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Everything posted by kevin-vic-b.c.

  1. Sorry we finally sent it south to you.... a large high pressure came down from Alaska and brought us a beautiful sunny warm weekend and ..... well now you have the cloud and rain. It was our turn... this may be our summer and we deserve sun too ! :thumbsup2:
  2. The ride is the high! Around here if you have more than one beer (on average) and you blow over a .05 on a breathalizer you loose the liecence and the bike on the spot. Then you start the payment game... to get the liecence back then the bike towing and impond... and possibly the 12 month suspention and fines from court if you are also over .08. We do ride form coffee shop to coffee shop and do some poker along the way... got second place last time out.... the best I have ever done
  3. A bit of time at a hydrolic line suply shop and you would have everything you would need to make a cross kit. I am not real familiar with the 2nd gen so not sure how to route it to look correct. I make pneumatic suply lines for the heating systems out of 1/8 inch tubing and fittings to hold 20 psi all the time.... should not be difficult to do for a guy that is good with thought and a few tools. This being said I assume the air fittings on the shock towers thread in and out.
  4. I think it is the Elite series tires made one with "Harley" printed on it..... same tire but more expensive cuz it says Harley. My brother has them on his big Harley
  5. Yes you should always check them "cold".... it was close to 100 degrees there on the weekend so you bet the pressure will change if you have the bike out in the sun too.
  6. Not exactly sure of the 2nd gen pressure but I believe 1st gen was about 12 psi so you must be very close. The 1st gens had a x-over to ballance the air equally... the second gen did not...... so yes they can be un even. Yours is kinda extreem but if someone that was unaware of the maximum hit that little shrader with an air line at the local gas bar yup 40 psi is there so fast you barely knew you touched it. As I understand it the best way to deal with them is to buy a small hand pump from a hardware or bicycle shop and hand pump them...... as close to even as you can. You may wish to "play" with presures to see how you like the feel of them. I don't know for sure but I imagine that the "progressive springs" are out there for the 2nd gens also... I put them in my 1st gen and love them.... and no more air.
  7. :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that:
  8. That is how I felt the first time I asked for help.... wait till they get to know you then they will start to really open up to you.... these guys are the best of the best. Enjoy
  9. Don't know... my '86 still has the stickers.... and keeping them
  10. beat me to it.... I was going to start this thread.... rats! He sent me a PM from Washington State on Wednesday
  11. I think a lot of this does come down to.... we want.... to do this do that. Yes any machine that is a few years old most likely needs a good going over because the guy that sold it after only 2 or 3 years likely only did what the dealer told them they had to do to keep warrenty. And I guess... it know for me..... the bike is a play thing. Do you want to be upstairs watching "The Good Wife" or "The Office" reruns on TV with the wife or do you want to be in the garage playing with the bike? The better you know that machine the more comfortable you will be with it on and off the road and the safer you know it will be. I don't want a machine that I cannot play with ... it is who I am. And like the custom cars of yester-year we need to make it ours. :Venture: :Venture: :Venture: :Venture: :Venture: :smile11: :smile11:
  12. :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: A plug will get you home.... then fix it properly or replace it.
  13. can be the first!!!!!!!
  14. If you do find some E3s make sure to check the date code: I tried last summer to buy a set and they were over 3 years old on date code. May not make a differrance to you if you are using a set a year but I will never wear a set out withing the date recommendations. I ended up with Metzler and am ok with them but will not hoist a flag too high for them. They feel real soft even at full pressures. ..... does 2 cents get you an opion anymore? I know it is a nickel for a penny candy now days.
  15. Mom, and Dad who has been gone for 21 years, always were proud to say.... that is one of my children (grandchildren) each and every one of us made mom the happiest lady ever. As she aged and we started taking her to church every week she loved to "show off" the children that were always with her to the others at the church. My grandfather helped build the church... in the late fifties.....My mom was the longest parishioner so far... I guess I will be able to beat her as I have a 52 year start on her record. Thanks everyone... it has been a very long day with no sleep and everyone visiting all day.... Grand Marnier and Starbucks are helping me for now.... Sleep will be here real soon.
  16. I got a call at 11 last night that my elderly mom had taken a bad turn. The family rallied around, the parish priest gave her her final blessings at 3 this morning and she went off to be with god and my father at 7 this morning. 11 children, 43 grand children and 27 great grand children and all of the spouses will now just have our memories. Hug your children for me will ya........
  17. Yep, I had convinced the wife to join me on a nice ride up the "Sunshine Coast" Not sure that is going to happen now because if the sun don't shine on that coast the rain takes over real good. :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: :rain2: Welcome to Canadas' We(s)t Coast!
  18. it is like drinking... drink resposably ..... eat responsably Like they say it is about the fats but you do not have to eat nothing.... This is a warning! The next step if ignord is likely the cardiac ward .... assuming that has not been the first step .... eat healthy now or it is green food only later. I have been blessed with 7 older brothers and a father that I have had the pleasure of watching ahead of me.... me: galbladder out when I was 46 .... cardiac ward by 49, same as my dad and 2 of my brothers. Now cycle 15 miles aday in the gym 3 times aweek, walk inbetween and am 70 lbs lighter than I used to be. OOh gotta go.... burgers are on the BBQ !
  19. :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that:
  20. mmmmm only 2500 miles each way. Think the wife will fall for the going for ice cream dear ? I understand Big Tom has some good ice cream showing up.... but not sure it will fly at this end.
  21. I have an '82 kz 440 not a LTD in my back yard if you want another project.... come and get it! :mo money:
  22. Rode the big Strata liner yesterday at the local dealers test ride day..... it will shake the P*ss out of you..... as a highway bike the 1900cc, I am sure you could reach some huge top speeds.... only used 3 gears to get it to 60 mph ... 2 gears left...... it is not a V4
  23. Thankfully you have our Martin-Mars water bomber down there helping with some of the fires burning around the southern borders..... that thing will keep you safe.
  24. I must have gotten a different census.... All they asked me was who lived "under my roof" what was there name age(dob) sex, relationship and what language they spoke and what language they learned first in life..... all done
  25. Interesting... I had my carbs adjusted over the winter and I know for a fact that they got adjusted at or near idel speed and yes my fuel milage totaly sucks now. I now get about 20% less out of a tank than before.... the bike responds and drives well but the fuel milage is crappy.... next adjust will be at higher rpm I guess.
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