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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Let us know when you get to Roanoke. We could always have an impromptu meet and eat. How often will you get to meet the nuts on this side of the country? Of course we only appear crazy till you get to know us then you know we are. Have a safe trip. I'm sure plenty of other folks will be available along your route whichever you take for coffee or a meal. Margaret
  2. I don't know what camera you have but it couldn't hurt to check with the manufacturer. Maybe it's something that they know about, or maybe they don't and would like to. Anyway can't hurt to ask. Margaret
  3. That sounds great Salty. You know if you need anything just let us know. I'm sure he'll be really excited about the bike. He might even get to ride with his folks some now. Some kids don't even mind being seen with their parents. Margaret
  4. Sounds like fun. You guys ride safe and take lots of pics. We like pics here. Margaret
  5. Well it is digital so ya never know what happens with them. I wouldn't even know where to start with fixing one. Glad they are taking care of it for you. Wouldn't be the same at any event without you and your camera. Hang tough it shouldn't be long. I thought the same as Todd you got yourself a bike. Margaret
  6. Are you sure about that one? :rotf: Oh by the way glad you're son got in. That was definitely way more important. Margaret
  7. Glad you guys finally made it home. That must have been a nightmare. Margaret
  8. Great pics Peggy. I know I would never make any remark. Margaret
  9. It was lots of fun having you ride with beer and me. Of course somebody had to suffer with that AC might as well be us. Margaret
  10. Great pics Bobbie. Only took about an hour to go through. :rotf:I see why you ran out of memory on the stick. You're definitely gonna need more memory sticks for your trip later this year. Margaret
  11. Eugene there was no spanking, no tat, no piercing. Have no idea what happened to the folks that promised all that. Peggy did get a nice shirt out of it. Margaret
  12. I missed you this year Charlie, and I was looking forward to meeting Hope face to face. Maybe next time. Tell her congrats from us. Jeff was gonna get her some dill pickle chips. Margaret
  13. That's it Peggy you're officially hooked. Now you'll make lots more events I'm sure. Did Ron enjoy himself? You could add one to that list. Target practice on the pond monster and it's apparent mate.:rotf::rotf: Margaret
  14. That's great news. Glad she's home with you. You'll do fine with the checking stuff. Just remember we're all here with ya whenever you need us. Margaret
  15. Good luck I saw some of the video they were showing with all that flooding. Hope you can get home safely. Hope the rest of the folks heading back are ok. Especially the ones heading back to the flooded states. Margaret
  16. It may be wrong but I saw some stuff that was way more wrong. I may actually be scared for life with some pics that hopefully will show up. :rotf:The pond monster pics did.:rotf: Margaret
  17. Here's the picture proof of Sleeperhawk riding a 1st gen and letting muffinman ride his 08. Brave man. Margaret
  18. You missed this one. Margaret
  19. We noticed the prices in WV this weekend. Wow you guys are high. The outerbanks are higher then we are typically. Hope the smoke isn't too bad out there today. Margaret
  20. Probably a few marks. At lest one of which might be able to be washed out or just thrown away. Margaret
  21. Bob had come into chat to let us know he wasn't going to MD because his foot had gotten worse. Had no idea he'd be having surgery so soon. Glad it's over and he's doing ok. I wish we could get up there to help this saturday. I'm not sure how long it would take to get to his place, but I'm sure everything would be done by that time. Good luck getting some folks together to help. Some of us will only be able to be there in spirit. You're a good man going over and helping a friend in need. Margaret
  22. Here's my pics from maintenance day. Hope you enjoy the pics I had a blast taking them. Got some more butt shots. Mind you not like the ones of the pond monster. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Mini%20Muffins%20MD%20June%207%202008/ Margaret
  23. Muffinman is working at the bakery today. :rotf:Making lots of muffins and a girlfriend for gingi. :rotf: Margaret
  24. The guys are right Don maybe folks should have smaller stuff to get done or at least have better warning of someone needing something. A list may be the way to go there. Now as for the catering best idea you could have ever had. You're wife didn't have to worry about getting the food and getting it ready for you to cook. I really loved meeting your family. That was the main reason I wanted to get to a maintenance day. Jeff talked about Eileen and Dylan last year. I figured the only way to meet them was to head up there. Thanks for a wonderful time. Margaret
  25. Ok I'm home. We got to Beer's house a little after 10 last night and then headed over to Jeff's RV to pass out. It was a rather eventful time coming home. Jeff (muffinman) and George (Sleeperhawk) switched bikes for a bit. Everything went pretty well TILL WE GOT TO NC. We stopped to fill up and say goodbye to the sleeperhawks and headed off towards home (we thought). Gene (Beer) and I were in the truck (I made the sacrifice to ride in the ac somebody had to) Jeff and Tim were on bikes we tried to get on I40. Tried being the main point. It was closed. I don't know how much of it is closed but it's a pain trying to find a way around it all. So we make a U-turn sort of. Jeff and Tim could but Gene needed more room with the truck. So we head off to find a turn around spot. Then across the cb we hear Jeff say he's got a problem. Gene and I make a really fast turn around and head off in their direction. There's Jeff and Tim at an intersection and the bike is dead. Gene gets out of the truck and heads over to them they finally get it started (it seemed to vapor lock). So off we go again trying to find a way home. Finally Tim finds a way we can go and get on I40 only to be routed back off of it. At least this time we found detour signs. Made it to the highway and then a little while after that Tim heads off. No major problems now WE THINK. Then we get off for more gas for Jeff. He fills it up in a little town called Meadow. Jeff heads off to the on ramp and when we get to him the bike is stopped again. He plays with it with some help from Gene. Finally get it started. As we're heading home Jeff figures it's the colder gas hitting a hot engine and shrinking the rubber hose piece. He said he'll just rebuild the thing. At one of our gas stops we're all trying to stay in the shade. Keep the guys cooling off some after being on the bikes in the heat. Some lady comes over she has a problem with her car. We see the hood come up Jeff checks it talks to the lady. Next thing we know Jeff's gettin in the car with the lady for a quick go around to see what's wrong with the car. He diagnosed her problem told her it wasn't major and she'd definitely make it to Pittsburgh. Then we head off. Tim, Gene and George thought this was funny that the lady would come up to Jeff. But it happens alot. So that was our ride home. Took longer then it should have, but we had our family with us. Now for the thankyou's. Don you're wife is an angel. You are definitely very lucky to have her. Eileen is a sweetheart. God bless her for putting up with all of us. I'm positive nobody went home saying how come Don didn't just make hamburgers. That was a lot easier deal then making food. easier to clean up too. You're son seems to be a very good kid you're luck their too. I enjoyed meeting all the new folks to me. I'm probably gonna be terrible at remembering names but I'll remember the faces. Thank you Cindy for the lovely thong. I'll polish it up seems some of the guys were very interested in it and got fingerprints on it. Thank you Lonna and Brad I can't even begin to express how much we love you guys. I'm glad you got to come to eat with us.Sorry if we were an embarrassment :rotf:with the spit balls and salt, and the funny conversation and the sing along. It's a wonder we don't get thrown out of some places. Well now that this is becoming a book I'd better stop. First I have to say a special thanks to Ruffrider. Jeff it was great seeing you again so soon and thanks for what you did. Jeff doesn't feel like he deserved this but he's just gonna have to suffer and enjoy the bike. I'm glad I finally got to meet Yama mama in person, as well as Carl and a few others. It was great. I'm sorry if I forgot anything I need a nap, and a nice cold shower to cool off. Man it's hot here. Love You Guys your the best family a person could find themselves connected to. And we all chose each other. Margaret
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