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Everything posted by kevin-vic-b.c.

  1. I expected no less of a response from you Tom !
  2. was that a skill testing question?
  3. Passing in the center lane? It is a 2way turning lane... hate to think folks will start using it as a passing lane now. 4way stop.... there is right and wrong but..... I was told if there is a car that is likely to hit you in the drivers door... it gets to go first. Yes I was also told to let the guy on the right go first but I usually let the other car go first in any case... much safer. Mythbusters did the part on hitting the animal on the road.... it don't matter how you brake or hit the animal.... you hit the animal... it will be hurt and your car broken
  4. We woke to a Tsunami warning today. A few of our water front communities had been evacuated. One of the schools in my district is used as a refuge center for the little community it serves. We are ok, by the time the wave got to the west coast it was very small ( 2 foot). Yes we do always live on the edge waiting for "the big one". All my life we have been told it is coming and Vancouver island is going to fall into the ocean..... Yes.... let us all pray for those that are living in Japan and those that are no longer living because of the earthquake. To all the nations of the world that have help on its way to Japan..... thank you.
  5. but I am trying to hide so knowone knows who I am or where I am..... for some reason it is not working..... not sure why.
  6. Are these like over the counter things? I have never heard of them.
  7. I do know that nothing helps those on chemo more than some "BC Bud" I have never used it for that reason but I have been told by people that do know. As for the headaches and nausea, yup, it will help if not eliminate the issues for you. No, smoking it once will not help, a small amount at a time and relax...... not that I have ever had any experience with such a thing.
  8. Yes I have a 2005 Suzuki gs500 as a "toy" to ride around.... I bought it for the kids dear! I have a collector plate on my Venture now so cannot ride it to work so I commute either with my Kuwahara Manhattan 21 speed or on the gs500
  9. I got my progressive springs yesterday, I am slightly confused when it comes to the fork oil level. First thing is to block the bike up so the front wheel is off the ground, then I need to fully compress the forks and measure to the top of the fork oil. I am sure there is an easy way of doing this but I am easily confused and this has got me. I do not have the bike apart yet, I just need to know what I am doing before I take it apart. Thanks everyone.
  10. I just think the winters are waaaaaaay too long out east...
  11. As a person that commutes almost daily by bicycle to and from work, first I must say..... bicycles do not use sidewalks! Around here you will get a ticket for doing so. Here we commute year round so our tax dollars have prepared most of the main roads with cycle lanes and we have commuter trails that run into the main city area from the outer communities. With this said unless you have extremely narrow streets or possibly some extremely large road vehicles we do not have, most roads are constructed with enough width that a bicycle and a car can pass in one lane IF the car driver actually knows how to drive the car and is aware of its' size. As for lane swapping, running lights/stop signs and the other infractions some have mentioned... how often do you see crotch rockets doing the same things. I am sure this will piss a few people but... it comes from the other side... a cyclist.
  12. :clap2::thumbsup2: :clap2: :thumbsup2: As a guy that has had to drop 70 lbs about 5 years ago for my health... and my wife Lori lost 100 lbs at same time.... We know how hard you are working. We had it easy... we could go out walking to help us do it..... Keep up the good work.... and drugs are a good thing at times. ice cream once aweek as a treat. No cheap stuff buy the best and just have a small dish every week..... or a small"thins" good quality chocolate bar... and enjoy it. Kevin
  13. I am curious... this is my personal intrest.... what is the date code on the tire? It should have a 4 didget code on the side wall giving date of manufacture...IE: 0610 would be June 2010...... Some do not feel it is important but I have sent tires back to suplier for old date codes.
  14. they have got to be better than not checking the psi ! yes they do look cool also
  15. Somewhere in your settings for the email you need to set up a "default" email. That will be the address that would open up when ever you click on a link like craigslist or you go to email a link or page to someone. I use "windows mail" as part of my Vista program as my default. If you have a couple of different emails you may not want to always send out by that same address so you would keep it as it is... IE: you need to copy and paste the address. good luck:sign67:
  16. As I understood from my Suzuki dealer when I bought my little bike... gs500 .... he told me not to keep it at a constant rpm. Any rpm constant..... so no do not let it sit and idle and just as important in your case.... do not get it on the highway and lock the cruse control on and ride home for 500 miles. oooh and the oil will need to be changed very soon too... I think they gave me like 1000 Kms (600 miles) for my first oil change and valve adjustment. The Nav would be my first choice in a new bike.... I rode an '09 and when I returned it told the dealer.... I could have been a long way away before you reported that stolen.... it is very nice. The bank account with large children still at home will keep me on a Venture for one more "generation" and loving it.
  17. Sounds more like stuck floats. Gary[/size][/font] Is that not where the "Sea Foam" comes in? I read most of the posts even if I don't understand them!
  18. If a Canadian may ask questions on this subject... I have no knowledge of fire arms ..... as we do not carry weapons as you do in th US ..... some do own hunting weapons but not "daily carry" weapons. How much does one of these weapons you are discussing cost.... the ammo cost and do you have firing ranges around to practice at close by? Just wondering from the outside looking in......
  19. Not so good here now Rocket. Snow hit us on Wednesday, wind chills of -16* Celsius and as I type this it is snowing again with about 6 inches still on the ground. For those that don't know... that is a MASSIVE snow fall out here. I was hoping to be back riding again by today but not going to happen. I am praying for rain again soon!
  20. We have a snow day today! It has been over 2 years since we had a snow day for almost all of our schools, public and private..... It started off wet and rainy yesterday with hail mixed in then it froze up last night real good. Lori got up @ 5:30 it was iced over outside.... she had a shower and came to wake me.... by then there was over an inch ..... now close to a foot deep... still falling and supposed to continue overnight tonight...... No riding now until the weekend at least now...... never thought I would use this smiley on my own thread.....:snow2::snow2: :crying: :crying:
  21. If I cannot learn from my mistakes..... I am not likely to learn much at all.
  22. photography community football with my sons various community volunteering
  23. I have seen a few dealers that use it to detail the bikes in the showroom.... great to use on windshields and helmet visors. It does not last as long as a say Turtle detailing spray but if you clean and detail your bike as often as I do.... it is excellent and inexpensive.
  24. Yes this place is great. I belong to other local sites but everyone there is doing their own thing. Yes there is those few on those sites that you just wish would go away. I have been around this site about 3 years quietly learning about my Venture. When I asked for help with my first "major" problem... taking my rear wheel off.... I posted at 10 pm and when I returned to my computer at 6 am to find a 3 page note on how to accompanied by photos I just could not believe it, and my wife was even more shocked. This place is a family... This place is a way of life ...... These people here are good people. Be proud everyone.
  25. I think it might work.... think so maybe, what do you think here? seems too :thumbsup2:
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