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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Sorry for your loss. Just remember we are all here for you when and if you need us. Margaret
  2. Did you pick up the tab Tom? 'Cause I'm thinking someone is trying to win that contest. Just thinking out loud. Seems Don dresses pretty nice to go out to eat with you all. Hmmmm wonder why. I know it's work related just gotta pick a bit. Margaret
  3. Sorry to hear of your pain. Doesn't make it easy no matter how old you are to lose a parent. It makes you feel a bit better for them knowing they are at peace with it. My heart breaks for you and your siblings Margaret
  4. Plus I know where you live Don, I have been there before. :crackup::crackup: Oh if I come in the truck I can bring lots of buckets. Margaret
  5. Just don't forget to get some sleep tonight, we don't need a grumpy Freebird. I'm sure Eileen would appreciate that to. Margaret
  6. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Better have an alternative place to stay Tom. Margaret
  7. :Happy Birthday: Not sure what your weather is like but I hope it's sunny at least. Enjoy your day no matter what and get yourself some ice cream to celebrate. Margaret
  8. Heck if birthday's are counting mine is the 7th and it's a big one. So do I get extra credit for that? :rotf::rotf: Oh you still haven't said how many we can get in that place. I mean besides the bed ya got a couch right? plus floor space, oh and there is the tub. Just would have to check before peeing or showering. Unless it's Riderduke. Margaret
  9. I knew you loved me, just want me to stick around a while don't ya. So when would it be time for me to leave? :rotf::rotf::rotf:By the way how many can we fit in that guest house? Margaret
  10. OH goodie!!!! I say lets go for it then I can win. I know you just love to have me. Heck I could even stay a while. I'm sure Jeff could do without me for a while. You know you'd like that. Margaret
  11. Nice bike Dan, I'd go with it in case she comes to her senses later. Heck you could even sell the trailer if you didn't want it. Oh and don't listen to Swifty white is the fastest color. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  12. When are you going to be doing this ride? If it's in August then Vogel is at that time. They always ride the dragon, Cherehala and some hit the BRP. If you are going to the Dragon on your own try to hit the road on a weekday. Weekends are full of crotch rockets. Margaret
  13. Actually was 95 vehicles and three dead. Fog was the main reason and folks going too fast in it. It's on I-77 mile 6 in VA. Road is open by now. Gotta be careful out there folks, never know what's coming up next. Margaret
  14. Got this in an email had to share: Phil is no longer with us... Punxsutawney Phil, king of the groundhogs, was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound after predicting an early spring. Margaret
  15. Just think of it as white grass. That cold is just your imagination. Try thinking tropical breeze's. Margaret
  16. Well Beer does have the clown car. I'm getting in last though I don't want to be squished. Margaret
  17. The clowns, the bozos are usually busy with their toys and tweaking each other's noses. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  18. Well now that comment seems to have awakened the peanut gallery. Might want to hide when they all show up at your place for MD this year. They just might have some big shoes (oh wait you have big feet already) or a big red nose for you.:crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  19. Need to pull that slippered foot out of your mouth eh Tom? Margaret
  20. Looks pretty healthy now. Maybe he should get some fertilizer for it too. Does go to prove the old adage "No good deed goes unpunished":crackup::crackup: Margaret
  21. So at MD (or you could do it sooner) we'll tape you with your plea to Marisa and for good measure we can make another for your back up. Then post it to youtube and see where it gets ya. What do you think boss? Think it'll help you? We can even get poor Eileen out of the way so you won't be embarrassed by her watching you. :)If you do it at MD then you'll have plenty of encouragement from the guys and there support. :crackup:Of course some of these guys might not be much support. :rotf: Margaret
  22. Well I think you need to add another back up plan for the back up plan. Anyone else you can think of to add to your list? Oh and you guys can't pick on RR we gals stick together and MD is coming up soon. Guess I need to go shopping for additional presents for you Boss. Margaret
  23. Well one of us ladies would try to explain it all to you but you wouldn't listen anyway. That seems to be the problem you only hear what you want to hear. Plus you men can never make up your minds. I mean seriously Don you did mention that little singer that you want too. :whistling:Or are you just trying to cover yourself in case Marisa never comes around? :crackup: Margaret
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