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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Biltmore is great just eat a good breakfast before going. You don't want to be hungry since it's pretty pricey to eat there. Also they do wine tasting, we did that last time we went. Margaret
  2. Wow we got a job for you next year at MD Jeff. Oh and it's ok we don't serve spaghetti. Ya'll have the same hair cut too. Is that a requirement for WV state troopers? Nice job. Margaret
  3. We like it out here pretty well. Only problems are during hurricanes or nor'easters. If you ever come this way we can point you to some neat stuff. Hope the weather holds out for you to make the trip. Even at that time of year it's pretty on the BRP. Margaret
  4. Dan I can call the Warden and tell her to hide your tools. You know Don took excellent care of that bike, just ride the thing. Could get her to hog tie ya too, but you might like that. Margaret
  5. Might just want to schedule a 2nd gen 101 sooner. Ya know we love ya Dan. Margaret
  6. I'm on the wrong side of the state but we do have a few folks out that way. Typically we don't have a lot of rain, but as in anywhere that can change. As for stuff to see Asheville is nice with lots to do. http://www.blueridgeparkway.org/ Here's the link for the parkway. You can keep up on weather and any possible closings. Not sure if they fixed that one part yet. I'm sure someone might let you know if they can be a tour guide for ya. Weather can be changeable up there though. Just make sure to bring warm clothes and you should be fine. Here's the tourism site in case there's any things you would be interested in. http://www.visitnc.com Oh and if you ever make it to this side of the state I can help you out on places to go as tour guide. Enjoy your trip. Margaet
  7. Just think Tom those panties you own will now fit better. Margaret
  8. Some folks are just gluttons for punishment I guess. Oh Tom where did it all go wrong? OH why OH why did it have to end that way. OH right he couldn't stop talking about it. Margaret
  9. :crackup::crackup::crackup::rotf::rotf::rotf: :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  10. She's just making plans for ya Tom. Better watch where you go at all times. Never know what's gonna be coming your way. Don't bend over!:crackup::crackup::crackup: Margare
  11. Are you peeking at Tom's panties? :rotf::rotf: Margaret
  12. He's gotta complain some now that he owns a 2nd gen. It's in his nature ya know. Enjoy the bike Dan and ride it. We love ya no matter what. Margaret
  13. Well if Yammer bought it I'm glad. At least we know it was a well taken care of bike and hopefully he won't have to do anything to it for a while. Besides isn't it an old bike now, it is a '99. That makes it like 14 yrs old. Margaret
  14. Maybe if it was rubbed down with ICE CREAM. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  15. I know I know. Margaret
  16. Well congrat's on the anniversary and the birthday celebration. Glad he is healthy. Margaret
  17. Does anyone know if Tom made it through the night? Or did Robin sneak up on him when he wasn't looking. :crackup::crackup: Margaret
  18. As long as you still have room for the bottles. If it comes to it I'm sure some of us can get to you and make sure you get plenty of them bottles to the event. Margaret
  19. Some men never learn do they TOM. Dang it was nice knowing ya. Do you have a really good insurance policy? I'd like to think Taters will be well taken care of. Maybe we can get her a nice pool boy when you're gone. Margaret
  20. Well congrat's on the trike. Now when you guys come to Asheville (next time we have one) will you need a new trailer to bring the trike so you can have it to stay in? Or does it fit in the one you already have? I do like the color. Margaret
  21. Gee you coulda said something. Anyway glad you had a good time. The weather was really nice while you were here. Margaret
  22. Ok mine is "LADY EILEEN" Or "M'Lady" something along those lines since it's for her anyway. Just a thought. OH maybe even "Lovely Lady" Margaret
  23. Well if that's the one Eileen wants then congrats on the new boat. She definitely deserves what she wants. Heck not only does she put up with you, she puts up with all of us invading her home once a year. Enjoy the new toy and I hope you have many happy hours with it. Margaret
  24. Courtney is adorable. Looking forward to seeing the pics of the other new member. Enjoy your new kids. Margaret
  25. Hey now just 'cause some of these guys are a little long in the tooth doesn't mean ya get to call them antiques. :crackup: Good luck Don. Oh I see something coming in your future at MD. Hmmmm what could we get the man that has a harley? Margaret
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