Spork still has some points on it. Dan we're gonna wrap you up in bubble wrap and maybe some air bags for when you work on the garage. Guess some sort of armor to keep you from lodging sharp implements into your body. Wardens gonna lock you up somewhere Dan.
Great to see you back Cindy, you have been missed. Guess I need to work on my picking skills. Sorry I haven't been as entertaining Carl. I promise to do better.
I think most of the GPS's out there can avoid the interstates or Xpressways. Just have to choose it when deciding how to go. I can do it on the Magellan I have in the truck.
They are so cute and I bet they are gonna be some big puppies. Hope you find them all good homes, cause the alternative is you get to keep them.
I'm guessing Don hasn't posted the winner yet due to the fact that my name must keep coming up. Poor man is trying to make sure he doesn't get stuck with me. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
Need to give us a call when you get here Owl. Since we haven't met you yet. It's only about an hour from us. Depends on if the causeway bridge is finished. Our home phone is in my profile and Jeff's cell is in his.
Heck we got plenty of room out here. Just wait till everyone actually puts themselves on the map. We have lots more folks in NC then actually have pins on the map. (so far)
They are adorable Peggy. How old is your granddaughter now? About 4? Doesn't seem that long ago you were waiting for her to come along.
I added a pic of my granddaughter she's 15 months old now. They took her hiking recently.
I'm posting the link to Taylor's obit. In case anyone lives close enough to head over tomorrow.
She just wants to keep you on your toes and get you some practice shoveling and mowing in one week. Just don't slide into the pond with the mower, or weed eater, or anything else you could be using out there. :crackup::crackup:
You're right Randy we are a great bunch. :)Just one big happy dysfunctional family that will do anything for each other.Within the legal limits of course.