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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. But Eck you were the one that told us about the cell phone. Twice :crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  2. Saw this and thought of you George I have no idea why. Margaret German groom forgets bride at gas station BERLIN (AP) -- A German couple's marriage got off to a rocky start when the groom forgot his bride at a highway gas station on the way home from their honeymoon, only noticing she was missing after hours had passed. Police said Friday the couple was heading home to Berlin from France when the man pulled over near the central town of Bad Hersfeld late Thursday to fill up their van. The woman had been sleeping in the back but got up - unbeknownst to the man - to use the toilets and he drove off before she returned. Only after 2 1/2 hours on the road did he notice she was gone and called police, who said she was patiently waiting.
  3. :Happy Birthday: Hope you had a great day Peg! How's 21 feel? Margaret
  4. 2013. There was no new one for this year and it's looking like no Venture at all unless Yamaha changes it's mind. Margaret
  5. Actually no they aren't been discontinued. Margaret
  6. Well he's just wrong. Heck Alcohol is an antiseptic so it's gotta take care of the germs and water just dilutes that effect. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. Margaret
  7. Hot toddy sounds good just skip the water and drink the rum. Hope you feel better soon Annie. How warm is it by you? Getting close to summer for you folks. Margaret
  8. Dang glad I wasn't on that list of the old folks that needed to see the video. :crackup: Squid I didn't know you were that much younger then me. Margaret
  9. Hope they give you details next time they talk to you both. Tell Linda no more of these complicated things. She's gotta be up and running so we can hopefully get to Asheville next year and drink some wine. Margaret
  10. Sure anyone can come we do get to ride year round here. Even when we get snow it doesn't typically last long. Margaret
  11. When the switched from the 1st to the 2nd gen it was a 6 year wait. So I doubt we'd see a new one next year. Margaret
  12. Well move on down. The more the merrier. If you do come for a visit at least, let me know I'll get a group together for a M&E. Margaret
  13. The upside is she's in the hospital. Glad she's staying positive, best thing to do now. keep us up on how it's going. Keeping good thoughts going from here. Margaret
  14. If he has to sell make sure to get some good pics of it and post it on here. Hope he doesn't have to sell it. Margaret
  15. We have a few members down there and we aren't too far north from there. Beer30 is in Jax if you want to get in touch with someone. Just think it's a good excuse for a nice ride to visit the grandkid. Margaret
  16. I'd love to know how we could force term limits on these idiots. Presidents can only be there for a max of 8 yrs so why should congress and senate get life. Margaret
  17. Yeah he always had a smile. Fun guy that will be missed. Margaret
  18. The hubby test drove one as well. He didn't care for it at all. But if you are interested in one take a test drive on one. Only way to know for sure if you'd like one. Don't want to buy one and then find out you don't like it. Margaret
  19. You can still go just on your own. Have a fun ride. We're gonna have rain here all weekend it looks like. Somebody has to have a nice ride, and you can think of us. Margaret
  20. Glad to hear she's sleeping. Keep tippy toeing around the house and you're absolutely right she really does need the rest. I'm sure she won't hit ya too hard Dan. She knows you just love her and want whats best for her. Have you made an appointment with the new doc yet? Margaret
  21. Maybe this new doc will know what her problem is. A new head working the problem is a good thing. Oh and you probably should ask him about his bike, then you won't have to worry about making him mad. Tell Patsy to take it easy till you find out what's up. I know how she is and she'll be cleaning stuff if she thinks she can. Might have to nail her down. Margaret
  22. Will be waiting for the next report. Here's to all going well. It's always nice when the doc says things are looking good. Margaret
  23. You got it and just remember to hang tough. Don't let them push you all around. Keep us up on how she's doing. If need be take her to a different hospital like Joe mentioned. Margaret
  24. Yeah right, We've heard that before. What's another girl anyway. You only have the two. Need to make the total count 4 kids. I'm sure Leslie wouldn't mind. Just think you could become a house hubby once the retirement thing kicks in. Isn't that near where you conceived the last one? Margaret
  25. Well if you come down and don't want to spend too much time on the parkway you could always try this:http://www.royalfaires.com/carolina/ The only thing is it's only open on the weekends (fri, sat, & sun) Margaret
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