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Everything posted by mini-muffin

  1. Yeah! Glad she's home. Tell her to take it easy and she knows how much we love her. Margaret
  2. Guess that means while you recover she can ride. Do what the doc says so you can recover well. I'm sure Charlene will do fine on the trike. I think you'll end up riding behind her or you may need to get her one of her own. Margaret
  3. You'll do fine taking care of her. Glad the outlook is so good for her coming home. Margaret
  4. Dang hope you all heal fast and that the wife doesn't hurt ya too bad later. Ya know in the long run you're gonna be in trouble. Keep us up on how all is going and if you have bikes to ride home on. Margaret
  5. How's everything going with Linda? Just wondering when she'll be getting home. Margaret
  6. Here's to all going well. Guess you can think of it as an early christmas present. Hopefully this will take care of it all and you can start riding next year. Margaret
  7. Actually I meant the cabana not the boy guess I phrased that wrong. Oh Well. Margaret
  8. Certainly is Richard and Patricia. Margaret
  9. What if we want a cabana boy? Does Wally world sell one of them in blow ups too? :crackup: Margaret
  10. Definitely ditch the computer or the phone. Enjoy and relax. Margaret
  11. We need a pool for him? Margaret
  12. The title made me look. I wanted to know why he wanted the moderators help him with that. Ya know making him.............a well you know.... Margaret
  13. So how much had you drank when you married him? Margaret
  14. Now you went and did it, got them all excited. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Margaret
  15. Awesome keep the good news coming. Heck she'll probably be home before ya know it. Recovery from even bypass surgery isn't as long as it use to be. Margaret
  16. Well as soon as she gets all better tell her no more of this stuff. Can't have her giving us all that sort of scare. Tell her to take it easy and do as the docs say so she can get out of the hospital. I'm sure you are happy it all went well. Take care of her. Margaret
  17. Glad someone is going to do something. Hope the gall bladder coming out solves a good portion of the problem. I'd tell you to tell her to take it easy but I know better then that. It's gonna drive her crazy not being able to do stuff after she has the surgery. Good luck on that part. Margaret
  18. Glad to hear she's doing well. Can't wait to hear how she is tomorrow. Margaret
  19. Thanks for the update. Margaret
  20. So far I looked on Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu and it's not listed on any of them. Guess it's gonna be a while before we can see it down here. I'd love to see it. Lots of folks in the states know nothing about that war, or that we invaded Canada. Margaret
  21. Yamaha's got the 1300 deluxe tour model now with audio, ipod/iphone connection and zumo gps. So I'm thinking they aren't in any hurry to reintroduce something like the venture. Margaret
  22. For those that missed out on the origins of this story here's the link: http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50030 Margaret
  23. How about the title might be able to find it on Hulu or Netflix. Margaret
  24. Here's to a complete recovery after the surgery. It's gonna be a long wait for you sitting while it goes on. Are you going to have anyone with you? Hope so. Glad to hear she's still positive. Margaret
  25. Well when do you retire? Or are you already retired? Just start planning your move. It's nice down south we can ride all year. Margaret
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