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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Don just think how much more interesting that pen will be after a bit of Beer cowing. :rotf: Margaret
  2. Geez talk about a tease. Margaret
  3. Sounds good Cindy. You know what else would be good on that some shaved chocolate along with the graham cracker sprinkled on it. I'm gonna save that recipe. Margaret
  4. Great job! Hope some folks can show up, we don't get to meet to many west coast types around here. Have a great time even if it's just you all. OH now that you got the meet planned we do expect some pics as well. Guess I should have mentioned that earlier. :rotf: Margaret
  5. You'll need to resize your pics before loading them up. If you don't already have a program that you can use look up pixresizer. Its a free download. Then you shouldn't have any trouble. Good luck. Margaret
  6. Gee Peggy he thought that was part of the bike as a gift. You know the first fill up. Oh well, maybe it wasn't your $20.:rotf: Margaret
  7. If you need a place to stay on your way down and your riding the Blue Ridge Parkway here's a nice place to stay. Parkview Lodge & Cabins Hwy 221 Milepost 317 Here's the phone number as well, 828-765-4787. I know there's a few other places. I know my husband a few others stayed at a motorcycle place. They had covered area for your bikes. It was nice from what they told me. Have a great time. And ride safe Margaret
  8. Sorry to hear the pain is kicking in. That pie should really make him feel much better. Hang tough Cindy it won't last too long. Margaret
  9. I always thought it should be Happy Dad's Day. Anyone can be a father it takes someone special (and maybe a little crazy) to be a dad. Have a great day guys. I'm gonna see if Muffinman wants DQ. Like I'd have to ask. How's Dale doing Cindy?Gonna keep him drug up for fathers day? Margaret
  10. Glad to hear she's ok. I was wondering how the rest of the folks are doing out that way. I know there's lots of flooding out in the states around her as well. Margaret
  11. Well here's muffinmans pics from MD. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Muffinmans%20MD%20June%207%202008/ Margaret
  12. Hmmmmm now to contemplate what wonderful gift to get Cindy. Guess you'll just have to wait to find out what it is and when you're getting it. Captions were funny. But we will get you Cindy. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  13. Heck Gene I'm already short now you want me to have pointy ears too. Oh to help this along, Jeff said put your hand in the shape of holding an ice cream cone and lick the air. That would work with this bunch. It's not only a way to say hi, but it definitely represents the love of food (more specifically ice cream). Margaret
  14. Glad you're back home. Now just sit back and take it easy for a little while. Can't have you overdoing it too soon. Margaret
  15. Glad Bob is doing well. Sorry you aren't getting much help up there. Maybe someone will call soon. I can't believe nobody else has offered to help. Margaret
  16. My husband said check ebay he saw a couple of 2nd gens being parted out a while ago. I just can't think of anywhere else to get parts off the top of my head. Good luck. Wish we could help but we only have 1st gens. He also said check with your insurance company and find out what salvage yard they send bikes to. Might get one there. Might want to check if any other bikes have the same part might make it easier to find the part. Margaret
  17. I know there's bike bandit. I'm sure some of the guys can think of a few more places to try for the part. Here's the site to make it easier for you. http://www.bikebandit.com/ Hopefully we can find it cheaper for you, if someone doesn't have one. Margaret
  18. Thanks for the pics Peggy. Yep about as funny as I thought. Margaret
  19. Very interesting. Actually looks pretty cool inside. But we'd need a little DC 3 as a floating garage to go with it. Gotta have someplace for him to work on everyone's scoots. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  20. Glad he's home, You should survive this time. At least it wasn't more. Guess this means he'll heal up faster and maybe you'll get some more riding in this summer? Hang in there Cindy. Maybe you could get a nice nurse to give him his sponge bath, someone named Olga maybe. You know the strong type. :rotf: Margaret
  21. Hope the surgery goes well. I don't understand the going back to work just to go home again either. Hope that works out so he can stay home and recover. Hang tough kid we'll be here if you need to just vent a bit. It's gonna be hard on you too. Not much you can do for him with the pain he'll have. Keep us up on how things are going. Oh Steve those folks that hit you on your shoulder are nuts. How cruel to do that sort of thing, nobody hits a heart surgery person in the chest. Glad you survived that. Here's big hugs going out to you and Dale. His is much more gentle though. Margaret
  22. Kuryakyn makes the transformers a bit expensive maybe. They are adjustable not sure if they'll fit on the 2nd gens. I know they make them for the gold wing. Guess it's worth checking out. Here's the link to their site. I'm sure you can find them elsewhere, possibly cheaper too. http://www.kuryakyn.com/category.asp?bn=honda&cn=Footpegs&sn=Footpegs+and+Boards Margaret
  23. Boy you sure are lucky Don. Just think how many wives would let their husband have all his crazy friends over for the weekend. Some camping out in your yard even. Not to mention that pond monster that seems to have multiplied since last year. You are definitely a lucky guy. Your son goes without saying. How many teenagers want to hang around all us old folks. He and his friends didn't even run when Dan (stardbog) got in the hot tub with them. Now the only thing left to do is not only your list but try very hard for the rest of this year (we're counting on you boss) to not put anything else motorized in the pond. Ya know we love ya Boss, definitely goes for the rest of the family. Margaret
  24. Hey Bubba looks like it's up to you dear. I'm not gonna be here when he gets here either. Going to visit family up in NY that weekend. Darn wish it was a different time. So You're in charge of organizing a get together bubba. Since you live there just pick a place and a time for anyone who can make it to meet. It's not too hard, just make sure there's a DQ or some other sort of ice cream around as well. You'll do fine. Margaret
  25. That's great. Two new moderators. Gives us two more people to get in touch with now. Hope they're ready. :rotf: Margaret
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