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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Hope you have a great day. Wow 41 years with the same man. :crackup: Guess you trained him well. Margaret
  2. :Happy Birthday: Well better late then never. Hope you had a great day (even if you were traveling all day) Hope you got plenty of rest before the next leg of the journey starts for you. Margaret
  3. Since Iceland is in the water we'll have to get the Navy (US and Aussie) Since Annie volunteered them. Now we'll need some volunteers to head over and search the whole place for Kim. Guess we need a sign up sheet. All those in favor say Aye! Margaret
  4. Looks like you caught the elusive creature in it's natural habitat. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  5. I agree with the reusable ones. Then she can have them for whatever coffee or tea she chooses. My folks and my sister both have them. Actually my sister has two, she uses one for tea and one for coffee. We have all the family get together's at her house. Margaret
  6. I don't think he had anything to do with it Tom. Congrat's grandkids are great. At 42 you'll still be able to enjoy him without the walker once he's walking.:crackup: Margaret
  7. Looks like a nice time. Glad you all got to have fun. Guess Annie and Alan are on their way to get the bikes. Margaret
  8. It's not grabbing you because it's not blue. If it were blue you'd like it better. Just trying to help you Dan. I think a wing trike would be great. Just think of how easy it would be to carry the tent. Might even scare off Bears looking for gloves. Margaret
  9. Hope the next surgery isn't too hard. Good luck and thanks for keeping us up on how it's going. Margaret
  10. Looks like ya'll are having fun. Margaret
  11. Glad they made it to your place. I was wondering when they would get there. Have fun! Margaret
  12. Glad you're close to your mom. Of course that means you ARE close to your mom. :rotf: She'll see lots more now. Enjoy the new place. Margaret
  13. I think they officiate the posts. I'm just guessing and by no means will this be the last post on this subject. Of course this all could just be a test. Margaret
  14. Actually it's the Red River Cereal I was wondering where to get. I found it on Amazon if I can't get it in a store. Margaret
  15. So what are you saying? We are crazy people? Margaret
  16. Nice toy. So does it come with seat belts to keep you from falling out. Margaret
  17. Thanks I'll try it. Might have to go to VA for some of the ingredients. One bad part about living here is the stores don't always have the stuff you want. I'll let you know how it turns out, when I get all the ingredients. Margaret
  18. So does your Patience pass the test. Besides I didn't know you had a Patience living with you and Becky.:crackup: Margaret
  19. I think part of the problem may be that guys never read directions. Margaret
  20. Dang Squid what was your first clue? :rotf: Margaret
  21. Waiting to hear where you were and are today. Hope you've had good weather for your sightseeing. Margaret
  22. I don't think it's like that permanent record thing they use to tell us about in school. And does that still exist? Margaret
  23. OH there's another way to never pay for your own drinks but you have to be female. Also need big knockers. :rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  24. I'd say the supposed normal people out. Ya know normal is in comparison to those around you. So that makes US all normal. :crackup: Margaret
  25. Name of Restaurant Big Al's Soda Fountain & Grill Street Address 716 S Hwy 64 City Manteo State or Province NC Website (Optional) http://bigalsobx.com/ Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Fantastic Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Burgers/seafood/ice cream & pie Alcohol Served? No Additional Comments Food is good, nothing fancy. Dessert and ice cream are good. One thing not to get is the chocolate coke. I thought it sounded good, waitress said not to get it. She told me it was a disappointment. Other then that nothing is bad, they have a juke box and a dance floor. Also a gift shop with all sorts of stuff in it. Plus an awesome Coke collectibles display everywhere in the shop. You can sit at a table or at the soda fountain. If you're at the outer banks head over and enjoy. Prices are reasonable parking is good all paved with friendly service.
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