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    SACAMENTO, CA, United States


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    United States


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  1. WELL Last time I was on i said I was buying an old venture for 250 bucks well I had a dog almost die from parvo so thats were my money went this last pay check but i was able to get him down another 50 bucks so 20o bucks an its mine now I need to find a truck to get it up here its a 1.5 hour drive one way I got a couple of friends with trucks one is waiting to get his lungs transplanted so hes out the other one is a tight wod.... thinkin bout goin to uhaill to see how much that would be oh ya I got pictures.... it was cramped in that garage so I coulded get full veiws but a few good weekends cleanin an shinin it up should get it lookin nice we still havnt got ti to run I guess im gonna have to break down an buy a battery for it Istill dont know wat year it is he still swears its a 1990 i cant tell ohya where is the vin # on these he has the owners manual it say its under the seat on the left side but we coudnt find it an the radio an the cb player are gone so there 2 big hole in the fairing what can I use to fill those holes il put a mP3 player an amp on one side an maybe after cb on the other jus thinkin a head for now at least my dog survived the parvo but thats a 500 dollar vet bill nut shes worth it crazy german shepard anyways Ill be back soon l8er
  2. hey every one Im a newby here but i just made arrangements to pick up a 1200cc venture its all there but the radio an cb but all the plastic is there just not bolted in he was gonna paint it an lost interest its a runner too sounds real good for not running in a year an the price is right too he was asking 500 he said he ll take halve of that so Im getting it in about 10 days anyways he said its a 1200 an its a 92 but i thought they went to the 1300 in 89 but he insisted its a 92 1200 venture so i thought id ask the experts I brought my camera to take pictures an didnt take 1 DOH!! an how do you tell the difference between the gen 1, gen 2 an soo on looking foward to this Ive had many KZ1000s that i road warrior-ed out (watch mad Max) but ive always wanted a venture after I saw a guy pop a wheelie on one brand new back in 86 or 87 just made it look effortlessly Im not gonna be doin that just thought it looked cool lookin forward to many chats about my bike in the future talk to you soon
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