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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Around here they don't work on anything 5 yrs or older. Guess about the time they run out of warranty. We're lucky we have a good relationship with our yamaha dealer here. We get good deals on our parts and tires from him. Margaret
  2. Good question Lewis I hadn't heard anything yet. Maybe when he gets home from work he'll let us know how it's going. Margaret
  3. They said peak is suppose to be at 10:01 tonight east coast time. Just went to look we have clouds at the moment I'll try again a little later. Margaret
  4. I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. Definitely in our prayers. Oh and congratulations on the 36 yrs. Guess it's kinda hard to celebrate during this time. I also hope she doesn't have to suffer too much pain. Hard enough having a loved one ill, but knowing they hurt it's hard. Margaret
  5. Looks good to me Don. Margaret
  6. Is your fuel pump working? If you have any questions give us a call 252-426-9691. The muffinman is here and can answer your questions. That kinda sounded funny but anyway if you need help give him a call. Margaret
  7. Well come on into chat. That's where we hold the meetings for our addiction to the site. Of course then we get addicted to chat. It's a vicious circle but no side effects at all. Ok maybe a few, you'll find yourself riding for hours to go eat and have ice cream. You could also end up riding for hours just for a cup of coffee and some conversation. You may even end up riding to just help out a fellow family member. Ok some side effects but nothing too bad. Enjoy the site. And as in all families there are some nutty members here. So kick back grab a drink and enjoy. Margaret
  8. So Lewis how long till your parole? :rotf: Margaret
  9. It was a nice day yesterday got to see some of our family members. Had fun at lunch. Gene hope Becky is feeling a bit better today. Till next weekend. Margaret
  10. Can't have too many of these bikes. Jeff said if you need anything just call. Can't wait to see the pics of this old girl. Margaret
  11. Hey I thought we weren't allowed to post topless pics on this pg site? Margaret
  12. Well thanks I think. No he isn't getting any new scoot. Like that idea though Rocket. Well now it's just me and him the kid seems to have moved off on her own. Not sure he'll last another 25. Maybe I should get him vitamins. Margaret
  13. Just be careful Dan. I know you're gonna be fine. Margaret
  14. Here you go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384 Margaret
  15. OK Jeff figured going to the Outback steakhouse in Goldsboro would be good. Closer to Ft Bragg. Here's the website with the addy on it http://direct.where2getit.com/cwc/apps/w2gi.php?sid=47b6131f13b8a&ADDRESS=&POSTALCODE=&COUNTRY=&STATE=&CITY=&PRODUCT=&PRODUCTFCT=&LAT=35.09740792&LON=-77.03837227&UNITS=MILES&RADIUS=62%7C350&USECENTERPOINT=&W2GI_LASTEXTENT=-77.9729008059%7C34.6534386061%7C-76.5266329391%7C35.6613666541&SORTBY_Dealers=DISTANCE&START_Dealers=0&COUNT_Dealers=11&REVERSE_Dealers=FALSE&W2GI_QUICK_ZOOM=&W2GI_QFIELD=DEALERID&W2GI_QVALUE=3456&DISTANCE=55.00&W2GI_DNAME=&W2GI_DADDR=&W2GI_DCITY=&W2GI_DSTATE=&W2GI_DPOSTALCODE=&W2GI_DID=&W2GI_DINDEX=&NAV_INPUT_TYPE=POINT&NAV_CMD=&NAV_ALLOW_RECTANGLE=0&SCALE_ZOOM=&client=outback&template=moreinfo Noon ok with everyone else? We'll be coming down in my car need to pick up a few things since we're headed that way. Margaret
  16. Such a sad event. I'll never understand why someone does this sort of thing. If you want to kill yourself then go ahead just don't take innocent lives with you. Very sad hope your sister is ok. She may not have been there at the time but she'll be going back to school there. Hope her friend is ok too. Margaret
  17. Great here, no snow. Jeff had snow out in Greensboro wed. For some reason Tim didn't want him to ride the 2nd gen back to him that night and came and got him. See Tod it did freeze over the next time he road a 2nd gen. At least Tim got his bike fixed. So hopefully he won't miss any more of our meets. Our winter actually has been pretty mild so far. Margaret
  18. I got mine from walmart, but you can get them just about anywhere. They have them in different sizes so just match up your lenses with the choices. If your like me you may want to have someone else with you. I take my glasses off and everything gets blurry. Mine work great and they are the springy type they have little hook things on them and you just snap them on over your lenses. The ones they had that clipped on to your bridge of the glasses were always a bit heavy for me. Margaret
  19. Sure come on along. Now we need a place to eat. Margaret
  20. I use the clip ons as well. They work great. Never tried the magnetic ones. Margaret
  21. Saturday is good for us. Now we just have to find somewhere to eat. Maybe Beer knows of a place. Margaret
  22. Gee Don spoil all the fun. If the monster keeps his clothes on can he get in? Margaret
  23. Congrats!!!! Wow 10lbs 10 oz. that's one big baby. What did you feed his mama? Poor girl needs a good amount of rest after that. Margaret
  24. Can't wait to find out what the end results are of this. Gerald you're very brave posting that stuff, I know Ramona read this. Hope you can still type. Margaret
  25. We could have done without all that wind yesterday too. We have wildfires all over the place. The one in the next county is about 250 acres and it's smoky out here. Guess I'll find out a little later if they opened up hwy 17 up. They closed it last night due to the smoke. Seems like the whole state has fires right now. We really really need the rain. Margaret
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