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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Glad you joined the asylum. Plenty of answers to any question you have plus any questions you didn't think you needed answered. Enjoy the fun and hope you enjoy the ride. Margaret
  2. Enjoy the day while you can. It's not how you celebrate but that you do. 40 years is a long time. Guess you two started out young. Still in your 40's right? Margaret
  3. What are the odds? Someone should get a lottery ticket after that. Glad you made the trip safe, have a safe trip home. Margaret
  4. I remembered that part just was trying to figure where they'd be stopping before that. Gotta live vicariously through Annie and Alan. Didn't really get to do much this year ourselves. Margaret
  5. Well I remember that incident as well. It did come in handy having the UPS truck in front of us, traffic moved over for him and we just followed. Oh and this pic of you holding a UPS truck side mirror, were you parked? Margaret
  6. Glad you got to Vogel. Wish we could have made it down, but that's life. Enjoy hope you have great weather. Where to next? Margart
  7. Glad you are ok and that you were alone when it happened. Take the time and test drive a few bikes. Take your girlfriend with you. Since you will ride together might as well get her input. My husband did that, tried a bunch of different test rides before buying a new one. Good luck with the next bike. Margaret
  8. Jeff want's to get one of them as well. Margaret
  9. No Problem Robin. We gals gotta stick together. Still not sure what gave Tom the wad in the panties. You wearing the red ones Tom? :crackup:Maybe a G-String? :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  10. Poor Rockin Robin. How can you blame her for that Tom? Really! Some of us know better. You just need to learn to take better care of yourself. Honestly do you expect all of us to believe Robin has anything to do with your voice going missing? Rocking Robin is totally Margaret
  11. Just thought I'd bump this since Vogel is coming closer. Margaret
  12. Dang is that what retirement does to a person? :crackup: Margaret
  13. The Parkway has a section closed due to the road pulling away from the mountain. All the rain hasn't been kind. Anyway here's a link:http://www.blueridgeparkway.org/v.php?pg=25 I figured folks like to travel on it going or coming from Vogel and it's at that end of the parkway by Mt. Mitchel. There is a detour around so you can still ride it. The detour is for about 21 miles of the road. Margaret
  14. Well I don't know what it was, but I'm really glad I can't be blamed for whatever it is. I can say I'm totally innocent. I'd go with the big guy causing all this trouble. You know how those Harley guys can be. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Margaret
  15. Well at least you have great company. You guys enjoy your time in TN. Margaret
  16. At this point it's pretty much up to someone or a group of someone's who want to put one together. Same issue every year, folks want one near them, but nobody wants to put it together. Or they don't have a group willing to help out. Margaret
  17. Hope you had a great day. I think this calls for some shopping. I don't think you have enough stuff, maybe some luggage would be helpful. Oh maybe a bigger trailer to carry your stuff. I'm sure you can find something to get. Margaret & Jeff
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Isn't that what Frosty says when he comes to life. Glad you got another one under your belt. Have a great day and eat lots of ice cream. Margaret & Jeff
  19. Glad to hear you had a good time. Be safe and enjoy yourselves in TN. Margaret
  20. Wow your invisible friend is smart. Does he argue with you in public? Welcome to the site I hope you get to meet lots of the fun people here. Once a year Freebird has Maintenance Day at his house (he's a bit crazy). A bunch of us stay at his house and camp out, others hit the hotels. Not sure how he ever talked his wife into any of it. Poor woman. Margaret
  21. Just remember boss man is at the IR so while he's away we can play. Not sure how long it'll take before he can see straight anyway, he does have to ride the harley home. Maybe somebody there can get him to explain forsake. :rotf: Margaret
  22. Just went in to check it out I like whip 2 better. Margaret
  23. YEAH!!!!! I'm sure Don missed your whip too. I'm also certain that many of the other regulars that had been in chat also missed it. Nice touch with the pic and gif Margaret
  24. You guys have fun and stay safe. How did the new bike do on the trip? Margaret
  25. That's ok Annie we still love ya. :crackup: Jeff wanted to know if you wore the boot rain covers since they'll keep your feet warm too. Margaret
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