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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Got this card emailed to us from our daughter for Valentines day. We're thrilled and my mom is ecstatic she couldn't even sleep the first night after finding out. We don't know what it will be yet, my granddaughter said she's getting a little brother. Can't wait..... Margaret
  2. My heart goes out to Mike and the boys it's a horrible thing to lose someone only consolation is she won't be suffering anymore. Margaret
  3. Well just remember no scaring us like that. Heck I could start a new career as a stress test. Hope the tests results are all good. Take it easy while out of town. Margaret
  4. Do what Eileen tells you and nothing more. Definitely nothing to play with even if it turns out to be nothing serious. Don't worry about anything with the site someone else can help you out plenty of folks here do computer stuff. I don't want to hear you not listening to Eileen or I'll have to come up to help her out. Now that you've been properly terrified take care of yourself. Margaret
  5. Looks good Kevin now you gotta keep it clean
  6. Not only don't they care about your stuff, this is your baby. You created it nursed it and raised it. Kinda hard to let someone else play with your baby. Good luck with whatever you do Don. Margaret
  7. Have a great time and remember we'd like to see some pics. Margaret
  8. Don you need to eat at least three meals,or five small ones. I've also changed my diet due to high blood pressure,taking a diuretic at the moment. Hoping to get it low enough to get off it. Check out some diabetic cook books for meal ideas, even on the road. You definitely don't want to be diabetic. Good luck with the diet,it's not fun but better than the alternative.
  9. Some of us are a little south of you as well. If you feel like riding down 17. Good luck with the tire question, everyone has there preference. Margaret
  10. Took my mom on a road trip. We met up in PA so mom could go to Gettysburg. My sister and her family brought her that far. We camped at the KOA in Hershey, mom has never camped and after that weekend she won't again. From there mom and I headed to Charlottesville for our first stop. Went to Monticello, then on to the real reason for the trip, my daughter and granddaughter. Mom hadn't seen the great-grandkid since Nov. My dad was pretty bad off at that point but he did get to meet his great-granddaughter. My dad died in Feb. from Cancer. It was tough for all of us but especially mom. I told her then that we should take a road trip down to see Jenn and Rosalee she agreed. Sept seemed pretty far away at that time. We started our trip on the 11th of Sept and I had her back home in NY on the 21st. It was a nice trip and she's all excited to take another trip in the spring. Here's a pic of her and Rosalee. The only thing that would have been better is if dad were still with us for this trip, but life goes on and he'll always be with us in our hearts. Margaret
  11. My heart breaks for you and Eileen. I liked that furry family member. A lot of us know how hard that decision is having made it ourselves. Margaret
  12. Thanks for that info. When you click the documents it has two click the second one and scroll to the bottom they list the vins there. Margaret
  13. Yeah that was the year our leader got us in trouble with the Barney fife of the park. When a park ranger with no sense of humour asks if your drinking never say yes. Margaret
  14. Enjoy the quiet time Don. Have fun just you and Eileen. Margaret
  15. Hope your cheap. :crackup: The price I mean, or the other which ever. :crackup: Margaret
  16. Muffinman bought them really purtty undies for Tom special ya know. Didn't want him feeling anything but purrty and sexy. Of course if needs be we can make sure puc feels just as loved. I happen to know who organized the last few panty mailings. Just need an address. Margaret
  17. :fingers-crossed-emo Got the fingers and toes crossed that you can make it. Gonna make it hard to walk though. Of course now we all have something to look forward to. Margaret
  18. Welcome to the family. How old are the kids? I'm sure someone will get up with you about your bike. We didn't have our annual maintenance day in Ohio this year, but we most likely will next year. If we do make sure you head over. You can bring the family,it's pretty kid friendly. Some of our members are kids mentally that is. Hope you enjoy the site. Margaret
  19. Extremely sad and terrible shock. I feel for his wife and kids. Margaret
  20. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  21. Hope you are enjoying all your ice cream. Margaret
  22. Ok I thought maybe you had actually updated pics of you and Eileen. Oh well. Bike looks nice. Margaret
  23. From the picture a bit tired. Margaret
  24. Have a great trip. Hope you all stay safe and have great weather. Margaret
  25. I have proof of Annie and Alan's gangsta ways. :rotf: Margaret
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