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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Hey Don I've been watching other Harley's that we pass and thought you might want to let Eileen in on something. Seems that the waving is the passengers job on a Harley. I'm making the assumption that this is due to the fear of taking ones hand off the handlebars. I know I'm in the corner now. It's ok we've decided to renovate the corner since it's getting so crowded. It's gonna be really nice in the corner now folks. Be more like a party room. Margaret
  2. That's not a problem take the hitch off before you go. They never need to know. Margaret
  3. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Have a great day!!! Dang you and Big Tom are born on the same day. Wow what a coincidence. Margaret & Jeff
  4. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Guess there is no reason to remind you to get some ICE CREAM is there? Let alone the cake to go with it. Have a fun day! Margaret & Jeff
  5. :Happy Birthday: Hope you had a great day Jonas! Not long till you visit here I guess. Margaret
  6. I'm guessing we need a Harley section on here now to go with the Wing section we already have. Since we do have a few of them as well. Margaret
  7. Nice ride but if it's loud you have to go to the back like the rest of the harley's. :rotf: Now enjoy your ride. Pretty sad that even the boss went with another manufacturer. Wonder if Yamaha is paying attention? Probably not. Margaret
  8. Nope sorry you aren't allowed to wait we have rules here ya know. Gotta have pics. We'll give you till tomorrow then we'll start figuring out who gets to show up at your house. Oh congrat's on whatever you bought but ya still have to show and tell. Not all of us get to go to the international ya know. Margaret
  9. Guess it's a good thing you left here already. Oh wait you were in the car then. We've been up in the 90's with the humidity not really pleasant here either. Isn't it that dry heat though? I've heard that isn't as bad. Margaret
  10. I agree Let Brad just have it. The original thought of raffling it off was great, but under the circumstances I think it probably should change. Margaret
  11. We'll keep Shatner but you need to take back that little s#$t Beiber. I think having sent him here was cruel and unusual punishment for all of us not little 8 yr old girls. Margaret
  12. He's digging a pool. With all the rain we've had the last few weeks, should fill up easy. :crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  13. Well now you are all set for riding with both bikes. So what are you going to do next? You two have fun! Margaret
  14. I take it the warden had you out digging ditches? Margaret
  15. Sounds like a fun time. Glad you all are enjoying. Margaret
  16. The other article I saw mentioned that the guy was a retired cop from MS. Kinda should have known better. Now as for you two. Dan just think the warden does read this stuff. Margaret
  17. http://crossville-chronicle.com/local/x1696737631/Nude-swimmer-distracts-home-burglary-victim This is just way too funny not to share. Yes he was robbed but it was kinda his own fault. Who lets a stranger in the yard to stip down and swim. What was this guy thinking? Oh right not thinking, with the head on his shoulders anyway. :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  18. I'm guessing you don't want to drop them either. Margaret
  19. :Happy Birthday: Hope it's a wonderful day for you. Margaret
  20. Still get wind in your face at least. Margaret
  21. :Happy Birthday: Hope you have some decent weather for your birthday. Enjoy Margaret
  22. I only have the one, but she's our little angel. Oh and Yammer is starting his own state between his kids and then theirs. :rotf: Margaret
  23. Maybe his dad should rethink that on the job learning part. Might want to explain why you wear the spikes. At least everyone else got a laugh. Margaret
  24. Oregon. Glad you got the bike Annie. Enjoy the riding. Margaret
  25. That's really cool. Margaret
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