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Everything posted by Mrzrex

  1. Do all the wires need to be cut and extended ?? I love the bike but NOTHING is easy to work on !!!!!!!
  2. I started out toward home from work and didn't get a 1/2 mile and started missing real bad. Seemed hard to believe that it could ingest that much water in such a short time ?? I was wanting to take it on a little trip but afraid to now !! I drove it last year to a concert and it started raining on and drove for for miles in the rain with no problem at all. I guess that is why I am a little confused about this problem from one year to the next. It is always garage kept too :-/
  3. Wait that doesn't seem to make sense ??? The clutch slave ? I thought the TCI or igniter is under the battery box ??
  4. What is the TCI any how ?? And that would make it miss terribly ???
  5. Yes go to partsnmore.com They have a lot of stuff.
  6. I have a 1983 XVZ1200 and when it rains it starts missing horribly and actually will drop down to one or two cylinders. I barely made it home from work. When it dries out it runs fine ?? Spark plug wires ? I was reading the one post about coil removal and looks to be a nightmare !!! Any suggestions please ???
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