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Everything posted by kevin-vic-b.c.

  1. Miles sadly I am going to have to sell my 86 Standard...... Just saying..... not too far away.
  2. Ok yesterday it worked fine for me...... today the map is blank. I can see the members list, I can call up my point... or anyone's point one at a time but the main map is blank.
  3. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhq-yO1KN8]John Lennon - Imagine (official video) - YouTube[/ame]
  4. Never figured why they put a power shield on the ST1300 and not the wing
  5. Glad you are around Rocket, we should have coffee if you are hanging around. I am off through Wednesday next week.
  6. Clive I was out at Princess Auto on Sunday and they have a nice little set there that Lori asked me if we should get..... sorry I said no.
  7. Wow..... I am glad I live up here in the warm part of Canada. But seriously, I hope everyone stays safe and the storms dissipate quickly. Be careful out there folks.
  8. Hey Gene'O I will be riding down to Lacey Via Port Angeles if you wish to join us!
  9. yup, I got the old girl out for a ride today as well, took Lori with me too! Brought the 86 out, headed out for a nice brunch and cruised the beach and around outside of town. I love the 86, it is a beautiful ride!
  10. My first question is..... is that a new rear tire I see? that would account for what you describe happening. 90 degree turn on a first gen with a new rear tire and you will be laying flat real quick if not careful. Second question..... you want to buy another 86 identical to that one? I happen to have one I have to put up for sale very soon.
  11. May I add, I never use a wrench installing a filter.... hand is all you need in my opinion.
  12. My youngest son bought me a "strap wrench" called a Cobra one year for my birthday when he was like 12 or 13. It had a plastic handle and a rubber strap, it fits all kinds of oil filters on cars and bikes. Never had an oil filter it would not remove and it probably cost him $10.
  13. Nice ride, enjoy it.
  14. Do not be fooled by.... tires have 75% ! How old are the tires? Every tire has a date code on it.... check them! If they are five or more years you are replacing them so subtract a set of tires from purchase price... by the time the smoke cleared at the shop today I was $745.00 with taxes and a set of rear pads all installed on my 2002, prices may vary in your region. And yes Bling is nice but it means nothing on dead tires and batteries.
  15. I am good on my 02, I am about as average size as you get. the feet are definitely further forward than on the first gen but it is a comfortable position.
  16. My 02 is getting Venoms on it as we speak (type) Front is on rear has just been pulled off. I have heard a lot of good on them. My 86 I have had Metzlers on for a few years and LOVE them. I hope the Venoms will be as good or better, that review will come later. Oh and the Venoms were $25 cheaper, every buck helps right after buying a 3rd bike.
  17. wrap it in an old brown paper bag and it is all hidden.
  18. No Bulk discounts??????? The US economy must be picking up!
  19. Sooooo would you be bringing that carbtune to the M&E at the end of the month???? And from what I have found so far.... carb sync or no.... lots of 1st gens will be passing any second gen...... OOOH I am going to be in trouble with the other 2nd gen owners.... having both in the garage I am now able to get involved in this.
  20. Do we all have to post the url for the new map or will it auto update all previous maps? http://mapfling.com/qkjzmf3
  21. Thank god it aint just me !
  22. OK I know this is going to get into the old 1st and 2nd argument but now I can actually give an honest first hand answer. First gen fixed fairing is much easier to handle much lighter for steering, yes the draw back is the headlight not turning with you. If Yamaha made a first gen 20 years newer I would buy it! If I had any pennies I would say that is my 2 cents worth so you gotta settle for a nickel!
  23. Rocket seems to be missing from the site. I know he was going away for retraining into the Civilian life but I thought the Armed Forces would let him have internet access while in training.
  24. I looked at the "sighting" map and it tells me to use a "blue balloon" to mark a location. I think further and more for us stupid folks directions are required for this map. I would love to mark my location on it if I figured how to do it. Just me.....
  25. I think the pounding is the key here but from what is described of location I don't think that is going to happen. Liquid wrench brand anti-seize and heat.... impact if possible is only way here I think. I would say that is my 2 cents but I don't have any pennies left.
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