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Everything posted by hrlyridr77

  1. HAD it hauled in to a shop I was told about (Hog Wild, W Sprfd MA). Turns out there was a broke wire under the tank that shorted, killed the battery. New battery, wire soldered and taped, all is well. I think I got lucky...
  2. while riding yesterday (5/16/15) the bike cutout a a stop sign. When restarting, it acted funny - electrically - dash went dead, then came back and started ok. No further problems yesterday. This morning, turned ignition key, and when I hit the starter button, all went dead. No lights, no nothing. Stayed dead. Battery reads 12.5+v at battery, and at 30A fuse (L rear under cover). Lifted the tank, and got 12.5+v on main red wire at connector (pinkish one) but nothing on the brown wire next to it. Getting under keyswitch looks to be daunting (so many covers...) but I'm suspecting that is the culprit, since nothing is live beyond it. I've read where the keyswitch has been a problem on some models. Is this one? I'm going to call the dealer in the morning, but he doesn't have a great service reputation.... Any thoughts form you folks?? Thanks,
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