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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Annie and Alan will be here sometime today. I was hoping some folks would actually be able to make it this sat. So it's looking like a small group, oh well. We'll show them a good time anyway. Not sure how much I can squeeze in for them to see in such a short time. Hope some folks can make it. Margaret
  2. Nice pics, you all were just trying out the local cuisine and beverages. Nothing to explain, most of us would have done that as well. No ice cream? Looks like you all had a good time. Margaret
  3. If you make it would be great to see you again. If you can't don't sweat it. Don't want you doing anything to hurt yourself. If not the bike the cage is always an option. Say hi to Brandy for me. Margaret
  4. You can head over by way of 64 (takes you out towards Columbia, it's also a 70mph area) going out towards Manteo. Just have to head up that way along the outerbanks. Margaret
  5. Absolutely sarcasm. Margaret
  6. I miss the Sauerbratten they had at the old restaurant. But I do like the beer. Just have to find a new favorite. Use to go for my birthday every year, now we go to MD. You should have called we could have met up with you. Unless you didn't want anyone to know you knew us. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  7. Alan and Annie will be here friday thru sunday. They are staying in Elizabeth City, so of course we should have a get together. Not sure who all would be able to make it. I'm thinking the Weeping Radish it's in Grandy and would be easy enough for VA folks to get to. Some of us NC folks have a bit harder time. They haven't finished the causeway bridge yet so it's a bit of a round about way to get there. I'll post the address and folks can let me know if they can make it. I'm figuring about 1pm Sat for lunch. Then folks will have time to get there. I'll also post a link so you can figure out what to eat. Plus of course they make their own root beer as well as brew the other beer. So let me know who all can make it. http://weepingradish.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51http:// That's the menu and you can get to the address from their as well. Margaret
  8. Now that's funny. Bet one of our guys could make one better. Then it could be sold for metric bikes. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  9. Yep a guy never moves faster then when he's told he can buy a new toy. Margaret
  10. Wow can you get that in the trailer with the car, bike and beer cart? Margaret
  11. Might want to take her on a test ride before getting a new bike. Plus it's a good excuse to take test rides on a bunch of different bikes. Since it's warmer weather (if it ever stops raining) might be a nice thing to do on weekends. Margaret
  12. I must missed the bike with the gnome on it. That's down right cute. Nice Pics. People are gonna wonder about the clowns though. Margaret
  13. Last pic in this group is on the Ohio turnpike. We had stopped to eat something and look who we ran into Craig and Kim. Margaret
  14. Here's a few of my pics got a few more to post shortly. Enjoy! Margaret
  15. Well hopefully Squid will post soon. I'm guessing they must have made it home by now. Margaret
  16. Nice that you caught a few folks without their normal costumes on. What fun we had yet again. Margaret
  17. Nice pics, I too hate getting stuck in nasty storms and having to take refuge with underpasses. Was that coming or going? We hit rain both ways this time. Margaret
  18. Great Pics Peggy!! Heck I didn't even see you with your camera. Margaret
  19. Glad ya got her fixed up. I was trying to figure out how she was gonna get back home without one. Margaret
  20. Did you give that poor woman some of those balls of rum? Margaret
  21. Yep I was a witness. Not really sure about what costume I'd wear for that one. Bet we could figure something out though. :rotf: Margaret
  22. It was a great time especially when the clowns all showed up. Some were kinda scary though. Hope we got all the mess cleaned up so you and Eileen didn't have too much straightening to do. Oh if I'm not mistaken you go off on a trip today to Buffalo. Be safe out there boss. (I'm guessing he will be kissing that pic every night before bed). Margaret
  23. Not really much else to add or say. Everyone is touched by this dreadful disease at one time or another. Best thing to do is what you already said, take it one day at a time. Spend time with the family especially them grandkids. If I'm not mistaken you have a granddaughter that likes riding in your sidecar, might want to try and take a ride with her (weather permitting). Hope you can enjoy everyday ahead and maybe prove the docs wrong, after all they only practice medicine. Good luck Steve, it's a hard road you're on right now. Margaret
  24. We didn't hav.e any of the 500 mph tape. I figured that might hold it together better then the stuff they had. Plus I think it needed more tape of some kind, any kind. You and Lonna just keep us up on your journey so we know you make it home in one piece. Margaret
  25. It's ok Don I left too. Just got home about half an hour ago. Ran into rain on and off in VA then split up with Riderduke and ran into a thunderstorm, downpouring rain, thunder, and lightning. Wasn't much to do except get through and hope it ended. Turned off of 95 onto 295 and the rain stopped the sun came out light nothing happened. Expect we were really soggy. Oh Don I really did leave, honest. Just don't look in the greenhouse. :rotf::crackup::rotf: Margaret
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