That's ok though George I'm sure he'll be back this way soon and staying with you and Bobbie. When he does we'll have a meet just for him. Margaret
  11. Maybe you should have taken two weeks. Bet that would have gotten rid of that nasty stuff you've had. Oh well. Glad you had fun. Nice to have you back. Margaret
  12. What did those poor onions do to you? :rotf: Margaret
  13. Actually Redneck should be in charge of the Borders. Since he's got a plan and nobody else out there wants to do anything I say we let him have control. Plus he already has guys wanting to work for him. Margaret
  14. That's if them 2nd gen's last that long Randy.:rotf: Margaret
  15. First I'm very sorry for your friends family. It's awful to lose a child. As for the tree limbs you can't get to. I waited 4 yrs for all the limbs just hanging there in the trees to come down. Ours was a hurricane but it's basically the same thing when waiting for them limbs. Funniest thing was I actually had other limbs just break for no reason and come down. Guess they were damaged where I couldn't see. So be careful out there, don't need you gettin hit on the head. Margaret
  16. Wow that's awful. I'm glad they were all alright. Prayers are sent and hopes for a quick recovery for them. He was just in chat with us last night. Margaret
  17. So it's your fault.:rotf: Margaret
  18. I thought you knew how much you and Lonna meant to all of us. I wish it wasn't an accident that reinforced it for ya. You guys are family, and very important to this group. I hope Lonna heals quickly. I'm just glad it wasn't anything worse. I didn't even get to see you guys this past year. Please be safe heading home. You know we love you two. Margaret
  19. Just think you folks in Florida aren't getting it too bad. Just think of all the snow they've gotten up north. They just want to rub it in. :rotf: I'm sure you all will be warm before long. We're suppose to be up into the 60's by sunday. Margaret
  20. You guys on the 2nd gens go ahead and make fun. You just hope your bikes last as long as the 1st gens. Margaret
  21. Thanks for the update. Glad to know he's coming along both physically and emotionally. At least he's back near home and his boys can be there more. He really should be proud of them takes a lot of maturity to deal with what they have been dealt. I'm sure they are in everyone's prayers. Margaret
  22. Didn't mean to make it sound like we all are normal. Of course you all are just a fun lovin bunch. :rotf: Margaret
  23. Well he did the jump twice. Besides we know the folks from down under aren't all there anyway. :rotf: Margaret
  24. Jeff's got the web connection on his phone too. Plus I always check the internet before we're heading off anywhere. Not that the weather is always accurate, but at least we get a sense of what to expect. Margaret
  25. I'm not sure what all the bike needs besides the second gear fix. Brad wanted it as a everyday runner to and from work and keep the 2nd gen for him and Lonna's trips. Guess we'll find out tomorrow how the bike faired. I'm sure Jeff will be on tomorrow sometime and can give more info. Very nice of you to offer help. Margaret
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